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The Great Megaroad Debate

Duke Togo

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that's why i said do one where it was Miku Ichjiyo as head of the Megaroad fleet, that way they can get rid of the whole first love triangle thingy and it wouldnt be considered a sequel.

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Stories CAN be changed just look at Macross Zero and the mess it did when they introduced the VF-0. Now how are they going to fit that with the old VF-1 development story ?

Imagine a sequel where we see Hikaru and his new Skull Squadron battling in their VF-4A/B Lightning IIIs ...maybe he sempei a new ace pilot as well taking the role of Roy. Maybe the selfish kaifun joins the anti-UN Minmay trying to kill Misa because what jealous.

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If Kawamori had said "they settled here, the end," there would be endless banter about where the planet was, would so & so visit it, would they leave there and pop up here, etc. The only safe way to minimize hope of ever seeing them again, is to make them completely vanish. Doesn't make them dead, doesn't rule out the possability of them settling, it just shuts people up period.

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... is that Kawamori AFAIK, doesn't like doing sequels. He's said before that he prefers to do a completely fresh story every time.

I tend to agree with you on this Pat. What Kawamori has done, time and time again, with his own creations is create new interpretations of the story.

I acutally like that... Imagine if Hikaru, Minmay, and Misa had been in M7... If they were any more affiliated with M7 than they already are (mentioned in story telling as a part of M7) I would probably lose my stomach for even SDF-Macross. icon8.gif The whole thing would be ruined for me.

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I agree with Hurin on the SDF Macross/FB2012 ending. I also like the thought of SOME great mystery out there.

I disagree with Hurin on Indiana Jones (Last Crusade is easily my fav of the 3) and Star Wars (each one gets better IMO, including the prequels :lol: ), though. B))

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If Kawamori had said "they settled here, the end," there would be endless banter about where the planet was, would so & so visit it, would they leave there and pop up here, etc. The only safe way to minimize hope of ever seeing them again, is to make them completely vanish. Doesn't make them dead, doesn't rule out the possability of them settling, it just shuts people up period.

Why not just leave is as 2012 had, say they are out exploring the galaxy. He didn't need to have them disapear. We wouldn't be sitting here talking about any of this if he just had left the 2012 ending as it was.

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Last comment I will make about Indy movies in this thread. . .

I think my point is being made by the fact that those who love the latter two movies point out funny lines from it.

The first movie wasn't about being funny. It was about a dark anti-hero character. There was some light humor, but it never felt contrived. The two movies after that lightened Indy up excessively and introduced kid characters, formulaic situations, and gratuitous attempts at comedy. . . to the point where the third movie was practically a comedy with some action thrown in as an excuse for more comedy. You can say that the latter two were decent movies, but they are not in the same class as Raiders. They're totally different types/styles of movie making. Most people only remember these movies from when they were a kid. But comparing them as an adult, the differences are jarring. But, let's not debate this here. If you want to debate it, take it over to my site where I write about this: here. Comments are possible at the bottom.

I'd still like to see the actual quote where the black hole is mentioned.


Aw, come on! The first movie had plenty of humor, too. Like when the girl in his class had "love you" written on her eyelids and kept winking at him. Or when the guy starting swinging his sword to intimidate Indy, and Indy gave him a funny look and shot him. Or when he knocked out the one Nazi on the ship to steal his uniform, but it didn't fit.

Having watched the trilogy back to back to back over three nights, and I can honestly say that Indy's character is pretty much the same in all three, and that all three were intended to be action movies with some humor. And for the record, I liked the Last Crusade the best, with Raiders being a very close second.

As for the whole Megaroad/black hole thing, yes, there is a super-massive black hole in the center of the galaxy (scientists are actually finding evidence of super-massive black holes at the center of every galaxy, implying a connection between super-massive black holes and galactic formation). But black hole aside, going for the center seemed like a bad choice anyway. I forget the exact numbers, but most of the matter in the galaxy is in the center, which means that gravitational tides near the center would be extreme. If they were going off to look for earth-like planets to colonize, they should have been looking on the edges, were conditions are more like our own.

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The whole thing probably went like this:

Fanboy: Mister Kawamori-san, what happened to Misa, Hikaru and Minmay after they left on the Megaroad?

Kawamori: I don't know kid, they probably got lost in the center of the universe somewhere and fell into a black hole. Get a life!

Fanboy: Ahhh... (taking notes*) fell into black hole, center of universe... Thank you great one!


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Aw, come on!  The first movie had plenty of humor, too.  Like when the girl in his class had "love you" written on her eyelids and kept winking at him.  Or when the guy starting swinging his sword to intimidate Indy, and Indy gave him a funny look and shot him.  Or when he knocked out the one Nazi on the ship to steal his uniform, but it didn't fit.

Compare that to:

-The plane flying through the tunnel and the pilot just non-chalantly looks over at the "Indy boys" while his certain death approaches.

-Indy firing a pistol at one Nazi, and the bullet passing through four or five of them. . . and they all fall away in an almost choreographed fashion, and then Indy looks at the pistol, and smirks.

-Marcus Brody in the tank taking time out to say lame-!#@$ crap like: "Henry! The pen is mightier than the sword!" Don't even get me started on how they gave Brody a total frontal lobotomy (along with everybody else from the 1st film) in order to have some clowns to dance around Indy as the straight man.

-The man with the stamp in the library.

-Hitler signing the journal.

-"X" Marks the Spot.

I could go on. . . and that's just Last Crusade.

Come on man. . . totally different classes of humor there. One type of humor is believable. . . The humor fits into the story. The other type is contrived. . . the story serves as the vehicle by which the humor is delivered. In other words: The story has a few humorous moments vs the humorous moments being the main aspects of the story.

I never said Raiders didn't have humorous moments. In fact, I like the humor in Raiders. It isn't corny and it isn't over-the-top. Last Crusade is a prat-fall-fest from beginning to end.

I have started a new thread over in the Science Fiction area. If we're gonna debate it, let's debate it there and spare all these nice people any further off-topic stuff (which I admittedly started).


Edited by Hurin
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A quick thought on the Megaroad going to the center of the galaxy. I don't think that the Megaroad's destination was the center of the galaxy, rather it was just on it's way to where it was going, which was likely the other side of the galaxy.

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If I remember correctly, the "Black Hole" retcon appears in the instruction booklet for Macross M3 (Or "Max Jenius vs. The Attack of the Killer Cockroaches from Outer Space!!")

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I like the mysterious ending, that they just lost contact. In the age of sail, when europe was exploring the new world and such how many ships just never came back? I'd imagine it'd be much the same in space. Also, its nice that there's a definitive end (point) to the story, something you don't tend to see much of anymore.

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Lost in space is better than some lame continuation a la Sentinels...

Exploring space is better than lost in space. We would not be having this discussion. Kawamori should have left the 2012 ending alone as it was.

It has nothing to do with anything else in the Macross Universe... so the details are irrelevant.

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I haven't read everypost so I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but it is still possible to have a series about the megaroad.

1) Misa, Hikaru, and Minmay are no long the main charcters but do appear in the background.

2) The series takes place before the ship goes missing with a different voice actor.

3) The series is about searching for the missing megaroad. After all whant mystery (except this one) hasn't had people try and solve it?

4) Somebody high up desides they want a megaroad story and does one wether Kawamori want's it or not.

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I suppose the glimmer of dialogue in M7 made a lot of people who were satisfied with the 2012 ending more curious.

Though highly unlikely...if Kawamori one day decided to revisit the trio and the Megaroad...would you object?


I'm not saying this will happen or would want it to happen...just food for thought...since this whole thing is a moot point anyways. ;)

Edited by Gaijin
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