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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Spidey's next enemies should either be Venom, Harry as either the Green Goblin or Hobgoblin, Kraven or Electro. I don't think they should have the Lizard b/c we've already seen the mad scientist thing in the 1st two films. I don't think venoms story will be hard to tell in one film. Remember Spidey 2 gave us glimpses of how they could come up with a story for Venom. The astronaut who was engaged to MJ could be that guy (instead of Brock). He already has a reason for wanting to see Parker destroyed.
  2. Gambits power isn't only throwing cards. His real ability is to charge inanimate objects with kinetic energy, which results in explosions. The larger the object, the larger the explosion. Thats why he uses the playing cards. There small, easy to manipulate (charge) and you have alot of potential weapons in a single deck of cards. I hope they include the Hellfire Club in the next film. You can't tell the Dark Phoenix story without them. I wonder who is going to direct X3. I loved Singers work, but I think their is plenty to work with that someone else can come along and do as well as him. I think that he did fail in some areas though. He never really captured the team aspect of the characters in either film. They weren't really shown as a team in battle complementing each other. I also thought the uniforms were way too drab.
  3. Here's a few Scanners The toxic avenger The island of Dr Moreau The Ice Pirates Death race 2000
  4. I could never really get into them because I detest musicals. But, I've heard that they have been churning out some really good films over the yrs. I've also heard that the cinemas are alot different in India as well. People are allowed to bring in their own food and the theathres are larger. BTW Sholay is supposed to be a really good film.
  5. Good explanation Knight. Another thing I was thinking about (hopefully they'll address it in the future) is that there has to be some survivors still left on the colonies. They implied in a earlier ep. that the cylons used some thermal nuclear weapons on the colonies ala DRYL. But, in the episode where Helo was captured he was in a forest with living vegetation. The resulting radation would kill all organic life. I guess the plants/ trees would survive a little longer than the people, but I would have thought the cylons would have turned the colonies into burned out cinders just to be thorough.
  6. I'm with you guys on this show. Its freakin awesome. Adama's and Apollo's irrational insistence to continue to search for starbuck really suprised me. Fallable characters are more believable than the your typical do gooders with no moral foibles. I thought 6's costume might have been her sexiest one yet. I loved her blonde comment to Balthar. The only thing that troubled me about the episode was how quickly Starbuck was able to learn the flight controls of the Cylon fighter. But I guess it makes sense on some level. The fighter being organic couldn't be too complex (but organic organism are extremely complex-- whatever). I like the realistic approach they have taken with the show. I think it more believable that way.
  7. Great custom. I think that's the first one of its kind. Some of the best customs are sometimes the simples and most obvious. There haven't been that many done using the CMS figures. Speaking of CMS figures, has anyone else had any problems with their Sara figures? Both of mine refuse to stand straight up b/c she is always leaning over to the left.
  8. Last March, In Dallas they were selling the C05's right around 30K. I was sick.
  9. I kinda like the new Nissan 350Z. I would newer buy one (rather buy a Cobra) but I don't think its butt ugly. Does anyone know why they made the eclipse a FWD car? I've always wondered about that. I heard that Dodge has been doing really well. Their Charger was well recieved.
  10. Did any of you guys catch the special on SciFi before it aired the 2 new BSG episodes? I saw some of it and the impression I walked away with, was that the fan reaction to the new Starbuck wasn't well recieved. So the series producers plan to alter the character that was depicted in the mini. I like this new series btw. One thing that I think that is missing from the original is the notion that the surviving Humans all come from different colonies. The humans for the most part don't seem to posses many differences in terms of coming from different planets (languages,beliefs, politics, religion, etc) colonies. Hopefully as the show progresses well see more of this.
  11. Great thread A7 and thanks for the super pics. I got the chance to see one of the new Ford GT's in person and Damn their sweet. If i'm corect I think that the Saleen is the fastest production car. If I recall its 0-60 was 3.9 seconds. The speed channel is airing its special on the LA auto Show. I think MSNBC and espn are both going to air the international auto show from Detroit.
  12. Spacey's a good choice, but I question whether or not he'll be interested in doing sequels. I haven't really seen K.B. in any films. She won't have been my choice of a Lois Lane though. Lois IMO should come off as a mature cynic to balance out Clark's boyish optimism, not as some hot blonde of the month.
  13. Doesn't the title of this thread say Star Wars Episode III Pictures??? Anyone stupid enough to open that link and not find spoiler info deserves to be sent to Iraq and spend time with insurgents. Just Joking, but seriously the title is self explanatory. If you follow the link you deserve to have the movie spoiled for yourself. No one is forcing others to read the post made in the thread. You can simply ignore it. So lets not insult each others intelligence. We live in a info rich era. If you walk into a toy aisle at wal mart the Star Wars toys on display are going to spoil some of the upcoming movie for you. So my advice for those that don't want spoilers in their life, sell your computer, don't watch TV, listen to radio or conversations from friends and coworkers, and become a hermit. Not trying to flame or insult anyone but my position still stands. The purpose of the prequels was to show Anakins transformation into Vader, the Fall of the Jediand the rise of the empire. Any fanboy off the streets could have told you how this was going to happen. It doesn't take rocket science to deduce that. The pictures haven't spoiled a thing for me. They've only reinforced the fact that I'm going to see this film in a good theatre and thoroughly enjoy the experience. If its a really good movie I'll see it multiple times and buy the dvd release. The pictures won't hold a candle to seeing Anakin go Ape S#@% on some Jedi on the big screen or General Grievous doing his thing or Anakin vs Obi One. I just hope the production team turns in its best work and surpases the lack luster efforts that were EP 1 and 2. Just my .02$.
  14. I don't get the uproar over the spoilers. Seeing that this movies is a prequel to a story that we all know how its going to end. We already know which characters will be around for the OT and which ones are going to bit the dust. Anything that happens inbetween is inconsequential b/c it doesn't affect the overall story.
  15. My thoughts exactly. They should have given her the same costume that her character wears in the animation. BTW Charlize doesn't have the biggest mammary glands to start out with. She's average at best. Check out 2 days in the valley when she's wearing that tight white suit.
  16. There's an earlier Peter Winfried appreance I enjoy more - that computer nerd off of James Bond - Goldeneye. And I was the best arround at that game(yea, everyone says that, but seeing as I only lost the first 2 multi-player games I played, I think I have some right). I would always play as his character and often yelled "I AM INVINCIBLE!" pissing off my opponents. Ahhhhh, good times. Anyways, yeah, at least he has somewhat of a career. One of the things I enjoyed about the TV series was how all these old rock stars were immortals on the show like the guy from the Who, man they make a mistake in killing him off. Roger Daltry's character, Fitz, was supposed to die in the episode he was introduced in. During the filming of that episode, though, the producers and writers decided that he was doing such a great job that they just couldn't kill him off Fitz was one of the great Highlander guest Immortals. Really gave that show depth and humour. BORIS WAS METHOS????? YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! Fitz was an amazing character. Roger Daltrey was great in that role and it looked like he enjoyed it. It was sad when he finally lost his head. As great a Highlander fan I am, I just can't stand the Brenda Wyatt character. Her personality is grating and she isn't good to look at either. They should have swapped her with the actress that played Connor's wife in Scotland. She ruins the entire movie for me. And as for Endgame, I love this movie. Have you ever seen a DVD were the second disc was a complete workprint of the movie? That shows the dedication to fans. Unfortunately, it is only one version of the workprint. I have a low quality one that is absolutely amazing in terms of the music (which was never heard in the final), editing, and story. I think that's the best version and it's sad that it was never officially released. I bought this movie because I'm a big Donnie Yen fan as well. I think he scenes were great. Highlander Endgame was actually the first mainstream hollywood (if you can call it that) DVD that I purchased in a store. As for the movie itself, there's only one disappointment I have with it, and that's the makeup crew were horrible with Christopher Lambert. This guy is supposed to be immortal, and you can see on the cover and his interview scenes that he easily looks young, fit, and gritty in the part. The stupid makeup guys made him look like he was in his 60s, combing his hair back all the way and giving him a clean cut. They should have had Connor look as he did in 1986-1993, with day-growth beard and dirty blonde hair. Connor looks absolutely senile throughout the movie. Yes, it's supposed to be showing that he's tired of life...but he looks the same in the 1990 flashback to New York where they order Hot Dogs (they actually dressed a Romanian city as New York for the movie). Other problems I have are with the final editing being senseless. Somehow Duncan and Kell fall down a ledge in a cathedral and they are suddenly in a steam-and-fire- factory . ?! Couldn't you be more creative than this guys? Also, if you watch the DVD cut, you'll see that they play the same scene TWICE! I wonder where all that funny magic stuff they had in the trailers (like Duncan and Connor jumping through a glowing portal) came from. Aside from it's problems, Endgame is a beautiful production, with great locales in Europe and good artistic work on a small budget. I still love my workprint version the best. It had much better music and sentimentality than the final version. Although the Christmas Tree ending that's featured on the workprint on the DVD is also good too. It's a great set to own, because you can see all the chaos that a Highlander production is. They must've changed the story every week making this thing! I bought the endgame DVD for the same reason (Donnie Yen). I never got around to watching the 2nd disk though. Why did they edit out some of the scenes that were in the trailers? I felt that the TV series should have never acknowledeged Connors fight with the Kurgan. It would have given the series alot more mystic b/c the audience wouldn't know how things would've turned out for Duncan and the other immortals.
  17. I thought the TV series got much better towards the end of its run on tv. I really dug the 4 horsemen. I wish they would've had more eps dealing with them. Its was pretty cool to see those revelations about Methos. BTW the actor that played Methos pops up in X2 as one of Strykers soldiers.
  18. This sux bigtime. I hope the other Football developers don't bow out. I fear that this lunacy will spread to the NBA. I gave up on the Madden series yrs ago. The game engine hasn't changed for yrs and the game physics are laughable. I prefer espn 2k series.
  19. Bad endings: Blue Gender Witch Hunter Robin Gasaraki wolf's rain I don't get how some didn't like the ending for Evangelion the TV series but liked the movies ending. They both reach the same conclusion.
  20. Silly question here. Do the reissue transformers come with the catalog/ poster was inclduded in the original Gen 1 toys? I just remembered those things this weekend while watching some of the Transformers movie.
  21. I don't think many on these boards were too impressed with the sculpts. I agree that Bebop sholud have several figurine lines, but only if they're going to make good figures.
  22. Yeah, it is a bit on the heavy side, but AWD makes for good performance, and a stock VR4 is close to 300hp... properly tuned, and it's ever bit as fast as a Nissan Skyline (which is the truly the most overrated Japanese sports car). Solscud007, the RX7 is nice (a lot nicer than the newer RX8), but Mazda is too closely related to Ford now, and while Ford seems to make nice trucks, you couldn't pay me to drive their cards. Before anyone asks, yeah, not even the Mustang. For the price of a base-model Mustang, you can get an Eclipse GS or base Toyota Celica. For a better Mustang, you can get an Eclipse GTS or a top-of-the-line Celica. And to boot, the new 2005 Mustangs are just ugly as sin. The base Mustang is better than a Celica. More HP better handling, better buy. The GTS eclipse cost as much a mustang GT, and it performs slightly better than the base mustang. The mustang GT 1999-04 and 05's are better cars than the eclipses. I've heard that on the 05 Mustang Ford will be releasing a Cobra, Mach 1 and possibly the Boss 302 starting in 06. I might trade my car in for a Cobra or a Boss once its released. HMMMMM American Muscle. BTW does anyone know why Pontiac went with such a butt-ugly design for GTO? It looks like every other import sedan on the road.
  23. I might check this game out. Currently I'm really enjoying the x-men RPG. I'm really waiting for KOTOR 2 which comes out later this month.
  24. I saw them both. Once I got past the VA I enjoyed both new episodes. I liked FMA. I really dug the science vs religion angle that was presented in the first episode. I'm very interested to see how it will play out in the rest of the series. Very appropriate for these times where religion has tried to dominate the discussion of scientitfic and health issues. Yeah the opening sequence of FMA was kinda graphic. I was quite suprised.
  25. Not to sound like the softy here, but Sol shouldn't you remove the pic of the dead guy (assuming it's not a hoke). Some might feel offended by it, and I find it somewhat inappropriate considering that is a real person. I'm sure he was missed and loved by others. Just my 0.02 BTW aren't Kodiak's typically larger than Grizzlies?
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