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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. In the battroid pics you can see some notches in the belly plates, could be for the gunpod(s)
  2. Awesome, are you doing a full interior as well?
  3. Don't get me started on the problems with that character and issues with her whole storyline. Instead of building on the established "buddy cop" dynamic between Poe and Finn from Ep7, we get the worst kind of fan service with Rose (the fan stand-in/mary-sue). Her character makes no sense, and is just shoe-horned in there to fit a narrative, one that backfired badly and hurt the actress in the process. I mean someone explain to me how a low level worker deep inside the ship even heard of Finn the same day of the attack, let alone knew what he looked like? AT most she would have heard about a FO defector who helped them bring down Starkiller Base.
  4. As much as I love the Yf-21/VF-22 this does illustrate a serious issue I have with it, the engine ducting. It really implies that the 21/22 used a radically different engine tech then every other VF to that point, and beyond. I know that the answer is liberal usage of anime magic in the design, but I just don't see room enough in there for traditional turbine styled engines. It makes me think that the 21/22 uses something more akin to a Fusion rocket. The bulged fronts of the engine nacelles would be the fusion bulbs, pumping plasma through ducts in the rear nacelle, "cooling" it along the way to pull out any radiation, before ducting them out the rear turbines. Afterburning would basically involve retracting the internal baffles to allow the raw plasma out the rear exhaust. The intake in the front would then serve to power the lifting ducts, as well as provide cooling air in atmosphere, which would be heated by the fusion bulb much like ramjet to also add thrust. So, I guess you might classify the 21/22's engines as Fusion Ramjets.
  5. I always saw the "de-limiter" or "limiter-release" mode as something akin to the Star Destroyer Shield Emitter issue (they were scanner globes, that the destruction of which blew out the bridge shield emitters). Guld ejects the dead weight of the limbs at the same time as he activated the de-limiter mode. The time was purely coincidental, and I sometimes wonder if he intentionally allowed the X-9 to shoot of his limbs because the software wouldn't allow him to eject them otherwise. De-limiter with limbs would still give a performance boost to the aerodynamic and structural limits, but de-limiter with limbs ejected would reduce the mass likely by half, or more, doubling the thrust to weight ratio and responsiveness of all other control systems. While I hate to argue with the MMM, I do question the source as canon or fanon in regards to the de-limiter mode.
  6. Isn't that the one being played by Keri Russel? That's all I know about it ATM.
  7. Is there a store to get those posters?
  8. Yes, but not that close. While the Yamato version was too widely spaced, these are too close. Something between the two would be "just right."
  9. I'd like to see the back of the battroid, maybe see why they moved the engines so close together in fighter mode, maybe it makes more sense in battroid.
  10. Found my Negative Matter as the Core Star Wars Tech Write Up. There is a scientific explanation for how Star Wars beam weapons work, Negative Matter, NM. While not ever observed, it is theoretically possible that matter of negative mass exists. If a civilization could harness that it would explain a great many things in Star Wars, but let's start with converging beams and lightsabers. While referred to as lasers and laser swords, what if, in fact the Kyber Crystals used by the Death Star Super Laser, DSSL, and Light Sabers, LS, are in fact a means by which to harness and control and NM? The glow we then see is a magnetic plasma (cold plasma) used to contain and isolate the NM. In a converging beam weapon like the DSSL, the individual beams act like giant LS's and keep the NM in place until enough has built up to reach critical mass for the target (A ship, a city, a planet), at which time an impulse laser forces the NM down the magnetic containment beam into the target. Tarkin's single reactor shots would indicate that the DSSL reactors might run, or contain, NM so that allows the DSSL to have a variable yield. Similarly, a NM core LS would explain how they react. LS have been seen to bounce off normal matter unless forced into them, and even a saber lock, where two LS's come into contact and remain together, are ended first, by forcing the LS's together. See, once the the magnetic cold plasma shell is breached, NM will repel normal matter, so when swung with enough force they would create a cutting edge (assuming say the beam is only a few atoms thick) and the cold plasma would cauterize the wound. Similarly, if two LS come into contact, the NM cores would attract to one another. But, due to the nature of NM, pulling will not separate them, but pushing would. This could actually from the core of all Star Wars weapons and tech (repulsor lifts, hyperdrives, etc...) The crystal fuel source from Solo could be an expendable version of the crystals needed to harness NM, whereas Kyber Crystals are far more stable and last longer.
  11. I can always approve of more 0083 mechs. I still find them to be some of the best in Gundam. Even the custom GMs looked amazing.
  12. That scene nearly sent me walking out of the theatre it was so egregiously stupid. Give us proper B-Wings, or Y-Wing follow-ons launching mega-torpedos instead. You still get the scenes inside with the crews fighting to get through the enemy, and maybe one crewer having to manually kick the torpedo off it's launcher, or something stupid. But it wouldn't be B-17s in space.
  13. While I like this more than the T-70, I would want a more "realistic" version, now the "toon" version, similar to how EC Henry did his. I just wish they would fix the cockpit issue. It still sits too low (poor forward visibility), and why can't it have a proper bubble, or at least rounded, canopy?
  14. True, but I think @Chronocidal was referring more to use of Gravity Bombs in TLJ. There is no good excuse for that beyond saying that that were sitting still directly over the planet and not in a free-fall orbit. That argument is full of holes though as their orientation did not reflect that. I hate that scene with such a passion, especially after Rogue One showed us a brilliant usage of Y-Wings on Torpedo runs.
  15. ANd honestly, the early images looked worse than the Matchbox toy.
  16. Here's the thing with Physics in Star Wars. Prior to the new trilogy, there was one theoretical element that could explain all SW tech, Negative Matter. Not Anti-Matter, but Negative Matter. While theoretically possible and even plausible, Negative Matter (NM), acts completely opposite of normal matter, having negative mass and energy. If SW tech had a way to harness and utilize NM then suddenly all the tech, even lightsabers become plausible. See the plasma sheeth of the lightsaber would basically be a byproduct of the kyber crystal extending a negative mass "blade." Rogue One and Solo even contribute to it, showing how reliant on crystals SW tech is. Those Kyber Crystals and Coaxium are likely the means by which they harness and utilize NM, and even explains how a hyperdrive could "leak" it is leaking negative matter because the Coaxium matrix is damaged. While TFA and TLJ didn't completely destroy that theory, they did punch massive holes in it, especially the gravity dropped bombs in TLJ (I almost walked out at that point). Even the fleet running out of fuel made sense (sort of) as normal space travel would largely use fusion engines, the Coaxium is used more to negate mass in hyperdrives and speeders. But even it could get used up. I need to find the write up I did on the subject.
  17. I'm still using an old ACAD license of mine. I am debating moving over to Fusion-360, but only if I can import my existing models and not remake them all.
  18. Imagine if comics weren't considered merchandise. RT would have died decades ago.
  19. I see a ton of JJ-isms that hurt me. An ISD-1 rising out of the ocean? Ugh Horses riding across the surface of an ISD-1. Ugh I WAS PROMISED WEDGE!!! WHERE THE F IS WEDGE???? What is up with all the ISD-1s? Palps will be some kind of robot, cyborg, or brain in a jar. C-3PO is going to make some form of sacrifice that turns the eyes red and either makes him mcguffin of the movie, or allows for the "transmission" of Luke's story to go out, per the early story leak. There will be force ghosts.
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