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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. And in Earth's case, it took only sixty years to go from stl to colonizing various planets and dimensional weapons. Looks like Wright was wrong. Seriously though, thank you for the clarification on that. I thought Wright had simply fumbled the bombing; I didn't realize he was a twit.
  2. While all that is true, As mentioned, Windermere still had difficulty adjusting to the jump. A type of "Prime Directives" would be good, but unlike Star Trek, it should be more geared towards a successful transition rather than a complete bar. That was my point earlier: danger isn't always evident at first glance. Some things are, and Protoculture got better about their warning signs. One thign I would have thought about them though: after a while, wouldn't various someones in the factions and groups have said:"Hey...maybe after the 563rd attempt at a Dimensional Chainsaw Missile Atomic Noogie Slingshot, we shouldn't be building so much of this!". Forgive me, but I'm a bit unclear on what happened exactly: how did Wright foul up his bomb run?
  3. In one instance they did; but that depends upon whether they feel it's "dangerous" or not. Not everything has a gigantic "WARNING" sign on it.
  4. Sorry, but he reminds me of this guy:
  5. That's a very good point, and matches with the one I was making: humanity skipped several hundreds of years in development, and were catapulted into the interstellar age. With all of these civilizations, it takes time to develop discipline in using technology; even then, folks often don't use it for benevolent means. It's one thing to develop something, but it's another entirely to see its' effect on your society. You also end up skipping social advancements as well (end of slavery, caste system, etc.) and end up with nascent social moors now cemented in place artificially by means to stabilize them. In other words: they never have to develop as a society because the tech now available to them allows them to stay where they are comfortably without needed development. They really do; this kidn of thing gets going too much, and the next war the NUNS find themselves in are going to be former colonies and member states following suit like the Windemerans.
  6. Exactly; and with Mankind's record of not learning lessons well (especially after repeating many of them), the risks and inherent dangers are real. Let's take a brief look at this for a moment: 1) Before the arrival of Alien Star Ship 1, Humanity's space tech was pretty much the ISS, communications satellites, space capsules and the Space Shuttle (circa 1999, when the ASS-1 crashed). We had nuclear weapons and conventional tanks, missiles, guns, fighters and such. No real manned interplanetary travel, let alone manned extrasolar travel of any kind. 2) Fast forward to 2012 (in the Macross timeline): Man has been (inadvertently) to the outer edge of the solar system in a manned ship (SDF-1); spaceflight achieved and spacecraft, lunar base and space-capable fighters have been built and tested. The Launch of the Megaroad-1 marks the first extrasolar expedition outside the Terran Solar System. At this point, I believe man already had at least one factory satellite, the confirmation of alien life in the form of the Zentraedi and Meltrandi, supralight- travel capable vessels in the form of the Zentran starships that rebelled against Gol Boldoza, reaction warheads, super dimension energy technology, and a host of other discoveries that changed Humanity irrevocably. 3) Moving on to 2040 (Macross Plus): predictive AI for combat craft, AI with dangerous emotional psychological profiles ("Sharon Apple"). We also have: fighter-scale fold drives, extrasolar colonies in other star systems, and deep space exploration, Fold is now commonplace on warships (which now have a better idea on how to fight thanks to Zentran experience and hard-learned lessons from SW1), and we now have advanced medical techniques in treating trauma and wounds (i.e. Isamu's time in the black goo in Macross Plus). By this time, human cloning had been run for some time until genetic errors and diseases forced the Unity Government to close it down, electric vehicles for regular use have become commonplace, and food is apparently no longer an issue. 4) Jumping to 2047 (Macross Dynamite 7): entire cities in space are part of the emigrant fleets (and have been for some time, back to 2030 at least); Three Star class factory ships and Sunnyflower class agriculture ships provide food and equipment for the fleets, while West Point class ships train pilots and personnel for military service. Energy weapons, reaction weaponry and all types of missiles, projectile and energy weapons are available. Other alien civilizations (such as the Zolans) have been contacted and allied with, along with some governments using space whales as engines for starships. 5) Going on to 2059 (Macross Frontier), Humanity has encountered the Vajra and is harvesting fold quartz from them). Fighter technology is now at the point where augmentation of the pilot via Ex-Gear and the Inertia Store Converter is required due to the strain on the body from g-forces., while magnetic shifters reduce conversion time for transforming fighters to near-instantaneous. Additionally, "dimension eater" technology has been developed, and the revelation of the Galaxy fleet using mind-control to keep its' civilians passively in check has been something brewing since before the Sharon Apple Incident. 6) Arriving at 2067 (Macross Delta), we find the Brisingr Globular Cluster, and the event known as Fold Faults. The technology we see are: fold reheat systems, fold quartz being used for dimension cutter/eater weapons, fold-space energy... Taking a look at all of this (and my apologies if any of the info appears in the incorrect time/ series; I was writing this on the fly really): within a space of 68 years, man has gone from being largely earth-bound, to traversing a considerable part of the Milky Way galaxy in faster than light ships, armed with dimension energy and reaction weapons, with advanced manufacturing, agricultural, medical and combat/ military, cloning and all other kinds of tech... ... is it possible that mankind in the Marcoss world is advancing far too quickly to appropriately master and discipline himself to the tools and technology he now has? Thinking about the Anti-UN forces: it has been said that battlefield commanders think differently than strategic generals overseeing campaigns. How would they use such technology if they were desperate to win? I can see some of the shadows of the Protoculture civilization looming in the wings; Mankind may not be as advanced as they are, but I suspect with them, the seeds of the protoculture's fall were sown well before their Stellar Republic came to fruition. Just some thoughts on the matter....
  7. While that's true, we have something the Protoculture didn't: Protoculture relics and finds to guide us in developing our tech.
  8. And blur the lines between humanity and Protoculture even further. That might be a good premise for a Macross story (or even series); we begin getting to the point the Protoculture reached before destroying themselves. Will we avoid their mistakes (but make our own)? Or will we end up replaying history?
  9. Yeah, I had intended on humanity's efforts; seeing that it has been done already, it's probably only a matter of time before the Unity Government cracks that. (hopefully they learn from Protoculture's mistakes, but given our predilection for grasping power without understanding it, that's doubtful)
  10. At the rate these stories are going, I wonder how long it will be before they design a mech that could run simply on fold dimension energy only.
  11. At this rate, they may as well make all anime toys and models varying shades of yellow...
  12. Dunno where it's being held this year; not to mention with the economy the way it is, folks may not want to travel if they don't have to.
  13. Yeah, that is what I was getting at; the F-16 they said in particular was built highly unstable for that reason. In other words: it took an equally unstable meathead like Isamu to pilot it! lol Seriously though: I think UN Spacy wanted something that wouldn't turn its' pilots into gaspatcho just trying to do a basic maneuver. Right? Also, I suspect by the time they could get it to that point, it pretty much defeated the main points of the VF-19: acceleration and maneuverability. And that probably reinforced the entire concept of taking the flesh and blood pilot out of the cockpit. I suspect if Isamu had his way, he'd try to get the original YF-19 he flew back. I know he tried to get one very similar and got caught (which led to Yan scarfing his retirement fund). Exactly: highly specialized systems and complex mechanics also cost time and effort to maintain. In maintenance, you have to often check components, exchange consumables and worn parts, fluids and other sensitives, and highly complicated systems require much greater care, as well as even having to remove components to get at other ones in tightly packed areas. This cost can really show in combat situations where time and effort are tightly compressed and often at a premium. Is that the reason Max assigned the 19 only to Emerald Force in Macross 7? I suspect it took the likes of Docker to be able to fly such a touchy fighter. I'm surprised that they didn't go with this earlier than they did! *This post is printed on recycled monitor screen*
  14. WOW!!! Nice job!!! Very clean and well-assembled! The paint job looks awesome!
  15. IRL: the F-16 was designed and built unstable in flight to promote greater maneuverability; stability came from the flight control computers and the then-new "fly-by-wire" technology. I was wondering if in the Macross universe, one of the ways they stabilized the 19F and 19S was the removal of the flight control program that was on the YF-19? I thought I recalled a discussion about one of the Macross Chronicles that stated such (part of what caused Isamu to try to get an illegal 19 in the first place)?
  16. Nice additions!! I recently added the 4 comm antennae to mine (pics of that yet to come), and have to add the two circles to the right side. That said; I ended up having to replace the railguns on the shoulders (the ones I scratched up began to fall apart! O.o 😞 Also did a wash overall: And of course, a test shot with a photoshop background: The ship still needs work, but I hope I can get it at least to a level that compares to Tekering's masterpiece!
  17. Yeah; doesn't surprise me that there were others involved in this. Right? I recall that from a previous convo of ours; pretty much akin to finding out that someone programmed the T-800 Terminator with the Joker's brain!
  18. And I suspect General Galaxy to be one of the main developers involved in that fiasco. I find it a strange coincidence that the Macross Galaxy fleet launched from Eden in 2031; nine years would allow for project development, and data and comparisons would be exchanged between the fleet and the military project. I may be a bit off on my suspicions here, but I think there's a pretty good case for some type of connection. Yeah; Marge was shown obtaining the chip illicitly and then admitted to Sharon's manager that he had installed it. This freaked him out so badly that he attempted to halt the concert, only for Marge to kill him. Marge himself was also fairly unhinged I suspect, as his obsession with making Sharon fully autonomous led him to endanger everyone listening to the concert, and led to Sharon hypnotizing him into a long walk off an equally long Macross. Is it possible in story that one reason that the Unity Government wanted an unmanned fighter was so that they could produce it in vast numbers as a way to help even the odds should a Zentraedi Main Fleet find a settled world? It certainly wouldn't take as much time to produce as it would to train a new pilot, could produce more quickly, not need things like life support or to limit g-forces, not need the same radiation protection that a human-manned cockpit would require, and so forth? On top of that: the hypnotizing feature I don't think was an unintended side effect. I suspect that was a type of weapon designed to hypnotize enemy pilots and ship crew, making them far easier to take out in combat. After the devastation wrought on Earthy in SW1, I can understand how the UN SPACY would not want that happening again, given many of them in the upper echelon were most likely veterans of that war.
  19. Same; whatever you save on price the shipping utterly murders you on.
  20. Well, considering that Macross Plus took place circa 2040 AD, and Delta is set around 2067, that's about a good 27 years after the incident. I can see it being about at least 2060 before anything was even allowed outside of "most secret" status, and then, only redacted info that didn't directly implicate anyone in the upper echelon directly.
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