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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    I picked up C and D (no wings). I don't like the fluorescent paint scheme of A and B, and the wings look kinda corny when viewed from any angle but the front. Not worth the more than 2x markup to me.
  2. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    They're usually in the 1/7-1/8 scale range. They're not exactly 1/8 because they 1kuji Sheryl and Ranka figures are taller then the 1/8 scale figures made by Megahouse. Or maybe Megahouse's scales are off. Who knows? These aren't real people.
  3. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    HLJ shipment arrived early! And I placed my order late Sunday/early Monday morning. I don't think I've ever gotten such a quick turnaround time from HLJ. I might have to reevaluate my assessment of HLJ.
  4. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    So we're not allowed to be critical of the final product? Is "Everything is perfect and if you don't like it then cancel your preorder!" the only acceptable sentiment now? When did this board become so full of corporate shills? I always thought it was the other way around, judging by how insanely critical many forum members are. I'm pretty damn sure I'm not the first person on these boards to complain about product shortcomings. I'm also sure I'm nowhere near the harshest critic. All I've done is point out that, for some reason, Bandai has cut corners on details they included on previous releases. I'm not imagining some obscure detail from the lineart or something. These are the standards that Bandai themselves set. I was content to simply express my annoyance that Bandai cut corners then just fix it myself (though I really shouldn't have to fix anything on a $200 toy), but apparently that's not an acceptable position. Well I'll be damned. You're right. Well, I stand corrected on that point. However, my earlier criticism about the striped section on the underside still stands.
  5. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    Despite your pathetic attempt at being humorous, the things I've pointed out are details they've always painted on previous releases. It's now on the 25G that they've decided to cut corners and leave them off. Or do you not care if Bandai leaves out details that they themselves took the time to retain on previous units? Why bother doing all those video reviews if you don't give a crap if the final product is up to par with previous releases?
  6. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    Noticed the red sensors on each side of the cockpit aren't painted either. What the hell, Bandai?
  7. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    Bloody hell they didn't bother to paint the black stripe along the underside of the front fuselage.
  8. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    I had resigned myself to not getting one because I refused to pay NY's inflated price, and HLJ comes through! Hurray for HLJ!
  9. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    I see bent head lasers...
  10. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    I want those! Then I can throw out the Figuarts Zero versions.
  11. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    I sat there refreshing the page continuously as soon as I got the email. When it finally came up, it was Sold Out. F U Bandai.
  12. Lolicon

    DX VF-25G

    No Bandai valkyrie is worth $235. I'll just hope for additional stock somewhere else upon release, or just wait for a possible reissue at some point in the future (and then the circle of Bandai preorder BS can begin anew).
  13. Problems on a new Yamato release? That's never happened before.
  14. Ordered mine from HLJ. I may dislike their customer service and they're slow as hell, but at least they keep their prices constant and I can choose to cancel later with no hassle. And their shipping rates are pretty good too.
  15. As opposed to the amazing plots of Macross II, 7, and Zero? EDIT: Oops, I left out Plus. How could I forget such an unforgettable story like that?
  16. I would rather f*** a cactus than go back to the crappy V1s. Whatever flaws the renewals have, they're nothing compared to the POS's the V1s were. On another note, I was able to tighten the hip joints with nail polish to where it can actually hold a pose. The drawback is that, in order to hold a pose with all the extra armor weight, I had to make the joint super tight. Like the VF-171 "I feel like I'm going to break it if I try to move it" tight. I need to loosen the screw in the back before transforming it. A minor inconvenience since I end up removing the wing boosters and back antenna anyway just to make transforming easier.
  17. I'm well aware of what comes in the box, thanks. I'm talking about a real brace that comes with the 1/72 kit. It not only holds the backplate away from the cockpit, it also provides support for the wing gloves themselves so the joints are not stressed.
  18. Transformed to battroid mode. Like the model kit, the legs are so heavy with the armor that the hips can't hold a pose. The weight of the wing boosters are held almost entirely by the wing glove joints and they just flop around freely; the little friction that gave the wing gloves stability can't possibly hold up against the weight of the wing boosters. I hope it doesn't cause problems later on down the line, as I plan on keeping it in battroid mode. The 1/72 kit has a back brace piece that goes between the backplate and cockpit to provide additional support to the back and wing gloves. Kinda wish they included that in the 1/60 parts. 1/60 Armored VF-25S and its 1/72 little brother.
  19. A few more quick pics before I transform it to battroid, where it will spend most of its existence. It's so large and heavy that wooshing it around is a serious affair.
  20. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    You see, I'm a guy of simple tastes. I enjoy dynamite, and gunpowder, and trading figures. And you know the thing that they have in common? They're cheap. You know, that trading figure Ranka is actually one of my favorite sculpts. I think it looks better than the recent Figuarts Zero Ranka; better pose and representation of the character. Not too shabby for only 800 yen. I'm no stranger to Ranka figures. Preordered the Basara Sheryl, of course. I'll wait till I see more pics of the nurse versions before I commit to those. Though I've been wanting Nurse Sheryl for some time now...
  21. It's been nearly 5 years since I first saw it, but I finally have an Armored VF-25S. Things to note that may not have been mentioned previously: With the armor parts on the gunpod is not particularly secure when mounted in fighter mode. The set actually comes with a rather awkward clip that you can use to "bind" the legs together so they hold the gunpod more securely. Bandai opted not to paint the yellow and black stripes on the original hip armor that fits under the armored hip armor (god that sounds confusing), even though they did so for the super parts. Trivialities aside, it's such a huge and beautiful piece, and I haven't even transformed it yet. My Super VF-25F just looks so puny next to it. I love this thing. I'm just going to sit here and bask in its awesomeness for awhile.
  22. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    The Figuarts Zero Sheryl & Ranka are much too big next to Ex Gear Alto. Last year's trading figures are very close in scale, however.
  23. On my armor packs, in the off white area with the micro missiles on the wing packs, there's some tiny splotches of red paint here and there. Does anyone know if the off white is colored plastic or is painted? I really can't tell, and don't wish to use any chemicals to remove the flecks of red paint if it's not plastic underneath.
  24. Condescending asses being pointed out by other condescending asses. And here I thought this thread would be about what Yamato might be planning after the VF-4.
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