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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. From FoxNews: More: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/star-trek-actress-nichelle-nichols-dead-89
  2. From my experience, the blue plastic is particularly poor; it reacts badly to the UV in natural daylight and is so brittle that you can snap it easily between your fingers. I used devcon plastic welder to reinforce cracked and broken areas; be advised that if you glue an area, reinforce it as much as humanly possible! I ended up having to bond the bolts for the shoulders (which I also ran through the metal boom pivots) to the metal frame that the center torso rotates on, so as to avoid placing any stress on the blue chest housings!
  3. Thanks, much appreciated. maybe someday I can get my hands on a plastic model of it (after I win the lottery)
  4. UPDATE: sadly, I must abandon the Yamato project. I ended up injuring my hands and wrists more seriously than I first suspected. The sheer force of trying to carve the wood ended up causing damage to the tendons in my arms; I'm under medical orders to rest and not continue the project. Anyways, sorry folks (especially Thom!). I tried, but this one beat the peng. My wife was kind enough to dispose of it for me, and it's long gone now. I'll be around.
  5. Not when i can simply hold the model in my hand and turn it. Less tiring that way.
  6. Good to see ya posting! Nice collection, BTW!
  7. My rarest Star Wars item(rarest for me, probably not all that rare) is a RotJ X-Wing model kit (large version): As built:
  8. If I had one, I would!!! Honestly though, if I had the choice and had the money for one, at this rate, I'd just get a kit!! O.o Taking a break from this for a week or so... wrists no likey this kind of brutality...
  9. Still a LOT to remove...need to thin the diameter of the hull and correct proportions. Have to print out new blueprints (old ones are MIA). Stay tuned... hands and wrists are sore...
  10. Thanks Thom! Now, I cannot promise anything with this, since my tooling is fairly limited and so is my materials supply. But as long as the ride goes, I'll be driving it! There's quite a bit of wood to remove, and sawdust makes my wife very ill (not to mention outside is a big no-no with our new property managers and the neighborhood already a bunch of punks!). All that said, we'll see if I have a ship at the end. Stay tuned... we may just be off to outer space...
  11. The chest looks almost like a VF-17 (minus the medium bore cannons).
  12. Right? I have noted that myself watching MII, and the shock they face when their normal way of winning doesn't work.
  13. If they had played it smart in Picard (there's a term you'll never see associated witht hat series normally! lol ), they would have somehow tapped into that animosity between Q and Guinan before the end.
  14. So it seems the Main timeline and the MII timeline have differing takes on defending the planet from Zentran invasion; necessitated by the differences between the series/ universes. I like the MII universe myself.
  15. Some faves of mine from years past on various sites: And of course, my favourite:
  16. If that ever happens again, try 91% alcohol to free it without harming the PE parts.
  17. Looks like you're Mili-put-putting along nicely! 😛
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