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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Agreed, the artwork is better. Onto those sales numbers, are those total units sold (including retailer stock) or actual units sold, including from retailers? I am willing to bet the former, retailers will buy stock to buy stock incase the series proves popular, and first issues tend to sell better as they are more collectible. Also, are these domestic or do they include international sales?
  2. You can tell that they are going for an old school "Space Western" feel, and in that way, all the travelling scenes make sense. I am willing to bet that the slow pacing in the first episode is intentional, and that the pace will speed up as we near the climax, kind of like it did in the episode. Agreed
  3. Looks like a badass, and plausible, suit of battle armor. I'm quite keen.
  4. I agree with most of your points, but I think the origami legs will be an issue with their rounded design, still it would help with the bulkiness if they could work it out. Your last line hits the nail on the head though, the YF-21 had a lot of anime magic in its design.
  5. You know, that might the solution right there. Beef up the forward section and design in a way that it can still fold and "shrink" to fit the battroid proportions. Yes, it will be longer than it is supposed to be, and might end up scaling closer to 1:48 in fighter as a result, but it could correct the proportions issue.
  6. The issue with creating a lineart accurate YF-21 is one of materials. The animation clearly shows the YF-21 using a morphing wing, which I always assumed extended to other parts of the Valkyrie as well, the legs and arms in particular. Short of finding a way to make the legs, and to a lesser extent the arms, morphic, to lay flatter or shrink, any perfect transformation YF-21 will end up having fuselage proportions that do not match the lineart. Yamato's solution to the foreward fuselage and chest length issue was great, but was a design concession. Bandai's shortening of the nose and cockpit to give a longer fuselage, and therefore longer legs is another design concession. I would be perfectly happy with a non-perfect transformation version, with arms and legs that swap in, if it means we get a YF-21 that looks correct in all modes.
  7. I said the same thing about his casting. Kyle Reese was a survivor, being skinny and stringy fit the character, not Mr Beefcake, never misses the gym we got in Genesys.
  8. I would be beyond excited if LF/Disney came out and said that they are passing the creative reigns of Star Wars over to Filoni and Favreau. While some of their stuff has missed the mark, they pummel the target quite effectively in terms of canon and what fans really want.
  9. Zero interest in this movie. The only positive I can say for it, in the preview I saw, they used guns. That was my favorite part of CA2, when Demi Moore shot Barrymore and said "in my day, we used guns."
  10. Um, aren't these 1:12 scale? 7.5 inches would be 7 foot 6in.
  11. This really reminds me of the episode right after the battle for Earth when Hikaru has to come in and stomp so Zentraedi rioters.
  12. On a tangentially related note: During my recent con appearance, I met a young woman who is voice acting in an upcoming Funimation production. Unfortunately I lost her card and it was so loud at that point I could barely hear her, but she will be plugging my books on her podcast. Anyway, she related to me what a pain it was working with Funimation as several of her "co-stars" and other employees were constantly giving her a hard time and trying to get her to quit. She said it was the most toxic environment she'd ever worked in, but it got her foot in the door with the industry.
  13. Why is NATO even assigning callsigns anymore? Why not adopt the Russian name on new aircraft?
  14. I'd be curious about that as I can't find it anywhere and the only legit streaming source for SDFM recently was Amazon, and it was the unrestored version. Of course RT had remaster on there.
  15. I'm curious what the HFH's design comments and suggest changes on it were.
  16. What you don't realize is that @Thom is travelling at relativistic speeds, so while it's three years for us, it will only be six months for him.
  17. I love the original Terminator. It is a fantastic example of casual time travel with a stable time loop. I know one of the reasons Cameron cited as a reason to make T2 (other than money) was that people thought T1 ended on too downer of a note. Those were stupid people. Yes, it ends on the knowledge that Nuclear Armageddon is coming, but people forget that humanity won the war. That was why the Terminator was sent back in the first place and how Kyle Reese was able to be sent back. The biggest issue with T2 is that is breaks the timeloop by destroying the means to create Skynet. They gave it a Back to the Future treatment. At the time I loved it as an awesome action movie, but was a terrible sequel, as it broke the rules established by the original. Almost everything since then has been an attempt to up the ante even more with stronger and stronger Terminator models all being released and sent back in time at the same time. It really kills the impact of the original T-800. T3 attempted to correct the timeline but did it in such a sloppy and lazy fashion. Salvation, should have saved the franchise but was mishandled quite badly by McG, especially the fact that Skynet knew of Kyle Reese's existence. Genisys could have been a great reboot to the franchise, but again was mishandled and beyond badly written, and cast. The guy who played Kyle was totally wrong for the part. Onto other franchises: Alien was an amazing Haunted House in Space movie and still holds up to this day. Aliens is a fantastic sequel that stayed true to the original, not breaking any rules but taking the franchise in a new direction, and not retreading the same ground, which a good sequel should. Alien3 was basically a remake of Alien, but in factory instead, but as a viewer you knew what was coming so it lost all of its impact. It is still better then some of the other scripts, like the one with the airborne alien virus, which could have been done better. Resurrection is better left undiscussed, it was a mess on too many levels. I'll leave Prometheus and it's sequel/alien prequel for another discussion. Predator was amazing and total product of its time. P2 took a bunch of concepts from the original and expanded on them, and while a fun movie, that expanded the lore, just didn't have the same impact. It almost would have been better with a totally different title and treated like a straight up murder mystery where it is finally revealed that a Predator is the murderer. I liked Predators (the Adrian Brody one). It was a great expansion of the lore and really did a lot to show how the predator race would change tactics against a technologically advanced race. I have yet to see the newest installment and likely won't. AvP was a mess, but popcorn fodder, the Xenos being on Earth was eye rolling. When it was announced we all wanted the Dark Horse AvP, Space Marines vs Aliens, vs the Predators. I doubt that would have cost that much more than placing it in "modern day."
  18. The Dorito flies again. For an unmanned concept it has a might nice looking cockpit there.
  19. See, I disagree. I see a definite pattern there. It just isn't one we understand. A slightly more coherent pattern to the front might have helped but there is a design there.
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