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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. HLJ just took the money out of paypal which annoys me. I already cancelled their autobilling option and they keep doing it. Its not a big deal this time as i was anticipating them doing that and had the money ready.
  2. How much was shipping? Was it as bad as the yf-29 ozma.
  3. Seriously $60 shipping? CDJapan entering the scalping game. I don't feel bad now passing this up.
  4. Nice timing. I would buy this and cancel my preorder with nippon-yassen but i have 2 yf-19s i'm waiting to pay for. The funds are tied up for those. Sadly i will have to pass.
  5. That plot actually sounds pretty disappointing. ​Who knows maybe it'll play out better when i actually watch it. Still i wish there could be harlock more like the earlier years. He was one of my favourite childhood heroes and it sucks to not have a show in recent times (last 20 years) be super awesome.
  6. You know i was just thinking after Ozma's Bandai has to be done with the yf-29. But your idea for a Luca\radome version makes a lot sense. Damn it! Another release to delay a vf-25s reissue!!
  7. Not having the Red Wild Force Ranger is weird considering the actor was in the last season. I'm sure he would've come back for one more episode.
  8. Yeah i wasnt really impressed by the quarter even though it good reviews. Damn the timing on this sale. I would love to pick up a couple of the vf-19s but i need every doller for the yf-19s coming out this month.
  9. Yeah my V1 Max 1A has yet to yellow. My hikaru that sits right beside it has partially yellowed.
  10. I didn't mean all of the 25as. I was saying his particular vf-25a had either a manufacturing defect or was assembled incorrectly or whatever other possible one issue that could happen in the manufacturing/assembling process.
  11. I think there was something not right with his 25a. It doesnt seem normal for that to have happened.
  12. I agree that it's ridiculous that crash and at least a booklet aren't included.
  13. I was so disappointed with cm's ride armours. What a let down. The trend was decent but the legioss a floppy mess. Defently not worth $300 back in 2008.
  14. It's weird up until i starting coming to these forums, i always thought Macross was extremely popular in Japan. Every article i read stated that DYRL was a smash hit. There always seemed to be tons of merchandising and product available in NA even during the 90s.
  15. Yeah that's lame. They should have former ranger members be the ones to unlock their powers. For the all white scene there should be enough whites in PR to sub in for Big One and the rest.
  16. I wish i had your contact.
  17. Wow 12 hours later and still available.
  18. Wow check out this N-Y markup... At least they didn't rape me on shipping....
  19. Yeah after the CF 171 which i paid $200 for each of the three i got. They ended up going SRP when they were released. I'm not getting burned like that again. Still pissed at that especially since they are all POSs.
  20. They can keep them for that price.
  21. Screw that. 20 Mins later and that dramatic of a hike? They didn't do that for the Ozuma Yf-29. Nippon Yasen can suck my ba__s.
  22. Yeah no thanks. I've done this too many times to know that's it for tonight unless i want to stay up till 3-4 am. Considering i have a 12 hour shift i'd rather get the sleep rather than the chance of getting. I'm glad people got their multiples.
  23. Fuuuuuuuck....Cart jacked again...
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