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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. UPDATE: my solution to the bands on the saucer edge: Some thin-cut (and very long!) strips of masking tape, under slight tension, run around the length of the saucer edge. I just primed them along with the rest of the saucer edge; more pics when dry. meantime, waiting on getting some good flat-white spray paint. I really don't want to have to do another repaint! Stay tuned...
  2. lol Yeah, I am. Thanks for the heads-up on the decals; I'm going to be doing the aztec by hand, but I'm looking for the hull markings and pennants. I have a paint scheme I'll be following to get the original TMP look for it (to disguise the crappiness of the mold!)
  3. Okay... finally got the warp nacelles reattached, and the ship is together again for the first time in roughly 3-4 years (give or take a decade): After all the work that has been done, the warp nacelles are still uneven and misaligned, the details are a bit crude (still needs phaser banks for one!) and I have no decals for this thing. Regardless, I'm continuing on and will take this at least until I get to the decalling stage. Enough work has been put into this since 2011, and I'd like to call it done. But when you have a PITA Tomcat that needs stripping yet again, suddenly it doesn't seem like so much of a task to reassemble a decade old "problem project". Stay tuned...
  4. I had these; I'd LOVE for these to return!!
  5. Well, right now, it's in prep to be stripped (again), after an issue with the paint. Starting to wish it were a Tamiya kit instead of this mess. Nope. I'm dead serious.
  6. Yeah, unfortunately, all of the panel lines got filled in again and the paint began cracking and separating. So...back to the stripping tank it goes. meantime, I'm going to be working on something a bit less stressful... ...the 1/537 REFIT.
  7. Some more work: Finally beginning to resemble something other than a turd with wings....
  8. Real distances, as in "beyond visual range". If dogfighting really took place visually, most of them would zip past one another by the time they saw each other! I think Seto Kaiba would confirm that one.
  9. But at the distances space "dogfights" take place, that's like trying to spot a needle in a haystack. As it is on earth, most encounters between pilots occur "beyond visual range", and that's just atmospheric flying.
  10. UPDATE: more paintwork and a wash, before going over the dark areas with main color (to simulate spot repaints): I'll need to do this repeatedly to get the effect of continually being repainted due to harsh sea duty. The wings need work (in particular, the right wing is pretty basic on the detailing), so it will be some time before this looks a bit more respectable. Stay tuned...
  11. UPDATE: I had thrown this failure in the trash last time I had posted: Well... the BLASTED thing showed back up on my desk a week ago!!! When I came out of my "shop" (more like a room for various stuff, really), my wife came over to me and explained that she had rescued it from the trash shortly before city sanitation came to collect the garbage. She hit it for a while, then placed it back on my worktable. She pleaded with me not to destroy it. *Okay...when your wife is just about in tears over this, how the heck do you just say "no"?* I relented and told her I would spare it, but I would need a new canopy and windshield for it. To make a long story short (too late!), she had me locate a canopy online, and she paid for it. I ordered one from Tamiya, as they were the only folks who didn't run me around like an idiot over it. I know it's going to take some work to fit it, but I can handle that. She also found some extra decals that had been kicking around the house which would be of great use for this project. (yeah... I'm really blessed to have her. She knows my limitations and still stays with me!) So with that, I figured this much effort on her part to save this 'cat deserved an equal effort on mine to bring it the rest of the way back: And of course, Maverick and Goose: Hopefully the new canopy should be here in a week or two (California's getting really hard on shipping times), so we'll see. Meanwhile, just need to find or make the tail logos for Maverick's plane in 1/48. Stay tuned... this cat seems to have more lives left!
  12. Answer (from Macross Compendium) "In attack mode, armaments are exposed and close-quarter combat ability is high. Transformation is used to improve combat capability and is more advanced the the first generation Macross class warship. Transformation during atmospheric entry is possible. Use of gunship (Macross Cannon) mainly in Attack-mode allows for unrestricted angle-of-fire. Internalized-type armaments for stealth purposes. Forward deck of the aircraft carrier, located on the forearms, can be used as a shield, therefore, energy converting armor in addition to normal compound armor is used. Diamond in the shoulder region functions as a defense shield. Due to the aircraft carrier's large size, stealthing was difficult. To compensate, active stealth function is used for the stealth nature. The aircraft carrier's two-step flight deck has demonstrated superior aircraft deployment capability. Angled deck on the port-side of the of the aft deck. It does not adhere to a passive stealth form due to active stealth." -New Macross Class Entry, Macross Compendium (emphasis mine) Link: http://macross.anime.net/wiki/New_Macross_class
  13. Well, you could always mold or scratch up the tops of the heads; after all, that's all you're really going to see in fighter mode anyways, right?
  14. I'm pretty sure they could have defeated the Zor if they had polished his head to a mirror shine and used it to blind them in combat.
  15. I wonder what the possibilities would be if Southern Cross were redeveloped? It could be that what we are seeing here is a half-baked product that could be something if the premise and characters were thought out and fleshed out a bit more judiciously.
  16. Which means they could paint themselves like an ice cream truck and it wouldn't matter. *imagines Roy, Hikaru, Kakizaki and Max all slowly trudging through space, their valks blaring some insipid ice-cream truck music* Roy: "Come get yer free ice cream, you Zentraedi mother..." Seriously though, in Roy's case, he was the CAG, which meant he pretty much was in charge of all the valks, correct? Or did I misfire n this?
  17. I've wrestled with this model for years, literally. Can't find a canopy for it, can't mold a new one, can't buy one, and I don't want to try anything else with it because now the seams have let go... sorry, i'm going to have to leave off on that and go do something else for a few weeks. My blood pressure is up and I don't feel very well.
  18. I had an idea for trying to get a canopy for my F-14 model kit: Guillows (balsa wood planes) had an F-14 in 1/48, so I tried contacting them. While they did allow folks to buy parts separately, they didn't have it in stock and were not expecting it back in at any point. So, frustrated, I was searching for canopies online when I went to open a window and knocked the model off the table, sending it to the floor. Well, I solved the issue with needing parts... And so I managed to "finish" my model.
  19. The Tomcat canopy issue: thanks MT. The only issue with vacforming a new one is 1) I don't have a vacforming machine, and 2) I've tried carving a buck for the "heat and smash" but I cannot get it right (and I've tried several times). I was kinda hoping someone here might have had a spare kicking around. BTW: with Revell's new instructions (now that they are out of Germany): DO NOT use their "painting instructions"!!! I tried their paint color callout ad they are utterly wrong! The Imai SDF-1: yeah, that one definitely is! I've always wanted to try that version of the SDF-1; were I braver, I would try to make it transformable. The thing is that with how tightly the ship is "packed" in this mode (not to mention a lack of transform joints atm), I would be very leery to try. I still need to finish corrections on it and do a wash to bring out the panels (amongst other things).
  20. I would recommend removing the pieces, using Devcon plastic welder on them, let them set and then when cured, reinstall.
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