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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Two things: 1) The painting of the ship and the model of the Stargazer probably shouldn't be in his chateau (unless they're recreations via holodeck tech). Most likely, both were destroyed when the E-D saucer did its' crash landing on Veridian III (unless my memory is off, which it may be). 2) Q? Seriously? Talk about desperation....
  2. They really need to euthanize this abomination. Seriously.
  3. Really liking the off-white tone you're using, Peter! I makes the valks look more realistic and sets off the colors on their livery, and the flight deck is looking absolutely on-track! Yeah...the Hasegawa decals are nowhere near the pain the Enterprise collection ones are! No idea when Top Gun: Maverick comes out though... UPDATE: Got some more work done on the 'cat: Got the nacelles glued to the underside of the plane (what a royal pain!!!); I also did some detailing work on the engines: The two "ship's wheel" things go in the exhaust "cans" on the fighter. But the way Revell molded them, they were solid and would hide most of the detail behind them. So, in typical pengbuzz fashion, I sanded them down from behind until the plastic was paper thin, and simply used the knife to "pop out" the sections filling in between the ribs. A coat o paint and in these went. Meantime, side seam blues on the nose: Revell made sure that trying to get a professional result here would hurt like all...ahem. Anyways, I took some Permatex Plastic Welder (cousin to Devcon version), did a small fill-in, and then sanded the areas down with a sanding block. Results; I'll need to scribe more panel lines in the area, but that's a small price to pay, as I would have needed to do it anyhow. Then the big moment: the joining of the halves (and wings) into a whole: No canopy at this point: just masking tape to protect the open cockpit while I sprayed some primer to get a look at the fit in certain areas. On another note...as I was building my Tomcat, I got a delivery recently- the canopy I requested from Tamiya (made sure to mark the box so I wouldn't confuse it) Well, I couldn't get a decent pic of the canopy (too transparent and my camera just couldn't get a good one), so I got a couple of pics off the internet for you folks to get the idea (courtesy of Man vs. Model): (much better than the crappy one Revell provided: So, I now had two canopies and only one would fit the model properly. Knowing that the Tamiya one was not made for the Revell kit and that it would be an entire project to even try fitting it to my model, I knew what I had to do. I sadly put the Tamiya one to one side. So, I picked up the Revell one, examined it carefully for any knicks, scratches or other issues. Once satisfied, I polished it up a bit on the runner, got my glue.... ... and tossed the wafer-thin Revell reject canopy to one side while I cut, sanded, fit and glued/ plastic welded the Tamiya canopy to my Tomcat: Stay tuned....
  4. UPDATE: It's been a bit of a slog engraving new panel lines into this model; some of it had to be filled and one spot on the top between the wings and the nose needs some revision. But I'm getting ready soon to mate the two halves (with wings): @peter My apologies on the delay, but we had some stuff to take care of (I got ripped off an another site and had to put in a Paypal claim); I'm planning to go to the post office and get your stuff underway bro! (Seriously...I HATE thieves who take my money and try to rook me. grrr.....) Stay tuned... the penguzz is getting ready to go "jaws" on the guy who tried to pull this...
  5. ROFL!!! Wow, small world! I literally played WCIV until I literally wore the discs out! loved that game!
  6. Interesting...resembles the Hellcat from Wing Commander IV.
  7. That Windemere could do what they did whith what they had definitely speaks to planning and forethought. So, one side was outmatched and knew it, so they got the most for their resources. The other was...well... hmm. True. Fighting out where a lot of fuel was needed didn't help matters any I would venture. Not exactly talking "Top Gun" here, are we?
  8. Wow...talk about an "ejection seat" for the pilot... O.o Which probably solved a lot of energy issues for Planet Earth when they developed that (before the orbital bombardment, at least). Only trouble is that they made the fuel storage for the VF-1 too small and limited the fighter severely in space (expected a terrestrial war). I wonder how Space War 1 would have differed if the Unity Govt had planned for a spaceborne war?
  9. I find it interesting that Windermere's production aircraft are on par with the custom units that Delta uses, in light of the difficulty Delta seems to have with fighting the Aerial Knights (that's the impression I have, anyways). Although to be fair, the machine is only so much of "the show"; the pilot is a different factor. I don't think Delta is exactly on-par with the likes of Diamond Force, for example...
  10. I'd stay with the splotchiness; it looks better. keep in mind that the anime wasn't exactly going for "photo-realistic".
  11. Found these: https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/VC-079_Civilian_Valkyrie http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/vc-079-valkyrie.htm
  12. "Hard pass" doesn't even begin to describe this movie for me...
  13. Hmmm... better call the Yamato for the Cosmo Cleaner D. That only took a year! *ducks* Seriously, I get the idea though. The effects of war (namely the planetary bombardment) so thoroughly wrecked Earth that even with advanced tech, it's going to be a few hundred dozen generations before the planet is recovered. And as in another thread we were talking in, that was one of the points of Macross: war is a horrific thing and has a horrific cost. No one wanted to talk, the Unity Govt. thought they had an ace up their sleeve, next thing you know, the planet's a frickin' burrito in a microwave and millions on both sides are dead. Just hurts to see the planet in such a condition, even in fiction. Guess part of me was hoping that they would find some Protoculture tech in the future that could speed it along by a millennia or two, but that would defeat the message, right? Ever the optimist, I confess. Head in the clouds, stubbing my toes on facts. Yeah, wasn't the Civ Valk the one Hibiki was in along with Dennis when they covered the Mardook attack? It didn't have a Battroid mode, no guns, and just really the armless Gerwalk setup with a huge canopy IIRC. They had specs for it in the Macross II RPG handbook, but wasn't sure how legit or reliable those were (if at all).
  14. Thanks for the roster, Seito; on some days, my memory doesn't work so well due to TBI issues (and living under aforementioned rock!). It sounds like unless they find some alien tech out there that can greatly speed up terraforming, Earth is pretty much hosed for some time to come. I was also wondering if they developed more mecha for earthside use such as newer purpose-built destroids.
  15. Wow...almost couldn't tell the difference between fan and OVA animation! On another note: I wonder what's going on back on Earth about now in the Macross timeline? I know from previous convo's that environmental issues are still pervasive post-SW1 and will be for some time. Curious also if they built any other cities across from New Macross City? (I kinda live under a rock...)
  16. Peter... are you telling us that they found blood in your caffeine stream?
  17. I would direct you to read Falcon's post on this, as it sums up the situation succinctly: As for my own opinion: I like Macross because it doesn't glorify war, and because it recognizes that the "enemy" is human and relatable after all. How that insults or threatens you is beyond me, but I suppose if it contradicts your opinion, it must be a threat to you. Concerning my opinion on "gore": I have seen it in real life. I have seen death in real life as well. In my opinion, neither are "edgy" or anything that are exciting or "hard-core", especially when it causes nightmares and flashbacks (which are far from "entertaining"). Yet, that is merely my opinion. Both of those are my expressions, just as much as your liking of horror and making the enemy are expressions of yours. But what I and others have been trying to tell you here is that there's a difference between what you think MII should have been, and what the creators of MII intended it to be and the message they were trying to get across. Which is their opinion, and one they have just as much right to. With all that, unless I find anything else new to add to this convo, I'm just going to read replies here and not say anything else.
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