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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Damn.I was on the road in between towns and I forgot to pay on time. They cancelled my preorder and wont reinstate it. Now I got to try and find one somewhere.
  2. Wow the yellow version is ugly. Don't care for the feet either.
  3. Finally! Been slapping myself for years for not jumping on the imaginanime release a few years back.
  4. I have the miraclehouse version. I would how the bandai will stack up to it?
  5. Oh that makes it somewhat more reasonable.
  6. WOW! http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1158470.html
  7. My wife is already not a fan of me collecting valkyries. If a Hello Kitty showed up at our door, i'm not even sure how she would react. LOL!
  8. Yeah i got that too. Hope i don't need to worry about getting this instead of the yf-25.
  9. Yeah the 0D will be at least as expensive as the yf-19. No way it will under that price.
  10. Now they need to transform the battroid back to fighter so we can see if the triangles survive.
  11. Considering these were made to order, i'm surprised you can still buy them. Must of been a lot of cancellations.
  12. Mine is tight and the paint job is great. You must have got a bad one.
  13. Don't tell me to calm down when you're jumping on me for asking a question. If answering a question is such a pain for you then don't bother bother responding. It's that simple.
  14. Well i don't really know anything about it. I just assumed some of the hard core fans would know more info. Wasn't this a manga already? I don't know. I have a newborn and a high pressure job so i don't have time to scour every Gundam news site and forum to keep up with the level of knowledge that you expect me to have. Macross is the only thing i really keep up on and usually only from this forum. Seriously it wasn't an unreasonable question. Jeez calm down.
  15. Looks like Gundam the Origin is very Char centric. Is this retelling 0079 or is it more of a prequel to 0079? If it's the latter does that mean that no Gundam will appear in this series?
  16. Just placed a preorder for one. Is it just me or has the shipping prices gone up?
  17. I wonder if the stand will accommodate the big fin at the bottom?
  18. Jeez does anyone read the post above them?
  19. Back up at N-Y at a bit of a markup. GO...GO...GO...
  20. The 10% markup is less than i expected considering the 50% markup the VF-1 got. Maybe they think the figures warrant the price hike? Personally i'd rather have a cheaper valk rather than being forced to pay for figures and the crappy sound booster.
  21. Do we know if this is made to order? Release is sept 2014, so i guess we aren't getting other vf re-releases until after then.
  22. This price is so good i actually bought a second one. Keep it as a spare in case my first gets damaged.
  23. Looks like i wasn't far off in my guesstimate. Yeah it's a pass. Looks like I'm sticking to Bandai valks for the foreseeable future.
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