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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. This is very similar to of the point I tried to make in another thread. And that is as fans of original's we tend to look at them thru rose colored glasses and sometimes not as objectively as we should. The new Transformer films are made for the current generation with a nod here and there for the old school fans to keep us coming back for more - hoping the filmmakers will acknowledge what WE feel about the source material. When in fact they're after the dollars of the current generation of fans, hoping that one day they'll care enough about the franchise to keep it going once they're into their 30's, 40's, etc. Disagree with statement 1. - not passionately but I tried to watch a few of the original episodes and hot-damn they were bad. Loved them as a 9 year old, not so much now. Agree with statement 2. - except some of the newer designs, mainly Prime and Bumblebee have grown on me. QFT LOL - was thinking the same thing. She's certainly no Megan Fox, for better or for worse. Personally I just want to be entertained, I want to go with my childhood friends and with my 14 year old son (I swear 10 grey hairs just appeared as I typed that) and I want us all to have a good, summer-blockbuster good time. Nothing more and nothing less. -b.
  2. Yep - thanks! Same here. Hopefully it gets here before next Tuesday as I'm traveling for the next week after that and hate the idea of my higher-end items rotting at the Post Office. lol -b.
  3. Let's be real here... Most folks, myself included still like the Arnold Conan films because of nostalgia and the fact that kids are generally easy to please from a *ahem* cinematic stand-point. People tend to have fond memories movies from their adolescence that carry over into adulthood. When faced with the idea of some Hollywood type sullying what they treasure with a remake or re imagining (or whatever you want to call it) that doesn't necessarily jive with that sense, or memory of what the movie should be it leads to all the belly aching we see played out in this and other threads. If you were a late 20, 30 or even 40 something you probably would have turned your nose up at 80's Conan flicks in the same fashion as we're doing now with the remake. If there never were Conan movies before this one a lot of us still wouldn't like what we're seeing in the trailers (rated R or not). This movie really isn't made with us in mind, it's made for the teen to early twenty something male that probably could give two sh!ts about Arnie or how good we think/thought Conan the Barbarian and/or Destroyer are. And did I already say that I don't care either way about the new Conan? -b.
  4. I'll be keeping mine in "box" mode forever. And like others have said or alluded to, this is also one of the first times I was really happy that a company double-dipped, and did it so soon. -b.
  5. Probably, but probably not that much different from other models. If Hasbro or Takara would put out transforming Transformers that looked that good then I'd be I'd agree 100%, but they don't. And yep, the models are in scale with one another. Hopefully the movie and the models turn out to be worth the time and effort. -b.
  6. Have both on pre-order with HLJ. Was told to expect them in stock within a few days. I don't plan to build either until I see a couple of reviews. -b.
  7. Have to admit after my initial dislike of the design I did pre-order one (the complete-ist in me compelled the purchase). Hopefully Bandai doesn't disappoint and if they don't I really hope that they go back and revisit the DX VF-25, which IMHO really deserves a decent, or much better, toy release. -b.
  8. Looks interesting. I just hope they don't make Tygra too "angsty" (or at all) with the "I should be King, or I should get Cheetara" and not Lion-O subplots they mentioned. -b.
  9. Agreed! One day when I grow up I might try to build one of my Yamato kits. Until then I'll enjoy watching fans like MickyG build theirs. -b.
  10. Impossible to be worse than the crap that they put on Syfy these days. -b.
  11. Very true. I guess it all comes down to the viewer and how much they want to enjoy the experience. The flip side of that coin is duping yourself into imagining that a good, somewhat worthwhile or even passable film is lame. -b.
  12. But...it's...rated...R. Really, there's no arguing that fans of the Arnold Conan films will probably find this a fail before and after (assuming they do) see it. You could also argue that fan or not of the originals this could still be a fail. It'd just be nice to allow for the possibility of being pleasantly surprised.* *not that I care about this film either way -b.
  13. Red Band Trailer - at least it'll be rated R. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/06/17/exclusive-conan-red-band-trailer-debut -b.
  14. That alone will get this a spot on my NETFLIX queue. If we actually get what looks like a passable story and casting then it could get bumped up to a matinee showing. -b.
  15. Sure. We can trade. You send me that nice camera you use to take your pics and I'll throw the instructions and sticker sheets in as a bonus. Hey! You post more than I do, but I was here first buddy (joined in '99). In all seriousness, I have to reiterate that I'm glad Yamato put their A-game into this, as long as they keep putting out quality items then I'll find a reason to buy it, fan of the design or not. I remember drooling over the old 1/72 YF-19 when they were going to be released domestically via Toycom. Things sure have come a loooonnnnggg way since then. -b.
  16. So even more blasphemy, I'm not a fan of the VF-17 Nightmare either. Beyond the VF-22 and VF-11 the Macross 7 Valks don't appeal to my sense of aesthetics. More than likely my "need" to buy all things transformable from Macross will compel me to get both, but they'll probably be stuck in their respective boxes. Forever. -b.
  17. LOL - Right! No arguing that Yamato designed a beauty with the Fire Valk. I just wish I could get over my dislike of the color scheme and face so that I could talk myself into buying one. -b.
  18. The sales of the toys aren't driving the production of these. The movies make enough coin on their own for Hollywood to make sequels. -b.
  19. AFAIK none of the DYRL 1A's got re-released per say, just the Kakizaki and Max versions were from later production runs when the knurled pin/should pin issue had been corrected. Any other members feel free to keep my honest on those points. -b.
  20. Nice pics! I only have Noble Six, one of these days I'll complete the Halo: Reach line-up. -b.
  21. LOL! I was thinking more along the lines of him not being such a punk, but ok.
  22. Very cool. I'll say one thing for the Bay TF movies, they made Bumblebee cool. I really could not stand him as a character from the cartoon, but he's been pretty kick-ass in the movies. -b.
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