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    Canuckleland: Vancouver (YVR) and Toronto (YYZ)

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  1. Later Q3/Early Q4 2026 so that everyone can either save up or spend more $$ on more re-reissues. 🙃
  2. Up tomorrow (or am I wrong)? Someone at EXO-6 posts up very crappy product shots on the website. This is how it should be (at Las Vegas during the con).
  3. Valk only based on the pre-orders as of now @graphic revolt. Unknown if the Lil Drakens will be done at a later date with the correct colour splash like Booger’s 262Hs.
  4. Hmm. Then why not a barrage of Mortal Combat or Capcom Street Fighter effects right?
  5. @Pontus - The group that pilots the 262Hs/Ba are called “Ariel Knights” and they carry swords not spears/javelin/lance. I guess that you haven’t seen the first Delta movie where Roid and Keith were battling it out. Edit: I think those lance/spears are just designs that was used to differentiate the 262 Ha/Ba pilots.
  6. I think Hawk P-40 (version 1 or 2) will go well with Junkyard Joe since both of them are in military outdoor gear.
  7. $112 USD, 8-12 weeks for shipping @Big s = Here's your opportunity!
  8. Teased during SDCC and ready for tomorrow's drop. * It's a Image Comics character *
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