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Al Queda captures GI Joe!


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The US Military should respond by posting a photo online of one of those 12" Osama Bin Ladin dolls that were for sale a year or so ago saying that they have captured him :p .


ROFLMAO!! :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah they should!

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Now even Al Qaeda makes psy-ops.

Berlusconi said Bush forgot to mention Italy in the list of countries threatened by Al Qaeda and then we got our Al Qaeda cells, too, and our own terrorism alert. Then I saw those men were released. The judge didn't mistake a McDonald pamphlet as a map useful for terroristic attacks, and neither a beltbag as a kamikaze belt. Police actually found explosive, but in fact the door of their house was violated days before. It intervened even an Italian secret service agent to discharge them (the same agent who asked those men if they liked to do some work for secret service).

Then there is the fact that we know Italians are located at Nassiryah, but there is no mentioning of Nassiryah oilfields ever in TV. We were just told our soldiers helped putting Saddam's nuclear plant back in action, and so in Nassiryah people had electricity. We are always told our men got a distinctive Italian style, but not much else. Then there was internal opposition to war, and in Iraq four Italians got kidnapped. They were not regular force in Italian army, they were contractors. One of them got killed. The government said no to terrorism and we remained in Iraq.

The other hostage were freed, although our government said there wasn't any ransom, we just snickered in a raid at night using even helicopters. Quattrocchi's corpse came home before that, though. The DNA analysis confirm his identity, but some newspaper told additional informations: 1) the corpse was a skeleton lacking even some bones. There wasn't supposed to be enough time for a body to decompose 2) Doctors couldn't find out the cause of Quattrocchi's death (well, theorically he was shot in the head and in the chest, but the skeleton lacked part of the head and the ribs), they say they wanted to saw Quattrocchi's video were he was killed 3) that video is still in Qatar, and when politicians wanted to saw it they were told this would waste funds dedicated to war on terrorism.

In TV we saw Quattrocchi saying "I'll show you how an Italian dies", and then someone shot him but the rest of the video was judged too gory by Al Jazeera (which by the way now is owned by Murdoch), so it wasn't shown. We officially received an edited video, although theorically some of our ministers saw the full video in Qatar.

Well, maybe I should make clear that our prime minister owns 90% of Italian media and has affiliations with eversive masonic lodges and mafia (which is only one of the four types of organized criminality in Italy, at least if you don't count Vatican in), so I don't think of him as a honest and unbiased man.

We just want to remain in Iraq because we got ten year of oil in Nassiryah, that I can understand. Is there an Operation Phoenix in Iraq like in Vietnam? That I can understand. It's this doll psy-op that suddenly makes things look a little off the scale. Is war propaganda degenerated that much? Are people becoming so aware that each war has always had its conspiracy theory behind (and FOIA documents may assert they weren't theory at all) and its public opposition? Is there any real need to ridicolize conspiracy theoring so much?


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