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What Current Anime Are You Watching Version v4.0


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you're so right. even if i've read the manga and know what's going to happen next, the anime still manages to tense me up. and the scenes where they're flying about, it's just a wonder to behold. curious if they used motion capture for reference?

in this latest episode, i thought the musical score was particularly good. and believe it or not, this is actually the first time i've heard the entire OP. i didn't know there were rock bits in the middle. i liked it. really gets the blood going. i'll look into the composer and check out his other work.

and that speech by Pixis sure beats a lot of what Hollywood puts out, particularly Eric Bana's in Troy.

edit: you guys are making me curious about Oreimo and Maria Holic. my first thought is that it's not my cup of tea, but recently, i've been so wrong about what kind of animes i thought i like. fortunately, it's been more of pleasant surprises rather than disappointments

The OST to Attack on Titan by Hiroyuki Sawano comes out in july. It's gotten some quite big preorders as far I can hear. And that OP really does get you in the mood for seeing the rest of the episode.

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For the Oreimo fans. The last 3 episodes will be simulcast all over the world officially. On Aug 18th 1 pm (JST).

On 17th 9 pm in LA, on 18th 6 am in Paris.



Edited by antibiotictab
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Remarkable really. Is this a first? An anime series getting simultaneous worldwide release?

Tiger & Bunny. Simulcast on TV and Ustream. But I don't know it was subbed.

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Recently got hooked on Sket Dance. Much funnier than I expected--great for killing time and winding down after a long day.

Occasionally watching an ep or two of Gunslinger Girl Il Theatrino. I started out thinking it was the second season of the original series, but it looks like a reboot of some sort.

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gah! i'm hooked on Oreimo! Me-ru meru meru meru meru meru me~

i screwed up in the sequencing though. i had watched the first 3 or 4 episodes then went on a business trip. i resumed when i got back and it felt disjointed at first but i went with it as the story development was getting interesting. after a handful of episodes they were doing flashbacks i haven't seen and pretty sure i would've recalled if i did. that's when i realized i goofed and was watching season 2 :rolleyes:

backtracking now and checking out Kuroneko stuff.

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I'm glad you're enjoying it. Hopefully you have access to the last 4 eps of thr first season. Unfortunately, they're not currently being streamed since they were DVD release bonus eps. I'll say nothing more, since I'm not sure what you haven't seen.

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I just finished Another. I have to admit this series was great, it was very well done even if the pacing in the middle was kind of slow and the OVA was rather unnecessary (could they not have explained HOW dead people sneak into the middle school every year and why it messes with memory? Nope, we had to get slice of life and not-yuri fan service). Episode 8's fan service was beyond unneeded especially since the rest of the series had pretty much none of, which I have to give it credit for. Very enjoyable overall.

Edited by DuelGundam2099
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One more ep of Oreimo before the month and a half wait for the finale. As for ep 11:

Manami's assault wasn't the huge offensive I was expecting, but quite crafty none the less. This was obviously Ayase's ep, and she made her move accordingly. The big reveal here is that Kyosuke actually has made a decisoon, and thankfully it's not Ayase. As cute as she is, she's obviously crazy, and that kind of crazy doesn't soften or go away. Good job Kyosike! I just hope his final decisoon turns out to be Kuroneko. Speaking of which, OMG what a great move by sending her sister in to spy!

Edited by Keith
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One more ep of Oreimo before the month and a half wait for the finale. As for ep 11:

Manami's assault wasn't the huge offensive I was expecting, but quite crafty none the less. This was obviously Ayase's ep, and she made her move accordingly. The big reveal here is that Kyosuke actually has made a decisoon, and thankfully it's not Ayase. As cute as she is, she's obviously crazy, and that kind of crazy doesn't soften or go away. Good job Kyosike! I just hope his final decisoon turns out to be Kuroneko. Speaking of which, OMG what a great move by sending her sister in to spy!

Got to admit that Ayase looked adorable there at the end though. But she's been acting too crazy since she found out about Kirino's otaku ways so it was hard for her to be the one. Didn't you feel that this episode was a bit rushed? It felt to me like they crammed a lot of development in there. Like since when is Saori actively a part of Kyosuke's harem? She was always more of the friend to everyone wasn't she?

Even though Kuroneko would be the best end, I'm still feeling that they're going to go the imouto route in some way or another. Let's see what the ending brings us.

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Saori isn't part of the a harem, she just wanted to play along too. Clearly she is enjoying the chaos of it all. Not sure if this ep filled rushed, though it did cover a lot of ground. And despite the title of the next ep, I still don't see things going "that" way.

Edited by Keith
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Episode 12, Attack on Titan's director in really not much into rushing things. Very deliberate slowburn pacing here. I get the feeling this series will get a second season (specially with the success it's having).

And to Dat Punch and Dat Jaw, it's added Dat Blush now.

Edited by Marzan
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How close to the current manga volume is the snime now (Titan), I get the feeling that has more to do with the pacing than anything.

I'm trying to read keeping behind the anime so I don't spoil the action and we're roughly up to episode 15 so far. They are keeping it very, very close to the manga and only moved some chapters chronologically which I think was a good move by the director. And as Archer said, there are 46 eps out., so I think a second season is not far fetched unless we get an anime original ending.

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After an explosive introduction, the anime has really slowed down. I'm thinking, as marzan said, that this will pan out into 2 seasons, as there is no way at the current pace that they are catching up to the manga.

Chapter 46 of Titan delivered a lot of interesting hints by the way.

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Finally got around to finishing Dennou Coil. Wonderful and charming little series thats vastly underrated. It's the type of thing that Ghibli might've done in an alternate reality where they still made unique and thought provoking animation. This show has future nostalgia and whimsy by the bucket and the 'hige' (whiskers) episode is utterly brilliant. Grab the R4 box from Madman entertainment while you can. It's well worth it.

Other than that, just saw episodes 18-22 (Ch.6) of Yamato 2199 and loved it (am off to see it at the cinema a 2nd time tomorrow night). The show continues to be not only the greatest anime remake ever, but also one of the most fun space opera's that has come out in a long time. Final few eps drop in August and I can't wait.

Also saw episode 1 of GitS Arise and was much more impressed with it than I thought I would be.

Am almost about to drop Attack on Titan if it doesnt pick up the pace, but doubt't that I'll have time to start a new anime series until Yamato 2199 ends in August.

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I just started watching Lucky Star last night. it's odd, I like the show and find it funny, but I can't for the life of me explain what about it I like/find funny.

Dunno about you but I like how it pokes fun at anime cliches and the otaku lifestyle, as well as Kagami's reaction to it all.

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Oh, BTW. I'm about to start watching Gundam SEED HD. I'm not sure why but I feel like I need to give it at least a fair shot to see if it's really as bad as I remember it. Hopefully I won't end up joining DuelGundam2099 on suicide watch.

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While I wait for GITS Arise to be released, I needed a cyberpunk fix so after some searching I came across Ergo Proxy (heard of it back in the day but was to busy to check it out). The first chapter looks ver promising with great art,story and music. And having Radiohead's Paranoid Android as the ED clinched it for me. Hope it doesn't dissappoint.

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I tried, but I couldn't get a hold of any staff. :(

You know there's a private message function, right? Failing that, you could always report your own post.

Failing even that, you could always, y'know, NOT POST after saying that you won't post any more.

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I fail at being myself, I can never stay away from a place I join for very long. :(

Anyway, up to ep 24 in Soul Eater. This series does get better, right? Because so far it is not. I am also thinking of taking on Destiny of The Shrine Maiden because /m/ likes it and it is only 13 eps.

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I fail at being myself, I can never stay away from a place I join for very long. :(

Anyway, up to ep 24 in Soul Eater. This series does get better, right? Because so far it is not. I am also thinking of taking on Destiny of The Shrine Maiden because /m/ likes it and it is only 13 eps.

And, thus, we all lose. Thanks.

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Oh, that's right. This forum has an ignore feature!

But where's the fun in that?

You need to get banned from MAHQ to join me in that. I also wouldn't go with the remaster, it isn't the complete series! I like the regular uncut 50.

Thee only thing missing are two clip show episodes that don't even matter.

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