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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. So, nobody has removed the intake covers yet? Any difficulty? 399136[/snapback] I always use a Xacto knife since I cut my finger nails really low.
  2. Damn those are gorgeous. The Vf-0s hasn't been out for a month and I already want a Vf-0A and 0D. The GBP is no slouch either.
  3. Does anyone have any idea on how to repair the flap that attaches to the grey panel on the backpack/ booster in battroid mode? The tabs on the grey panel underneath the backpack thruster broke on mine and I'm getting replacement parts from HLJ and I want to know the best way to reinstall them. There are two screws on the back of the backpack but beyond that I have no idea on how to remove that grey panel which secures the flap that hangs down in robot mode. This part was a hell of alot sturdier in the 1/48's. Sorry about the photo quality. I used my phone camera.
  4. Thats wierd, I preordered mine the first day they were available and I recieved my 1/60 friday. I figure they simply ran out of stock.
  5. I had a chance to transform my VF-0s and mine has some of the aforementioned issues. One of the knee joints is lose and so is one of the arm joints as well. Another problem that Yamato should fix in the future is the flap that is attached to the backpack that swings down when transformed to battroid mode. Mine was bent coming out of the box, and the endpoints that hold it in place are already showing signs of wear. You can see stress marks on it. This part also shows signs of stress in the instruction manual on page 06 panel 05. SO be very careful with this part.
  6. My stealth and VF-0s both arrived today. The box size for the strike/super stealth is insane, But I do like the box.
  7. My order is shown as shipped a day ago by EMS. I ordered the VF-0S and the super stealth. I should have them early next week.
  8. Damn, HLJ shows the Vf-0s as having a May restock, and the FP stealth as backordered.
  9. The poor mans Vette. I have a coworker who is currently restoring a Opel.
  10. Yes that move should kill Juggs. Very similar to Nightcrawlers teleportation. If you solidify( In kitty's case) in solid matter the you should be toast.
  11. If Your APT COMPLEX offers garages, then get one. The perfect place to store things. A few of the people in my complex work on their weekend project autos in them as well.
  12. Dirty 30 here. But I've aged well. No wife, Kids or girlfiriend currently sure helps.
  13. Gambit was supposed to be in this film. They approached The actor that plays Sawyer on Lost for the role of Gambit. He turned Fox down because he thought the character was too similar to the one he plays on TV. IMO he would have made a great Gambit though.
  14. That's not a chick. That's this actor: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1080974/ 377774[/snapback] The kid is leech.
  15. Cool, thanks for the info. Have you been reading infinite Crisis? What are your thoughts on it? What about all of the OYL books? I'm wondering if Jason Todd is going to become the new Nightwing as a result of OYL. I think I'm going to pick up the titles that Simone Bianchi is doing the covers for. I love this guys art.
  16. Has Red Hood confronted Nightwing yet? I bought one of the Teen titan books were he beat the crap out of Tim Drake. Right now DC has me hooked with alot of their big events. I think marvel dropped the ball with House of M, and I'm not too optimistic with what I'm hearing about Civil War. I can't stand the direction that Joey Q has decided to take with a number of Marvels Books. IMO DC seems intent on telling good Stories while Marvel seems intent on trying to Boost sales by Hiring famous Authors outside of the comic universe to draw in readers. I also am not a fan of all the story decompression (New Avengers) that is running rampant in the Marvel Universe.
  17. Not even the Buckster is immune to the resurrection Virus. Captain America has been relauched. In this new title Bucky is revealed to be alive and going by the name of the Winter Soldier. This Storyline was rated as the Best by Wizard magazine. I highly recommend it. Jason Todd now goes by the alias of the Red Hood. He's out for a little revenge. I heard that it was a landslide in favor of offing Jason Todd.
  18. Golden Arms

    1/48 Gbp

    The GBP is up for preorder at HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00048
  19. Golden Arms

    1/48 Gbp

    I gotta have it. Yamato is gonna put me in the poor house. Though it does kinda suck in that it covers up most of the details that makes the LV2 so unique.
  20. Very nice collection Fansub. I especially love the posters.
  21. I agree that its ludicrous that someone could surivive such an attack, so thats why I went with the assumption that it was the subconscious Baltar seen in the exploding Apt. You'd think that he'd atleast have open wounds and cuts from all the debris and shrapnel from the blast.
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