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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Considering that Arcadia seems to be only releasing hero valks the time is ripe to release Macross II's hero valk, the VF-2SS.
  2. Hmm This page won't load for me.
  3. So if i ordered one from Amiami a year ago i still couldn't order one from them again? Not that i would want one. I have three.
  4. I'd buy a hover tank and the space copter. I wouldn't get the Logan (the yellow gerwalk thing). Is that it for mech? I can't remember.
  5. Any transformation guides up yet? I need to kill time while i wait for mine to come in.
  6. As long as the Roy version had skulls on the tailfins i would buy a couple. That would look so awesome.
  7. I think I'm going to take the plunge with Citizen Stack. I'm liking the look of that one. Would've got Kronos but it's been getting too many bad reviews. I would like to get a decent Rodimus but there doesn't seem to be one. Not digging the masterpiece version.
  8. I've been checking out TF toy sites all day. I have to say i'm pretty impressed with some of the stuff that has come out over the years since i quit collecting TFs. I'm liking a lot of the 3rd party stuff. Is Robot Kingdom a good place to order from? They seem a bit cheaper than BBTS and TFSource.
  9. Up again at Nippon-Yassen with some mark up.
  10. How do you guys navigate to that page. I'm only able to find it when i copy the direct link directly into the address bar.
  11. Thanks for the info guys. It helped alot. I preordered the Hasbro MP Prime reissue. Still thinking about the Jetfire. These preorders don't seem as crazy as bandais which gives me some breathing room to decide.
  12. Hey Guys. I've been out of the TF collecting game for a while (Macross has been keeping me busy). But I've always wanted a Masterpiece Prime. While web surfing today i came across MP Prime at BBTS. I almost instabuyed but i stopped myself. I figured it's be smart to shop around a bit and maybe get a better price. I quickly got overwhelmed by the amount of information out there. I was wondering you guys could help me decide. So this is the one i was looking at: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK11952&mode=retail&utm_source=retail_news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BigBadToyStore-Retail&utm_content= What is the best store to preorder it? I live in Canada so i'm not sure if TFSource's free shipping deal applies to me. After looking around online a bit i notice that the takara one has a better color scheme but i guess that one is not getting reissued? I also came across this: http://www.tf-direct.com/store/masterpiece-mp-10-optimus-prime-ko-ver-2nd-run-preorder My first thought was to avoid this even though it's cheaper but i've been hearing some good things. Since you guys are the experts, i'd like to hear what you guys think. Then of course i saw this: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/search.aspx?search=jetfire Jetfire has been one of my favorite TFs (being a Macross fan i can't understand why ). I'm guessing the top two entries are the same toy but released in different counties (Japan and US). The US version is cheaper but which is the better one to have quality wise? If macross valks haven't been draining my wallet this year i'd just buy both of them and be done with it but i have to be a little more choosy this year.Any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. HG should just sell robotech to Saban. It's right up his alley. I'm confused by this alpha fighter with macross style super parts. I tried skimming through Shadow Chronicles to try and get a look at it but couldn't find it. Didn't the alphas just use betas? Even tried googling this alpha with super parts but didn't get any results
  14. I don't understand why the supers aren't included with valk. They spend close to the whole show wearing them. The only exception would be Ozmas. That one should come with the armoured pack.
  15. CDJapan actually has higher than normal shipping. With a couple of valks i ordered from them, i was charged $60 EMS each.
  16. Finally got mine. I'm having the droopy wings problem. Am i going to have to worry about the wings underneath getting bent down?
  17. CDjapan did a weird thing. I got cart jacked but when i reloaded the product page the add to cart button was still active. I tried again to no avail.
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