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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Hey guys, Progress as promised. I know the color isn't right, but it was the only grey I had in a spray can (Haze Grey). Max
  2. Hey guys, I've started this project a while back, but was unable to finish due to college. Since I'm done with college I've picked the project back up and made some progress on it. If the final version turns out well and depending on demand I may cast them (for a very reasonable price)... The current wip version (shown) attaches to the canopy via friction and holds fairly well (upside down, side ways, and even through shaking). Comments/feedback are welcome. Max
  3. Aww... these unassembled vf-1s are tempting.
  4. Wow... never realized that people were still looking at this thread. Actually I started up a canopy cover towards the end of the summer (July-August), but never finished it because school started. I'm hoping to get this finished up in the next month. It could actually be friction fitted with no magnets needed. I'll post up some picks as soon as i charge my camera.
  5. Ordered a set of Max and Miria from Over-Drive. I want two sets, but my budget won't permit it. -=\
  6. Definitely shopped. They didn't extend the lower-legs/shins all the way.
  7. Just got a notification from Over-Drive about processing my Alto Armored pack... -=]
  8. They look awesome. Picked up two sets. Too bad this wasn't available earlier in the summer. This would've given me some motivation to build my alto kit.
  9. Is it me or is there no sound in the video? ***EDIT*** After watching the vid... I must say that I really wished they didn't leave the upper diecast arm parts grey. They should have chromed it out like the intake section or metalized them like the kankles.
  10. The red was changed to black some months back.
  11. I almost spat on my laptop by choking on my drink and erupt with laughter when I read your reply. LOL ***EDIT*** With all the nice pics I'm about to make some space and pull mine out just so it can take some abusing. XD
  12. Ahh okay... yea you were referring to Jetfire from the TF line. Yea that thing is unfortunate.
  13. Ohh... you meant that thing. Yea its the crappy fodder version of Sideswipe from the HA line. Notice how it's just sitting in the pile of stuff. My valks get plenty of standing room, no matter how much they fall apart on me. LOL
  14. Huh??? I guess it flew past my head... XD
  15. He didn't just matt the armor. He coated it with a flat mix of some sort. You can see the color difference by the chest armor missile bays.
  16. Yup got mine like a week ago (on the 13th to be precise). I had to pay the additional shipping fee because it was a larger shipment than A.E. originally anticipated.
  17. BEWARE!!! The Headless VF-22S! LOL I was in mid transformation back to gerwalk mode and the face just unclipped itself...
  18. BEWARE!!! The Headless VF-22S! LOL I was in mid transformation back to gerwalk mode and the face just unclipped itself...
  19. Nice if thats really the case then maybe I'll consider one.
  20. Not sure if that's actually official color since it looks like if it had a grey filter applied. Can someone translate the text?
  21. I got my VF-25S armored today from anime-export. Unfortunately one of the head lasers were bent right from the box with a slight hairline crack. Luckily, I was able to bend it back with minimal damage. Aside from the obvious head/neck changes... the two pegs on either side of the hips which peg into the body of the fighter mode or for gerwalk mode have been upgraded (?) and by meaning upgraded with the (?) it's not for certain that this would be a great long term addition. Bandai has added a metal pin in the middle of the pegs which is visible (sorry no pics atm, mine is back in its box due to the lack of space in my room). I haven't had the chance to further inspect my Armored VF-25S. ***EDIT*** It just seems like my luck with valks hasn't been that great lately. I am glad to say that Tamashii's exclusive Alto armor pack will be my last product from the DX line in the foreseeable future.
  22. @Graham... I noticed your VF-25G already suffered some scratched paint on the left shoulder by the SMS marking (on the yellow border). I guess Bandai still hasn't improved their paint apps. -=\
  23. Are you referring to the Yellow and Green emblem on the side of the fuselage? If so, then yes they are suppose to be a standard tampo.
  24. I just got back from my vacation at the Bahamas. Haven't been on to follow up with much. I apologize if my previous post was too superficial for your focus of the topic. If that's your take from my previous response then all I can say is that since you've only considered it, why don't you try it on some scape styrene? The Krylon fusion black gloss can and does cover in one coat [edit] without runs [/edit]. You never stated in your original post that was what you were looking for from a can of black spray paint. If you're looking for a really nice finish/cover I could recommend Alclad lacquer, however that would require an airbrush, take a good day or two to fully dry and would require a pretty pristine/dustless environment.
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