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Everything posted by wmkjr

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Need to get 2 more! I wonder if there will be any revisions or straight reissue?
  2. Freezing on a rock in the middle of nowhere

  3. wmkjr

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm just guessing but maybe it's that Chuck Mustang guy (the merman type) that pilots the yellow one.
  4. Looks like from my part of woods... er...palm trees! The C-17's from the 535th Airlift Squadron? Edit: After researching, It 's the C-17 Fuel cell nose dock hangar at Hickam. That section where the tail fits also has bay doors to seal it flush.
  5. I take it off completely. The peg might be long enough where I think you can do it either way you mentioned:
  6. Maybe 40, one for each colored pack. Let's see how far this'll go!
  7. Good luck if it's for Wonderfest Winter. It'll be limited and pricey.
  8. Nice! I bet It'll be going for a pretty penny for the lucky few. He does all his models with a CAD type program, yes? With the way 3D printing tech's going, I can see an up-scaling of his models as doable. Or better yet, a revised version.
  9. Nice! Will put in an order for a couple of those and some other stuff when they go live!
  10. I'm cracking up right now at the Saturday Night Live Skit about the Star Wars TFA toys. Sub in Macross and it reminds me of myself lol. Edit: Dunno if this belongs here or the Star Wars toys thread.
  11. For the ankle fix and a few other various fixes (attempt at your own risk): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41401 Edit: Sorry, seems like you've been there already.
  12. wmkjr

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm surprised they are even allowed to sell Macross items, even at a high markup.
  13. That's all kinds of awesomeness in there!
  14. OK figured out why he said 2017 for the RA. It'll be the 15th anniversary of Macross Zero and the 35th anniversary of Macross so maybe to coincide with those Also, seems Arcadia's website is down for the moment but he said they're still there and are trying to fix the issue..
  15. wmkjr

    Hi-Metal R

    Ouch. I guess that notched section near the clip allows the wing to spread all the way out by seating into the front side of the backplate? It would bother me only if I spread it all the way out like on the right but I usually only do it like the left pic. The notch is still visible though.
  16. Did not know that the Sell, trade, and buy Macross section is not shown to folks not logged in. Good to know.
  17. How about using modeling clay or blue tac in the hull cavity? Sorry, I can't see the pics.
  18. So Arcadia Pinkish? Maybe it's my monitor, the central fuselage looks pinkish but the left wing doesn't.
  19. Cool update! Thank you for your hard work!
  20. wmkjr

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Didn't Yamato make the VF-11, YF-19 and YF-21 in 1/72? I thought it was the coolest back then.
  21. That first link in your post states that it's for recent releases so that's why it's not on there I'm guessing. Would this help (2nd post)? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=16592&hl=takatoku&page=1
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