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Everything posted by wmkjr

  1. Is there gonna be the acrylic knuckles in this order too?
  2. You should start a "What if? variant thread" And let peeps put whatever type of digitally edited schemes of their valks they can think up.
  3. If it wasn't for your watermarks I'd say it is very convincing.
  4. Order some hardpoints on shapeway. I've seen it before somewhere. As for the lower stab, sorry about that. Got a spare set of armor parts lying around? Kill 2 birds with one stone.
  5. To me the head shape follows along the lines of 02 Valk (Black/blue with the reaper logo) in the poster. That would be pretty cool if it's the Draken's head. Maybe the "horn" slips into the cockpit area.
  6. 02 Valk's head? I thought it would have a double laser head. Triple laser then. Edit: Reminds me more like the YF-29 Alto head.
  7. Yup, the spine just like that! Edit: I wish I got in on the preorder for the re-release for Alto. Wouldn't hurt to have 2. This was a pretty fun exercise in imagining the Hikaru color scheme. I added the black along the spine:
  8. I was thinking more along the lines like this ( Sorry for the horrible Photoshop) with maybe the black running along the inner spine and the Ozma quad lasers in black with the Alto head: edit: Added black and red by the lerx area like the Isamu
  9. Quick question, sorry if it's been answered but are the head pieces snap fit or do you need to glue? I bought the VF-4 head in anticipation for the VF-4 release. Thanks.
  10. Either that or a mix of Isamu's scheme for the middle part of the fuselage with the white colors and red scheme like above. Or Isamu's scheme in white instead of tan with the Ozma head with black lasers.
  11. Take the 30th anniversary scheme and sub red for yellow.
  12. wmkjr

    Hi-Metal R

    Macross might be a whole different can of worms. I'm not familiar with the HI metal line but for the DX line I've only seen a few of the valks get issued a re-release. You can wait but how long will it take for them to issue the ones that you want? I had to wait a couple years for the VF-25S reissue and still hoping for a VF-25G one.
  13. I guess with all the fuss about the 0A, they sent someone to China for final inspection for the 0S though they probably do that anyways. Hope they work those hips hard! https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/671605850327244805 I thought it was a mass produced Bird human head at first. Lol. Look at all those heads!
  14. wmkjr

    Macross figures

    Someone thought about this. A Morikawa Yuki Dolfie with a different hairstyle/eyes and costume would look nice.
  15. I think he's waiting for his Glowforge to come in before restocking.
  16. NIce! Also dig the pic of pops jamming for baby.
  17. We will probably see some type of differing interface in Delta seeing that the Draken's canopy is covered.
  18. It would be a real treat to one day see your collection of valks unboxed and on display. Wasn't this a pic of the Yamato TV Roy vs. the Arcadia Roy? I forgot.
  19. It's off topic but I found it interesting:: https://www.quora.com/Mecha/Why-do-mechs-in-Western-movies-cartoons-tend-to-be-more-real-than-Japanese-movies-cartoons#!n=12 Back on topic. What would define more realistic? Is it like Patlabor , Landmates , or Steel Battalion? More pilot movments with the UI or more mechanical controls? Being realistic like those Hollywood examples, wouldn't that make the pilot's job a bit more tiring unless they had a mind link UI like you said? I dunno about you but I wouldn't wanna be at the controls for prolonged periods of time swinging my arms and legs around when I could be doing the same thing sitting still . Also, you would need a larger cockpit to account for those movements. Also, maybe it's like what mickyg said where the computer takes over maybe using eye tracking sensors to see where or what you want to do and by either pressing a specifically assigned button or a "combo" of buttons it will do a certain task. Interesting topic.
  20. The Pilots? and the cockpit are a little different.
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