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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Well said. But I think all the battying and complaining gets a little old at times. I'm not to happy about the short drop time of Yamato's latest releases either but what can you do. They are a business whose goal is to make profits. By doing so they can stay in business and give the fans some of the other cool toys we salivate for. If that means maximizing the 1/48 mold then who are we to complain. The opposite could also be true. They could not be around making macross toys for us to scream about. I don't make as much as I would like (who does) but I get some perverse satisfaction when I hear my coworkers constantly batty and complain about their salaries. They gripe about not making enough to do some of the things they want to do, but These same people eat out for luch 5 days a week and they rarely work overtime. I take nearly every opportunity I can to work OT and I've cut my spending on things I've deemed less important. The result has been that I've been able to afford to keep up with this macross addiction, while still contributing to my 401 K, my savings account and customizing my car here and there. So I guess I'm saying is a little hard work never hurt anyone. There's no law that says you must buy every new release once it hits the streets. My advice to any collector is to prioritize. Buy only what you can reasonably afford and only purchase the toys that mean the most to you. There are enough sellers of these toys to ensure that there will be sufficient stock of these things well after their release dates. So get what you can when you can afford it. Toy collecting shouldn't account for no more than 10 % of your monthly expenses.
  2. Awesome pics D Unit. I'd hate to engage those carriers in battle. BTW how long is the US Flagg?
  3. Don't forget about armor for kakizaki and the angel birds.
  4. I think the vertical fins are fine. If the were any larger I think it wouldn't look right in battriod mode. Does Yamato have licensing rights to make mac 7 valks? It would be cool to see a basara fire valk.
  5. You aren't the only one. This great news though. I've always wanted a official Kakizaki. Now I wish that they rerelease the milia super vf-1s Graham is there any word on what the box will look like? i.e. will it be black like the other DYRL valks.
  6. Damn that sucks. They had one of his films on yesterday. It was a war film that he did with Steve McQueen. He was also the wizard in Highlander 3.
  7. This is great news. I can't wait to get one. I've always wanted a angel birds. Hopefully this means that a Kakizaki is still a possible hope.
  8. Hey Takatoys I recieved my stickers today. Awesome job as usual. 2nite I'm stickering up the low vis 2.
  9. Man Fe was seen in the promos, Which guarantees that I won't touch this show with a 10 foot pole
  10. I guess I'm in the minority here I love alot of the AS Shows. My favs are Aqua Teens, Sealab, Venture Bros and Boondocks. Aqua Teens is may favorite of them all. Master Shake is the funniest character on all of AS. I agree that most of the newer shows are more miss that hit, but I do like Robot Chicken. Its growing on me. I can personally do with out The family guy and Futurama. They're nothing but the Simpsons clones and its be atleast a decade since I thought the simpsons was worth viewing. My favorite eps from some of these shows are: 1) Aqua Teens-- a) The frat Aliens b) Anything with Ignock and ERR c) Video quija d) Dusty Gozangas e) Anything with Emory and Oglethorp 2) Venture Bros a) The last ep of season one where Hank and Dean are Killed, and the Monarch and King Gorilla reenact scared straight with troubled teens b) the parody of the Fantastic 4 3) Sea Lab A) The Bizarro eps-- nuff said b) Grizzle B's with Kid and Play c) Murphy takes over the lab and starts a nuclear war with the U.S. 4) Harvey Birdman A) 2 part ep with the Blue Falcon and Dyno Mutt b) The Apache Chief episode c) The bird Girl episode BTW Harvey Birdmans boss is voiced by Stephen Colbert
  11. I think you missed a very important point. The entire crystalline structure was infuesd with kryptonite. Thats why he was affected when he was on the island with Luthor and his goons. Once he removed the island from the earth he should've been affected, period, End of discussion. Not to mention the Kryptonite that was still lodged in his back. Unless he was wearing a lead suit which they could've done if the writers were thinking. This was too a huge suspension of disbelief to accept esp consdering the fact that in the previous scene he couldn't fend off Luthor and his 125 pound goon. I thought the movie as okay (a C+). Lois came off as a Jilted lover, Lex was a cartoon villian of the week. I never cared for Gene Hackmans Luthor and I think Spacey was merely a darker version of Hackmans portrayal. I think the story was flat, I didn't feel for any of the characters, and I think the largest blunder was that they never fully addressed the question why the world needed superman. The movie never showed that his presence inspired people to achieve more than what was already within their reach. I hope Singer doesn't make a sequel because I think he screwed up with this film.
  12. Golden Arms

    1/48 Gbp

    DAMN that looks sweet. I can't wait to get it.
  13. I picked it up, but haven't read it yet. BTW Sean Chen hasn't done all the covers for X-men the end. The artist that draws ultimate Fantastic Four was doing them at first. He also pencilled the X-men Phoenix story from about a yr ago. Dan Land is the Artist. I like the art for All Star Superman. Frank Quitely is an acquired taste, but he definately grows on you. I still think that his women all look like dried prunes.
  14. I thought I was one of the only Old School Kung Fu fans here, Its great to see others around. I Have nearly all of the Venoms films either on DVD or tape. Suncoast used to be one of the best places to pick up their films. Ebay is probably the best place to hunt down their films. I highly recommend these other lesser known venoms Films: Philip Kwok(Kuo Chiu-- the lizard) and Lo Meng( the toad) both show up in John Woo's Hardboiled. Magnificient Ruffians--- Great ending fight sequence between Kuo Choi and Chiang Sheng vs Lu Feng. Lu Feng Is at his best in this film. His weapon skills are phenomenal. Flag of Iron-- See above, this time with Iron Flags and the Spearman Daredevils-- This time the venoms are all good guys who battle a evil general Wang Li who killed their friend Lo Meng. Ten Tigers from Kwantung-- all 6 venoms, Fu Sheng, and Ti Lung one of the best cast every assembled for a kung Fu Film Killer Army Great ending fight sequence between Kuo Choi and Chiang Sheng vs Lu Feng. Chinese Super Ninjas -- the Only venom that appears in this film is actor Lo Meng but this maybe Director Chang Cheh's best action piece Ninja in the Deadly Trap-- While Chang Cheh and Lo Mong were making Chinese Super Ninjas the other venoms were in Taiwan shooting this film with actor Yasuaki Kurata 2 Champions of Shaolin-- Lu Feng and the Wu Tang clan are hunting down the Shaolin fighters led by Lo Mang and Chiang Sheng China Town Kid-- Set Durin Modern San Fran-- A Chinese Illegal escapes from police and local gangsters in Hong Kong and runs into an gang war between rival gangs in the China town. Stars all five of the venoms. Masked Avengers-- A Masked Gang is terroizing the locals with the use of their deadly tridents. Chiang Sheng leads a group of men who seek out the mysterious 3 chiefs of this gang. Who are they? Are they in the heroes mists? Another great bloody epic from Chang Cheh.
  15. Note the location listed in my profile. That doesn't happen. 402697[/snapback] And knowing is half the battle. I'll take your word on it. I've never been to Cali. Another reason to throw Brett Ratner under the bus. BTW, good review Mr March. I would've given the film a 2.5 rating out of five. I think it worked well in some areas, but fell completely flat in others.
  16. Extremely rookie mistake. Basic continuity like that is stuff you learn in Film 1. Stuff like this is why I decided to not pursue a career in film, the quality of your previous work (or even the box office return of said work) has next to nothing to do with whether or not you're successful. Just this year you have two excellent examples: the screenwriter for the Davinci Code (which is supposed to be Sony's big moneymaker this summer) also wrote blockbusters like Batman & Robin, Lost in Space, and I Robot, and the X-men three script got handed to a guy who's total output at the time consisted of xXx: State of the Union (which barely made back a quarter of it's budget). Everyone has their own little pet reasons Hollywood is doing so badly (libruls, DVDs, piracy) but the truth is very simple: No one is buying tickets because the movies are horrible, and the movies are horrible because studio execs are basing their talent decisions on who's the most connected rather than who can do the best job. 402687[/snapback] I kinda let the daytime to nighttime misshap go b/c some others pointed out on another thread that the daytime can change rather rapidly in San fran. I had a larger problem with Angel at the end of the film. He isn't shown aboard the X-jet and He suddendly pops up at Alcatraz. WTF I would be impossibble for him to fly from upstate NY to San Fran in the alloted time in the film. The effects for Collosus were terrible. He looked like someone covered him in aluminum foil.
  17. I just saw X3 and Thought it was definately the weakest of the 3 X-men films. What a letdown. The story and action seemed rushed, and while some special effects were great (Jeans powers and Mags use of his powers), others seemed like an after thought (Terrible wire work, Collosus in armored form). I think the best parts of the film were Xaviers showdown with Jean, and Juggernauts line to kitty. BTW Stay around after the end credits. I didn't, and I missed a spoiler.
  18. Great pics!! I have a couple of questions. Is the antenna white or is it the same color as the rest of the valk? Are the Skull logo's on tail fins painted on? Is the GBP armor out as well? Can we see the box?
  19. Goldern Arms, Could you post a pic of the hinge you mention, as I'm really not sure what part you are talking about. I took a look at the VF-0S backpack last night to figure it out, but could only find one hinge which looks pretty big and solid and not fragile looking at all. Not doubting your word, I'm just honestly not sure what part you mean. Graham 400700[/snapback] The parts in question can be found on page 06 of the instruction manual. They are listed in illustrations 04 and 05. The hinges on the grey panel (shown in illustration 05-- near rightmost arrow) which secure the backpack flap broke on mine. They were compromised when I was following step 04. I was folding the flap back towards the backpack and I noticed the stress. The right hinge broke later. As Graham mentioned the flap doesn't need to fold all the way back to the backpack boosters. I guess I followed the pic too literally. This entire area is the only place on the toy I would be concerned about in regards to longevity. Sorry about the poor photo quality. I need to stop spending so much on toys and invest in a good camera.
  20. So you tried to fold a part that isn't supposed to fold then Graham 400528[/snapback] It's supposed to fold slightly (about 30 degrees I suppose) when in fighter mode. Thats how it tucks into place. Blue Max-- You don't need to completely disassemble the backpack. You only need to slightly pry apart the end that connects to the back. I used my fingernails and a modelling knife for this.
  21. The first Transformation. There is a grey panel on the backpack that secures the off white flap with two plastic hinges. These hinges broke. There the only flaw I think that the Zero has beyond the loose joints everyone is complaining about. I wasn't paying too much attention to the instructions because the flap isn't meant to fold completely up or down when transformed. These hinges or fastners were sturdier in the 1/48's. HLJ has a parts department which you can order replacements from. They've saved my arse on several occasions now.
  22. I'm loving my zero again. I got my replacement backpack from HLJ and the broken backpanel has now been replaced. The backpack isn't that hard to remove from the body, You just remove the 2 backpack screws and pry the backpack apart and presto. I took some time to pu the new backpack on but it was worth the trouble.
  23. Yeah I think that 7 minute teaser had him ice up. Collosus is near him when it happens.
  24. I think he was referring to Gen. Strykers son. But the focus of the 2 films have been on Wolvie to my dismay. They should've titled them Wolverine and The X-men. They should've left alot of his material for any Wolvie solo films not the X-men films.
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