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Dam You Macross 7 Dam You #$%#$^#$&^$%&


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Note to the person who started this thread regarding the title: -

A 'dam' is a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea, it is not an expletive!





sry, that was just out of nowhere...


For gods sakes, I used "dam" because I did'nt know if I would get in trouble for useing that form of language on a topic title and plus I was half asleep,watching mac7 and type'ing at the same time

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-but really people we kinda need to move on were just mad over some thing that needs no more effort. Its either you like or not, I figured no one really liked mac7 but I was wrong but I guess It like star wars Its either you like the new eps, or the old eps, or you just simply hate them all and send death threats to george lucas about how much you hate jar jar binks (im not a star wars fan, so please dont correct me)

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-but really people we kinda need to move on were just mad over some thing that needs no more effort. Its either you like or not, I figured no one really liked mac7 but I was wrong but I guess It like star wars Its either you like the new eps, or the old eps, or you just simply hate them all and send death threats to george lucas about how much you hate jar jar binks (im not a star wars fan, so please dont correct me)


Move on? I'd say this thread is on track... finally an M7 thread that doesn't become about muscles and banging anuses....

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-but really people we kinda need to move on were just mad over some thing that needs no more effort. Its either you like or not, I figured no one really liked mac7 but I was wrong but I guess It like star wars Its either you like the new eps, or the old eps, or you just simply hate them all and send death threats to george lucas about how much you hate jar jar binks (im not a star wars fan, so please dont correct me)


It's not arguing... it's passionate debating. :D

Macross 7 is a really divisive point for a lot of Macross fans. Some see it as a continuing evolution of the song/spirit/culture themes from the first series. Others see it as a totally whacky and deranged direction to take the franchise in.

Personally, I liked the greater insight into the Protocultures and their backstory, thought the whole Spiritia/song thing was an interesting notion, and enjoyed a lot of the music (especially Mylene's stuff... though I hated Planet Dance and Totsugeki Love Heart by the end). On the other hand, although I got where the characters were coming from, I didn't get involved in their story much, and I really started to hate the constant repetition of battle animation. So, I give it about 5 out of 10. Definitely not my favourite, but I don't despise it either.

I don't think anyone's at the stage where death threats are being sent to Kawamori-san, though. ;)

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I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?

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I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?


It did, actually.

As far as stuff worth playing, there's a moderately fun GBColor sidescroller.

Boss battles with Sound Force pilots are a batty, though(I'm no good at rhythm games, which is what they are if you're playing a Sound Force pilot when you reach the boss), and the final boss forces the deployment of Basara.

Rather good music for the GBColor, as a side note. Not too surprising, given the license, but still worth mentioning.

And the only DYRL games anyone cares about(arcade and PS/Saturn) were made about a decade after DYRL's release.

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I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?


Also because you seem to keep forgetting that Macross 7 was never intended to be action series, because Macross Plus was being produced at the same time. Story based anime probably don't make the best material for action video games. Macross 7 did have follow-up Manga and movies too, which in some ways can be compared to SDF macross and DYRL.

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I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?


Also because you seem to keep forgetting that Macross 7 was never intended to be action series, because Macross Plus was being produced at the same time. Story based anime probably don't make the best material for action video games. Macross 7 did have follow-up Manga and movies too, which in some ways can be compared to SDF macross and DYRL.


heh Mac plus had a shoddy PS1 game to.. i found it while in japan (twad looking for DYRL but never found it while i was there :( )

aint played much, but i call it shoddy only cause it was pre-analog controls PS1

if they took Mac7 from Gamlin or someone elses perspective, itd make a decent game at best, as the sound force thing would make a crappy thing unless they went DDR on us!

but once ya get to the Protodeviln parts... itd be beyond gimped as

Macross Mecha vs giant monsters = guhay

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I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?


Also because you seem to keep forgetting that Macross 7 was never intended to be action series, because Macross Plus was being produced at the same time. Story based anime probably don't make the best material for action video games. Macross 7 did have follow-up Manga and movies too, which in some ways can be compared to SDF macross and DYRL.


heh Mac plus had a shoddy PS1 game to.. i found it while in japan (twad looking for DYRL but never found it while i was there :( )

aint played much, but i call it shoddy only cause it was pre-analog controls PS1

if they took Mac7 from Gamlin or someone elses perspective, itd make a decent game at best, as the sound force thing would make a crappy thing unless they went DDR on us!

but once ya get to the Protodeviln parts... itd be beyond gimped as

Macross Mecha vs giant monsters = guhay


Umm you seem to be forgetting that Macross 7 has the most new designs of all the series (and not introduced as the gundam MS of the week way, but as a normal progression). Vartua mecha and their fleet, which were some of the most interesting designs (especially since they were rip offs of UN spacy fighters like the VA-14s). Moreover they had some of the best ship to ship combat, where fleets were knocking each other down. Though the series emphasis was on the story, it still had some pretty sweet designs, which contradict some people claims that it wasn't well thought out, these things added great background to the series.

In reality the game did spawn alot of follow on games. the Digital mission VF-X series would not have happened if Macross 7 came along because half of their mecha were from that series. the VF-22, Vf-17, the VF-11 Full Armor, the VA-3 are all Macross-7 mecha.

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The Macross Plus PSX game is pretty fun, actually. Besides, it had a versus mode where you could use Destroids. Win. (And playing it on an emu with netplay... yeeeah...)

I wish there had been a cool Macross 7 game like I wish for a cool G Gundam game. Maybe something like Gitaroo Man for controls, and go through a Macross 7 side-story... yeah... that'd pwn...

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What is wrong with arguments? Forums don't last very long when everybody agrees or rather, they don't get very many posts.


Nothing is wrong with arguments persay. However at times you haven't even tried to engage in arguments, you'd rather just come in here and state how horribly stupid the series is without hearing the other side. Thats not an argument, and in large doses it can be disasterous for a forum (to the extent that not talking about it is better for it.)Were all for "arguments" when people want to discuss, but many people don't want to, rather beat their own drum.

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Everythings probably already been said before but these were my impressions of Macross 7:

*It starts slowly but after you get through the first 10 or 15 episodes theres a big plot twist (no spoilers here) and the story picks up and is a lot more enjoyable.

*The love triangle between Mylene, Basra and Gamlin was pure Macross, loved it.

*By the end of the series (if I ignored the corny sound force and a few other stupid things like space being blue) the whole experience did definately have `that old Macross feeling` for me, even if only a fraction of the original`s.

I recommend it, it feels a lot more like a saga throught the middle and at the end, fills some interesting plot holes in the Macross universe and does actually have some decent battle scenes without recycled animation now and then.

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heh Mac plus had a shoddy PS1 game to.. i found it while in japan (twad looking for DYRL but never found it while i was there :(  )

aint played much, but i call it shoddy only cause it was pre-analog controls PS1

Actually, it was basically a last-year game.

It was the same year the PS2 launched.

The PS1 had analog control from day 1 for anybody willing to pay for it. The original Dual Analog flightsticks were pricey, but supported by many games(inmcluding VF-X).

The Dual Analog gamepad was a joke that was only out for a few months before the now-famous DualShock replaced it.

On the upside, the Dual Analog gamepad was backwards-compatible with the flightsticks, while the DualShock wasn't.

Neither was compatible with Namco's NegCon("steering wheel" mode on various 3rd-party controllers).

if they took Mac7 from Gamlin or someone elses perspective, itd make a decent game at best, as the sound force thing would make a crappy thing unless they went DDR on us!

Most of Macross 7 GBC DOES go the Gamlin route. Even the Fire Bomber pilots blow crap up. Only bosses have a musical flair, and it's optional for all but the final.

but once ya get to the Protodeviln parts... itd be beyond gimped as

Macross Mecha vs giant monsters = guhay

Unless they're disembodied heads in a jar, of course...

(was never a fan of DYRL-style Bodolza)

Seriously, the protodeviln WORK as scrolling shooter bosses, which is mildly amazing given the franchise.

But it takes greater levels of focus than I can muster to do the proto-DDR button mashing of a Sound Force boss fight and dodge bullets at the same time, so I always go with a non-musician for boss fights.


Which really hurts when they force Basara on me for the final boss, AND hit me with both the most elaborate music and the largest amount of firepower to dodge while trying to play it.

Edited by JB0
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What is wrong with arguments? Forums don't last very long when everybody agrees or rather, they don't get very many posts.


Nothing is wrong with arguments persay. However at times you haven't even tried to engage in arguments, you'd rather just come in here and state how horribly stupid the series is without hearing the other side. Thats not an argument, and in large doses it can be disasterous for a forum (to the extent that not talking about it is better for it.)Were all for "arguments" when people want to discuss, but many people don't want to, rather beat their own drum.


By 'you' were you referring specifically me or was intended to be a more general audience?

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Funny that this talk of Macross 7 & Games should come up now. I'm about half way through Super Robot Wars Alpha 3, and while there are tons of Gundam's & Super Robots in the mix, my favorite units by far are the Macross ones. Unleashing Battle 7's Macross cannon on the field map & whiping out entire units while taking out huge chunks of enemy battleship HP. Milia popping up in here VF-1J tearing all ass, & showing up Diamond Force is perfect (as is having Gamlin & Physica back her up later as she takes Kinryu's VF-17).

Being able to use Gamlin's blaster attack against Gigil, and having him limp off aftewards is almost as perfect as being able to subdue Sivil with Basara & Holy Lonely Light. I also love the mission where Sharon Apple is about to mop the floor with Guld & Isamu with her fleet of Ghosts, until Basara pops up & blows her hypnosis away with his song.

Awesome game in general, but also great for the loving detail given to Macross 7 units. I can't wait to see what happens during the Megaroad parts.

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By 'you' were you referring specifically me or was intended to be a more general audience?


Oh It was aimed at you and a general group. You've been quite happy to say you don't like it at all... look at your statements on Page 8. If you don't like it, why even debate? I mean seriously you should just point out you don't like it and leave because you're not open to any other argument except to hear that it sucks.

Look at your whole Chemical Secretions argument. Three people replied about how Spiritia was some sort of life source ... and yet you just keep hammering some sort of idiotic tangent. You (and others) ignore the good points people make and just go on different tacts about what is wrong with the series. So, you aren't here to argue reasonably, you're here to point out every single flaw the series.

Hey while you're at it, why don't you complain about Star Wars, because the Force can't occur because the human body is basically one biological chemical combustion engine.

Edited by Noyhauser
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By 'you' were you referring specifically me or was intended to be a more general audience?


Oh It was aimed at you and a general group. You've been quite happy to say you don't like it at all... look at your statements on Page 8. If you don't like it, why even debate? I mean seriously you should just point out you don't like it and leave because you're not open to any other argument except to hear that it sucks.

Look at your whole Chemical Secretions argument. Three people replied about how Spiritia was some sort of life source ... and yet you just keep hammering some sort of idiotic tangent. You (and others) ignore the good points people make and just go on different tacts about what is wrong with the series. So, you aren't here to argue reasonably, you're here to point out every single flaw the series.

Hey while you're at it, why don't you complain about Star Wars, because the Force can't occur because the human body is basically one biological chemical combustion engine.


It's not that I'm not open for comments nor am I only willing to listen to anything other than agreements to my opinions; I was explaining why I did not enjoy it. As far as the chemical secretions aspect goes, it follows some logic. Spiritia is influenced by emotion and emotion is infuenced by chemicals secreted within your brain -- the entire basis behind drugs that change your mood. It was nothing more than stab at the concept of spiritia and how it was harvested. The Star Wars explanation of the Force wasn't well recieved by me and many other fans. I liked it much better when it had no explanation at all. Many things, especially things "magical" in nature do not need an explanation.

Anyway, my reason for disliking Macross 7 overall was the main characters who I could not relate to and the concept of spiritia.

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Funny that this talk of Macross 7 & Games should come up now. I'm about half way through Super Robot Wars Alpha 3, and while there are tons of  Gundam's & Super Robots in the mix, my favorite units by far are the Macross ones. Unleashing Battle 7's Macross cannon on the field map & whiping out entire units while taking out huge chunks of enemy battleship HP. Milia popping up in here VF-1J tearing all ass, & showing up Diamond Force is perfect (as is having Gamlin & Physica back her up later as she takes Kinryu's VF-17).

Being able to use Gamlin's blaster attack against Gigil, and having him limp off aftewards is almost as perfect as being able to subdue Sivil with Basara & Holy Lonely Light. I also love the mission where Sharon Apple is about to mop the floor with Guld & Isamu with her fleet of Ghosts, until Basara pops up & blows her hypnosis away with his song.

Awesome game in general, but also great for the loving detail given to Macross 7 units. I can't wait to see what happens during the Megaroad parts.


This game sounds cool. What is it? What system is it for?

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Actually, I think it's pretty much on topic. We're just discussing video games that M7 may have spawned, in relation to whether or not M7 was even capable of spawning a video game, which relates directly to "dam you Macross 7 ^%$&^$*%(%."

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As far as the chemical secretions aspect goes, it follows some logic. Spiritia is influenced by emotion and emotion is infuenced by chemicals secreted within your brain -- the entire basis behind drugs that change your mood. It was nothing more than stab at the concept of spiritia and how it was harvested. The Star Wars explanation of the Force wasn't well recieved by me and many other fans. I liked it much better when it had no explanation at all. Many things, especially things "magical" in nature do not need an explanation.

So you forced a biological explanation onto spiritia so you could do Macross' Phantom Menace?

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Actually, I think it's pretty much on topic. We're just discussing video games that M7 may have spawned, in relation to whether or not M7 was even capable of spawning a video game, which relates directly to "dam you Macross 7 ^%$&^$*%(%."


Do you not read posts? seriously... Without Macross-7 the Digital mission vfx series could not have occurred. So much of its story line, units and universe was derived from Macross-7. Then there is SRW, and the prominent place that Sound Bomber plays in that game.

And if you want to talk about popularity, macross 7 had more spin offs than any other series.... it had a 4 piece OVA, a movie, and a manga follow it... thats better than SDF macross.

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So you forced a biological explanation onto spiritia so you could do Macross' Phantom Menace?


i like that explanation :)

but following the way they describe Spiritia in the series, it almost makes partial sense in a more scientific manner, since most won't agree to the existance of a "life force" and have belief all can be answered with math.

on the Spinoffs

Macross jumpstarted alot of the Genre itself, granted less direct connections, but its probably due to the theme that mac 7 followed where most other anime had been hitting at the time, not to mention it had more fan base built from the original by the time and the marketers probably figured it'd catch on better or something.

i honestly wouldn't mind seeing a Yamato made figure of some of the valks (VF-17, VF-22 (to go with the 21 they already got, its only a slight mod away!) and such, though Mylenes VF-11 would be a wierd one to look at.... i mean, would it even be possible to make that thing work?!)

Actually, I think it's pretty much on topic. We're just discussing video games that M7 may have spawned, in relation to whether or not M7 was even capable of spawning a video game, which relates directly to "dam you Macross 7 ^%$&^$*%(%."


Do you not read posts? seriously... Without Macross-7 the Digital mission vfx series could not have occurred. So much of its story line, units and universe was derived from Macross-7. Then there is SRW, and the prominent place that Sound Bomber plays in that game.

And if you want to talk about popularity, macross 7 had more spin offs than any other series.... it had a 4 piece OVA, a movie, and a manga follow it... thats better than SDF macross.


umm yeah he read the posts he stated right there... well.. read the quote... Mac 7, games it spawned, and capability to make them.

Edited by GrimlockCW
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umm yeah he read the posts he stated right there... well.. read the quote... Mac 7, games it spawned, and capability to make them.


hmm the way I read it seemed to me that he just reverted to the original argument, without acknowledging the point, that it did have spinoffs, he (or anybody else) hasn't responded to it.

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Spiritia has jack to do with chemical reactions, that much is more than sufficiantly shown in the series. The Protodevelin were beings of pure energy that possessed physical bodies in order to exist in this universe. The food that they sustain themselves on is equally pure energy, be it produced by living beings. You can argue this point if you wish, but you'd be ignoring series canon in doing so.

Spiritia is produced from the feelings living things put into various tasks, existing, emotions, etc. The more passionate the action, the more spiritia is produced. While math may not be able to quanity this concept at the current time, you have to take into account that math can't really quantify why anything in the universe exists at all, so take that as you will.

As for the game, it's Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 for the PS2. There's currently a nicely priced budget release out for about $40, and I definately reccomend picking it up if you're at all into Macross, Gundam or any number of Super Robot series. It's insanely fun for a strategy game, far more fun than it should be...

And I'm all for Yamato doing a line of 7 Valkyries. I'd love a shiny metalic VF-19 Kai with optional Sound Boosters. The VF-11 MAXL Kai also shouldn't be too hard to pull off, the only "major" difference is its delta wing. I hate the stubby little wings that are on the VF-19 F & S, but a proper (i.e. not as chunky as Bandai's) VF-17 D/S with Gamlin's gunbpod blaster attachment would be awesome.

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