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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Excellent point; I had not considered that, but it is very true. Never saw War in the Pocket though :embarrassed:
  2. Okay, let's take this point by point (just my opinion folks, feel free to jump in should I veer off course) I'll match that with why I believe it should remain as is; personally the story works just fine. It doesn't need to be a SDFM clone. Let's go- The point of Hibiki being a reporter in the story is to present a character who is not "in sync" with the Unity Government, but is seeking to uncover something he feels they are hiding (a new enemy that the Minmany Attack is not affecting, amongst others). It also presents a particular point about Hibiki in that he is willing to do anything at the beginning of MII to "get the story", and the character arc he experiences is about him growing as a person and seeing that there's more that just "the story". There is a reason the story needs to get to the people, and it's not just ratings. Were Hibiki a military pilot, he would be much more conditioned to think along the lines of the military and most likely not question what was going on. That would limit the story basically to the Gloria; it would basically remove any opportunity for Ishtar to learn of earth culture firsthand, as she would be a prisoner in the brig or medbay. It would also remove the pertinent plot points of how Zentraedi/ Meltranedi integrated into Terran society and how it has rebuilt. You'd have a discount version of SFDM basically, with no city to go to, and it would be far more limited in scope than even SDFM. While you're at it, just make them 30 feet tall, call them Exsedol, Vrlitwhai and Quamzin and have them hunt the Gloria to capture it and return it to the Masters... It's better for them to not have a clearly defined origin. Not everything must be explained... Such as whom exactly... Boldolza? What would that serve, other than to induce the "vomit" factor? There seems to be a thread of dehumanizing the Zentraedi (or any opposition in Macross) in your comments. Why is that? Is that so you can root for the "heroes" as they blast their way through endless hordes of "inhuman monsters who deserve to die"? The entire point of Macross is that there is no need for war in the first place if we would all just SIT DOWN AND TALK. This clip from Doctor Who pretty much gets the point across IMHO: I think Peter Capaldi's thoughts in this clip mirror how the story writers of Macross felt If you want these, simply watch SFDM. Just no. While combat and war inevitably involve the destruction of those living beings fighting in them, including gore just to demonstrate how bad it is is simply pointless. Large explosions, ship wreckage, lasers firing and missile clusters should get the point across, as most "remains" would be pretty much atomized. You're not going to get much in the way of Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees levels of "splatter" with energy weapons vaporizing folks like mud puddles on a warm summer's day. On a different level, including viscera just for the "kewl" feature only serves to further dehumanize and render both sides as "meat for the meat grinder". Macross is not about that, but about there being commonality and the ability for different cultures to exist together. For the possibility of healing between former enemies, the repairing of old breeches and the restoration of barren landscapes. The purpose of the battle scenes is to show just how pointless war truly is, and the heartbreak and sorrow of losing people you deeply care for in them. That is why Roy Fokker, Hayao Kakizaki, and several others died in SDFM and DYRL: to drive that point home clearly. That is there already (As Seito pointed out previously). They are...because they are integrated into the UN forces. (I think Seito covered that already) ------------------------------------------------------------- I think what you really want here is RT: The Beef-Stroganoff-Vat-Exploded-All-Over-The-Battlefield Edition: Look for 3:54 on to get the idea
  3. I had to look up what a bento was: So, they are essentially pulverizing one another over this?! I think my few remaining brain cells would explode at this kind of stupid, so I'm gonna pass on this one. Thanks for the warning Seito.
  4. Well, I'm mailing the heads out to you tomorrow (Post Office gave us a customs form we had ti fill out, so mailing them yesterday was a bust!), so if you want, I'll toss these in with them. I got the holes where the mounting spar into the main body goes cleaned out, so they should be good to go.
  5. I remember building the 1S; I modded the wings to have "dropped flaps and slats". Not my best work, but passable: Ended up not using them (model later didn't go so well), so I stashed these aside. Probably would need stripping and rework; the attachment bar they slid onto snapped off inside them, so that would have to be dug out.
  6. Then let me make your day for you bro: https://www.comicbookmovie.com/justice_league/justice-league-sequels-officially-announced-as-warner-bros-agrees-to-restorethesnyderverse-a183660#gs.bfe3.xqgboe
  7. *imagines valkyries with parts held on with "million mile an hour" tape*
  8. ROFL!!! I'd be on that with a boat as well!
  9. Makes perfect sense, more "bang' for your buck" with a proven airframe that won't break the bank.
  10. After watching the video and looking up "restore the Snyderverse", it just might happen, you never know. I think the studios are too afraid of losing fans' money at this point...
  11. Well...most of that as sheer necessity. We don't have a lot of money due to circumstances, so anything I get that isn't "up to par" has only one choice: make it do or do without. The Tomcat was an unusual circumstance, and one where my wife Meg honestly felt bad for me after everything I tried with that kit. Things like the VF-1S kit that fell apart, the Arii Macross transformation and the 1/72 Armored Factory were out of necessity: the first was old brittle plastic, the second was because I will never be able to afford or find either a Hasegawa TV Storm Attacker kit or Matchbox SDF-1 that doesn't cost 700 dollars (even 30 dollars is a stretch when bills need to be paid), and the last literally doesn't exist for the market at 1/72 that I know of! So with those things in mind: I often get anxious myself when I attempt these things too, but hey, someone's gotta do it, right?! lol And yeah: my wife is one in a trillion trillion trillion; she does crochet, so she knows all too well what frustration is! lol The thing is wm cheng: it was one of your tutorials on the VF-1 (it was on Scribd before they deleted it) that has been of great assistance to me in my modeling efforts. I see folks' clean, perfect work and wish I could do that (I literally cannot do a clean build to save my life!) , but I still try!
  12. Before Covid, movies were waaaaaaayy out of my price range. With Covid: I'll wait until it premieres on Youtube free movies in about 10 years.
  13. Yeah, it was. My apologies, I was feeling kinda silly and snarky all in one. *goes and stands in corner*
  14. Severely Demented Crapfest Southern Cross: The Pear-Shaped Sagaâ„¢. Seriously, they should just develop the original idea if anything at all (which I doubt they ever will). At least jean won't get stuck head-first in the ground when she tried to run in her oversized metal diaper , takes a tumble and her helmet ends up turning her into a human lawn dart.
  15. UPDATE: finished cockpit pics- The decals made it look darker than it really should be, but since much of this will be hidden anyways, no big deal. Just need it to look convincing during close-up views of the cockpit. Stay tuned...
  16. Thanks for the tip! I just discovered though that the cockpit has decals for all that. No loss if I decal it and it doesn't show!
  17. Definitely will guys!!! She deserves it with what I've put her through! @peter I found the heads; unfortunately, they are missing the laser cannon and back plate on both, but you're welcome to them. I'm sure you could scratch something up if needbe, here's a pic: If you want them, just send me an address and I'll try to get them to you! ------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE: Okay...some work on the cockpit tub and control panels for my new kit. Since this is the last 'cat I'm ever building...time to pull out all the stops and cut out the limiter. I began by scraping the molded panel detail from the cockpit tub, using a needle file and xacto knife: Then, the rough part: cutting individual panels out and fitting them so there was a tiny amount of space between them. I wanted the panels to look individual and not "one giant panel" when paint was applied: I also added in some missing details, such as the hydraulic for the canopy lift behind the RIO's seat, the canvas cover on the left side besides the Pilot's seat, and a few other odds and ends that got left out (such as the throttle, I mean yeah, it's not like the pilot actually needs that, right?) While that was setting up, I took the time to prep the seats for Maverick and Goose: The older seat designs needed some modifications 9as did the pilots) in order for maverick and Goose to look like they were sitting in the seats, not just plastic figures sitting on top of them. That meant using a dremel tool to grind away seat belts, shave down the pilot's backs and other areas, and ensure they fig snugly. not 100 percent, but close enough where looking in the cockpit does not reveal any issues: "is this your idea of fun, Mav?" - Lt. JG. Nick "Goose" Bradshaw. Back to the cockpit tub: From here, detail painting, weathering and decalling will commence, followed by painting the seats and attaching everything into place. Stay tuned... revving up the engines, listen to them howl and blow...
  18. The tooling for the newer Tomcat @1/48 scale is the same as for the older. And let me tell you; the nightmare parts to fit are the intakes (especially the section where they go into the nose!). Take your time with them, and you may want to glue in tabs to keep them aligned. The current Top Gun Model has decals for Maverick's plane, but the US symbols (star with bars) on it are wrong and I need "NAVY" on the nacelles (decals don't include them). Meantime, still checking my stash for a couple of VF-1A heads for you. I should have a couple, just need to find them.
  19. Not so much an update, but a confession of temperament gone bad, and a wife who is an utter angel... I came back to my Tomcat model after working a bit on the 1/537 Refit (waiting on primer to cure fully before buying flat white for it). Anyways, I started scrubbing the model to get some of the paint off... ...and the blasted nose section (along with one half of the top fuselage)cracked off the plane: ...and my last bit of patience went with it as well. I ended up flying into rage I hadn't experienced for the better part of 10 years. When I was done, this was the result: I scraped up these bits along with the nose cone, and just put them in a bag and left them in the dumpster. My wife came in after I sat back down, and I was just a mess. I crossed a line internally that I very much don't ever want to, and failed a project due to being utterly incompetent. She just gave me a hug and we sat there for a good half-hour. That was Thursday afternoon. I narrowly averted having a seizure, but ended up with a major headache, not to mention scaring my poor wife nearly to death(how she puts up with me is known only to the good Lord!). So, I slept in much of yesterday (got up occasionally to look at online) and again today until a little before noon ,and got some hydration into me. I made my way to my worktable/ computer, and sat down to something unexpected. ' The note: "Honey, I knew the model you were working on was giving you problems. I knew you had put a lot of work into it; I felt so bad for you for trying so hard and it ending that way. I don't blame you for getting upset over it. I hope this helps you feel better. Love, Meg. <3" And this was under the note: *cue Top Gun Anthem* I love my wife. I honestly don't deserve her, especially after the fit I had.
  20. I may have a couple of spare 1A heads; let me look.
  21. Much appreciated Peter; I have to keep my budget in mind (which no longer exists since money had to go for a new tomcat canopy). Part of me is actually thinking of simply trying to hand paint them on to save on more expenses.
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