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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Your sarcasm aside, I really hope that you're wrong about the DX-29. While I'm still not sold on the design I hope the toy turns out nicely and that if (more likely when) a redesigned DX 25 is released it can hold it's own (aesthetically speaking/adherence to line-art accuracy) with some of the other 1/60 scale Valkyries released within the past few years. -b.
  2. Larger scans of the DX posted in the YF-29 (canon, in-series info)thread in the Movies and TV Series Section - credit to CF 18 for posting them. Hopefully Bandai executes well on the design. -b.
  3. Ok...so curiosity is satisfied. The Battroid mode looks decent, Gerwalk sure is fat in the ass though - baby got back. Thanks for posting the scans CF 18. -b.
  4. So looking at the larger scans posted in the Macross Frontier Movie 2 Thread it really looks like the 29 has the same 25F* head + an extra "unicorn thingie" in the middle of it's head. *borrowing from Mr. March's Macross Mecha Manual you can almost see the same F head mounted beam guns. Still not sold on the design, but I am really curious to see it in Battroid mode. -b.
  5. Trailer is up at Yahoo! Movies; http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810159061/video/24150680 Like most trailers it makes the movie look interesting enough. Enjoy...or not. -b.
  6. Voted yes. I was on the fence but the pics that >EXO< posted sold me on it. -b.
  7. Nice, I really think (hope) this will turn out well. If the article is accurate then I like the direction/script they opted to go with. Thinking way down the line I wonder how the costume will look in the Avengers movie - hopefully not too much of a departure of what's been shown so far. -b.
  8. So is anyone playing, or planing on playing the PS3 version of ME 2? -b.
  9. ...my plan is to buy the Takara version within the month. Of all the wishes, or could have/should haves that are floating around I personally wish they would have included two little Daniel figures from TF:TM, one on his hover-board and another in his Exo-Suit. PS - thanks to all that have posted pics -b.
  10. Wow - that was pretty awful, glad you were able to get everything into place. I would have been agitated to if that's what I saw instead of a proper vehicle mode. Sucks about the wheels, clearances and the overall need to be perfect when transforming him. Early feedback would almost make you lean towards avoiding him unless you're a fan of the character (which I am). -b.
  11. LOL - we need pics (NOT of the banana mode )! Besides your first impression of an annoying transformation/alt-mode any other thoughts on this release? -b.
  12. Well the original image being only the head does kind of suck, but I certainly appreciate the reply and the larger picture - thank you! -b.
  13. Hey Kronnang, your Avatar is pretty damn cool. Do you mind posting the whole picture or telling me where you found it? -b.
  14. lol - Exactly, the premise that they're floating is dumb. They might as well base her in South Beach (Miami for anyone who may not know). At least then she'd have a valid excuse to wear the costume we all know and love. -b.
  15. Wut? The project is described as a reinvention of the iconic D.C. comic in which Wonder Woman -- aka Diana Prince -- is a vigilante crime fighter in L.A. but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life. -b.
  16. ...have to agree with a few others that the colors don't do much for me despite the obvious effort Yamato put into the design. Also, in the interests of full disclosure I've never watched anything Macross 7 so I don't have a "connection" with any of the related Valks. BUT the model fighter mode posted above looks damn good, and if the Yamato has the same curb-appeal (understanding the aesthetic differences of model vs. toy) that then I'll gladly pick one up. -b.
  17. You'll be charged the price listed in your order confirmation. The only variation would be the Yen to Dollar (or Yen to whatever your currency is) conversion. -b.
  18. In all honesty I'd love to see another film in the Alien franchise, prequel/sequel/whatever. AND if this new film is going to have an Alien vibe then my thought is it should just remain an Alien movie, but according to the article(s) the script was such that powers-that-be want this to be a bigger, more grandiose flick, so there you have it... -b.
  19. LOl...I'm in my 30's and found the time. Agreed with your statements about how they treated the armor in this game vs. ME1. Although I would stop short of echoing your want of casual or street clothes for certain missions. For me there is a fine line with how much customization I want to have - if I wanted to play like an RPG then I'd play an RPG. -b.
  20. Re: genius level collaborations with other Marvel intellects. He's actually been doing a bit of that during the current story-ark of Amazing Spider-Man (and as an Avenger). -b.
  21. The third trailer is up...I still think the movie looks good but I really hope it doesn't follow a "everything was futile/we lost" storyline. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/battlelosangeles/ -b.
  22. That's a nice stretch of Sci-Fi/Horror you just put yourself through. I need to put aside some cash to buy the Thing (which would be the third format I've owned after DVD and HD-DVD) and Alien Anthology on Blu-Ray. -b.
  23. Agreed. I finished an Insanity play-through a few months back and I found Horizon and the Collector Ship as the two most pain-in-the-ass-worthy levels. I also find a certain personal challenge/satisfaction with not using Medi-Gel, but that's just one of my own little game playing quirks . -b.
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