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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. @peter No offense, but the opinions of a stoner are not something I generally take seriously. That being said, I can understand that M7 is not for everyone. But, it probably filled in more of the holes in pre-Earth history of Macross then any other story. And think of it this way. SK has said several times that we have never seen the real story of Macross, but basically Docu-Dramas of the events in each series. That is why there are serious story and design differences between TV/OVA and movies versions of each story. Both are the same story but told through a different lens with different focus behind the "camera." When you look at/watch Macross-7 think of it as the Joel Schumacher retelling of the events. He focusses on the character of Basara, the anti-war rock star, because he was a major figure in the events. But he leaves out his backstory. Where did he learn to fly so well? Why did he become the man he is? (personal head-canon he is the son of Shin Kudo and Sara Nome). Then apply your own mental filter over the story. Really read into the story, at it's core it is a horror story with space vampires and monsters that brought down the Supervision Army and Protoculture. And realize the time at which was made. Anime was largely moving away from the dark, monster stories, into more upbeat offerings. Had M7 been made a few years earlier it would have visually been more like Demon City, or Vampire Hunter-D. All dark shades and harsh lines, and the story would not have had as many goofy, upbeat moments. M7 is a series where you have to look past the first layer into what lies beneath. So for a casual viewer it may not come across as strong, but when you really pay attention and dig into the story, and ignore some of Fire Bomber's more goofy antics, it becomes pretty awesome.
  2. While that is a cool toy, I have two but not enough wings for them, It is still not truly in scale. The Hero Edition one from TRU was actually 1:18 scale, but it didn't have a cockpit or opening wings.
  3. @Seto Kaiba is right. IIRC the biggest thing that prevents Mac7 coming over wasn't so much HG, but the music licensing costs. None of the US distributors wanted to shell out for that.
  4. On the other end of the spectrum, I am getting ready to cut up one of my fighter designs to start my biggest print to date. I will be ordering a lot of different colored filament for this and taking the Bandai path for assembly, printing each section as close to the color is should be. At what scale you ask? 1:18 How big will that be? 2'1.3" Long x 1'5.75" Wide x 4.25" Tall Why? As a display piece at conventions and other book selling opportunities. Will it have a pilot? Yes, customized GI Joe figure. Am I crazy for doing this? Probably. Will I light it up? Unlikely. Full Cockpit? Highly likely, just need to print stickers of the displays.
  5. You know what I want with that Wedge? An in scale X-Wing Cockpit. Time to fire up the 3D Printer.
  6. Yeah, he is pretty small by comparison. One has to wonder why? Um, yes please. No fighting, not my fav Superman movie, but that shot, that looks great. Will he encounter his LoT doppelganger?
  7. It was produced as a last ditch effort to cover the development costs of the series, and possibly convince another animation house that it could be successful. Fortunately, people saw what a garbage fire it turned out to be, and the McKinney novels, (which I did read a young one, before learned better) further confirmed that. That being said, I think I had the artbook at one point and some of the new designs were "interesting." The SDF-3 wasn't a terrible concept, wrapping it in a "Zentraedi" shell, but again, showed the creative bankruptcy, as even their earlier comics, showing Zor with the battle fortress showed a far different design. The Cat Aliens, if fleshed out better, weren't a terrible concept, especially that they couldn't breath Oxygen. Not many sci-fi shows did that back then. Those horned aliens were also an interesting concept, but were never properly explored, no two were alike due to extensive genetic modification. The Crystal aliens were also interesting, but lazily handled, giving them humanoid form. There were just highly derivative, worse they were lazy, taking concept that existed before and "Reimagining" them in the simplest of fashions.
  8. That Ride Armor Mini is pretty cool.
  9. OOhh look how edgy I am, I make fun of Mac7 without any good basis to work from, and think something from RT-Sentinels is from it. Have you even watched Mac7 dude?
  10. THey both could be. IIRC there were multiple Anti-UN factions, some better armed and funded then others.
  11. From additional pictures I saw, it looks like the X-Wings, at least are all new molds. Typical of bandai they have different runners and pieces for the different colors. ALso, and I will want to check this to be sure, the wings look a little thicker.
  12. Beat me to it. YEs, in the later Marvel Comics it is revealed that a young Anastasia walked in a scene where her brother and a bunch of Viet Cong were dead and Snake Eyes (pre-ninja commando, and just an army ranger badass) was the only one left standing. That put her on her road to terrorism. Laird Destro (the previous Destro) then shows up with his teenage son and deduced that Snake Eyes was defending himself. The Baronesses brother killed by the Viet-Cong who were masquerading as humanitarian relief workers IIRC. It was a well written story, but from a time when the comics were becoming more Snake Eyes centered due to pressure from Hasbro and Marvel execs. The overall story arc was good though and led into the excellent Gulf War Storyline where the ranks of both sides were heavily thinned.
  13. I loved the first, a nice bit of fun in a genre that has become way too serious. I missed the second, too busy, and the bad audience reviews kind of shooed me away. This one looks old school badass, while retaining the fun.
  14. Ok, glorified illegal drug production, distribution and other criminal activities.
  15. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the MC die at the end of that drug glorifying series?
  16. At this price I'd rather by the 1:20 with fastpack and weapons set and have a pro-model builder customize it for me with all the bells and whistles. Probably still end up cheaper.
  17. Yes, the Hachette collection models are nice, I've seen a few in person, but are insanely expensive. It would be cheaper to just buy a kit and pay a professional to build and detail it.
  18. The Indian Air Force has one of the most diverse and interesting air forces out there. They operate not only their own, homegrown aircraft, but Russian, British, French and even American aircraft. The interoperability of all those diverse systems is pretty amazing. It's almost like they are looking more at the capabilities of the aircraft then on the politics of where they come from.
  19. THing is, if CW can get Old Bruce Wayne, and can't have BW Batman, can they get Batman Beyond, as that is no longer OG Batman? Can they get Flashpoint Bats? I mean Gotham showed a young Bats at the end right? Just not in the full suit? (I never watched). Is it because of that? Does Fox own the rights to live action BW Batman?
  20. Solid start, can't wait to see the finished product
  21. Holy Necro-Post Batman. A quick word of advice, might be best to introduce yourself before posting to ask for feedback on your book. There are a couple of authors and writers on this group who would probably like to help you in between projects, but this is probably not the way to start.
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