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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Outstanding on the Zeros and the F-18s are coming along nicely!
  2. Must have the SAP, then its a happy rest 6ft under!
  3. No worries at all & take your time. From what I can see its definitely worth it.
  4. If thats the arm I sent you, its never looked better!
  5. Hell yeah, my buddy who manages a Hobby shop in LA told me this a few months ago and I so going to get one when its released, love the YF-23. He told me its going to be a very detailed kit, maybe not Hasegawa but very close!
  6. The moment I saw Charlie Day as part of the cast i was concerned, just watched the clip with him & Ron Perlman... Ron's his usual self but man its the same Charlie from Always Sunny... of which I can't stand. But minus that gripe I"ll still go see it for the Robots & monsters fighting!
  7. Definitely the Ghosts for Luca, if Bandai is making the CF VF-25 finally you would hope the Tornado packs should be right around the corner!
  8. Looks great and nice job on the weathering, now you just need some fast packs for Luca!
  9. It really was the best part of Salvation. The Terminator is a classic, T2 is a work of art. T3 is quite enjoyable and has some impressive scenes (as well its faults) but T4 is just bad in more ways than one.
  10. Nice touch with Ga In anime52k8, heres a little more!
  11. http://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/Culture-Cafe/2013/0625/Independence-Day-sequel-Would-Will-Smith-return Not sure if anyone else posted this yet, but looks like a sequel will be on the way and even some of the original cast will be involved. Could be fun, the original is campy as can be but I still watch it from time to time. However looks like Will Smith will not be back for this one.
  12. Definitely can't go wrong with the Black Aces.
  13. Impressive, glad you haven't stopped working on this. Going for that Roy Focker Low Vis look?
  14. This thread needs some pictures!! This is the VF-25 I have been waiting for!!! Might be the first time I ever go big & get two.
  15. Always wondered if someone would make this VF-1J, you sir are awesome for doing so!! Clean, simple and the VF-11 pilot is a nice touch.
  16. Happy news, will save up for this one!!
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