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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. It's Bandai's patented system to make sure anyone who attempts to fix their nonsense design work will be forced to chase a half dozen parts across the room any time they disassemble the thing. They're so confident in their engineering superiority, they booby trap toys to make sure you can't put it back together if you attempt a fix yourself.
  2. I don't really know if it was ever about securing the backpack. It felt more like they were trying to secure the tails, because, for whatever reason, they always had a weird springy hinge that would resist folding them up more than the typical VF-1 tail.
  3. I'll believe it when they show more than one mode. Those would both make rotten fighters.
  4. Obnoxious or not, that one at least has a real life precedent, which is more than you can say about a lot of Bandai's tampo shenanigans.
  5. That "1023" doesn't quite make sense either though, since the 3 gets dropped in every other appearance of the plane, and from the comm traffic.
  6. Oh, that is interesting. Call me satisfied then, I'm curious where the 607 came from as well.
  7. Yeah, a bit ago. I expect they kitbashed the display model out of VF-1D parts.
  8. Yeah, I did notice that, although a significant amount of that chonk is the stand. The packs themselves look hilariously thick to the point that I probably would never mount them.
  9. I think the more natural angles help it, but it's also completely hiding the badonk behind it. I think it's going to have both good and bad angles. I want to see unhindered side and top views.
  10. Yeah, there is no helping those arms, they are jus noodles. I don't understand anything about what their goal was for those. At least they don't show in fighter mode.
  11. Don't know if anyone's mentioned this one, but it randomly popped on me today. Interesting compromises in both vehicle modes, but still impressive overall.
  12. I'm really not sure what is going on there, the thing doesn't look like it has a gerwalk joint so much as having two separate knees with a big mid-section between them.
  13. Ok, I do want to say it looks at least slightly better with a competent pose.. but those arms and legs look really weird. Fighter actually looks mostly decent from that angle, though. I'm.. cautiously optimistic? I don't know. It's a really weird beast.
  14. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, those Sound Force figures are not even trying to transform. The Fire Valk is just a shrunken Yamato mold though, it's almost identical in proportion and detail. Excited to see the Ghost though, hopefully that won't be too hard to pick up.
  15. Man.. wish they'd show the jet without the stupid gremlins mounted, but I can at least see the tail mounting holes aren't too obnoxious.. and it's funny they included plugs for the undersides of the wings to match the markings. Actually looks really good though, I might be suckered into buying a set, just because. Maybe weird, but I actually think the folding drone base is one of the coolest parts of the kit. Edit: Aaaand there's my pair of VB-6s from HLJ
  16. That is a good point, I wonder how that got missed.. well, no I don't, they probably copied from the VF-1D Though, honestly, I don't think it detracts from the design that much? Maybe that's hypocritical after all my rage about the reversed modexes on the VF-1s, but it's at least consistent. Also.. holy cow, Hikaru isn't a midget in this one! And yeah, they are probably using a bunch of VF-1D parts for the mockup, since it's got the TV instrument panel and HUD.
  17. They definitely look like the shorter tails, but they've never bugged me, because I never display the VT-1 with them deployed anyhow. Looks amazing, and kind of vaguely hoping it'll be a web exclusive so I can just buy a couple and be done.
  18. YES. SO MUCH YES. That is gorgeous, and I need at least two. Day is made! I see they did add some extra tampo.. but those pack markings don't look too gaudy or clashing, so I think I'll give them a pass.. This time
  19. What, and admit they were wrong about something that someone else did better 15 years ago? It occurs to me you could easily fix all four of those stupid pegs fairly easily, or at least the arms. Just notch out part of the thickness of the tab at the base so you have a tooth, and then slide the arms forward or back to lock it. Or, you know, just make the tabs big enough to actually provide enough friction, you pisswaffles.
  20. Engineering-schmengineering. They didn't do it because they either fouled up the production and the assembly monkeys got glue everywhere, or they couldn't be arsed to spend the extra money to paint the internals. There was never anything stopping them they couldn't have easily overcome if they wanted to.
  21. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd be entirely on board with that if they announce a mini-Arcadia YF-19 and YF-21 for next year.
  22. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    The GBP was one of the earliest releases they did though, it's been around for years. They just did a re-release recently to match the white plastic and canopy they used for the Hikaru 1S release.
  23. Honestly, for a self-made canopy, even the last two or three would be plenty shiny for me, that's fantastic that you can make them so clean. My biggest concern would be how brittle they are, since my few experiences with printed resin canopies have all been extremely fragile, and would never have survived any level of polishing.
  24. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    Has anything even changed on that in the past several years? I can't read it, but I'm guessing the A-model on there was a combo space for Max and Kakizaki?
  25. I'm hoping for more than one, they've been completely ignoring the VF-1 for a stupid long time. Watch it just be more Delta-related merch.
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