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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Maybe. I’m pretty surprised honestly. I’ve seen mistakes like this on the model build pictures on the boxes, but not in the actual art
  2. Looks like the whole backpack is backwards
  3. I think it’s mainly the flipper feet
  4. Yeah, he was in the news a few days before he passed and it was reported at the time that it was liver failure with death only a few days away. It’s such an odd thing to think about as a cause of death, but I hope that others learn how it could be prevented. I’m not a fan of the band, but it would be hard to think of Shrek without their soundtrack. It’s sort of the band that comes to mind when you see an image of the character, wether you love them or hate them or are just indifferent to them.
  5. Honestly, there’s a lot of difference as far as the surfaces, the lower arms are very beefy in the show and the head has a different face and antennae. I think the movie version would look cool in green either way though. But I’ve kinda got maybe a bit too much hope that the TV version is in the works. If I know Hasegawa though, the obvious reuse of the mold will be for a max version, and more than likely a recolor, as a grunt color. Personally I’m gonna wait and see if they do the tv version down the line, to save my brain on modifications. Not only that, but it would probably have the proper decals. But don’t let my opinions stop anyone from trying. It would be a lot of work, but it would be great to see and there isn’t a guarantee that Hasegawa will do a tv version, just higher hopes after seeing how far they went with variations on the Regult and Robot Battle V kits recently
  6. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I loved seeing the prototype, but that was a long time ago. After seeing the DYRL Q-Rau from hasegawa, it makes me think we’ll see it sooner in plastic kit form than toy form
  7. I’ve always seen it with the L, when it’s a toy or kit from Japan
  8. Hobbysearch has it for just over $33
  9. They really are. I’m probably gonna hold off on a Max blue just because I have a feeling they’re gonna reuse this mold and add new decals and a Max figure to go with it.
  10. She’s already preordered, no questions
  11. I know it’s more for the kids, but I really liked the first one. I’ll probably have to check it out
  12. I kinda prefer the beakies to the snubbies personally. It might just be that I’m old, but those were the guys on all the boxes and posters and magazines when I was playing. The pointy face was iconic and then to smoosh it flat kinda felt a little like blasphemy. It took a long while for me to get used to how they appear these days.
  13. I don’t feel bad for that person. At least he’s got the packaging. I really don’t think it would have been much of a collector ms item anyway. Nobody has really heard of that toy company. He’ll probably get his money back as long as he knows the right person to buy it
  14. I wouldn’t say never. Some of these companies doing the Robotech branding are definitely running thin on vf-1 variants and reissues. There’s been a few Mospeada items lately and they may have to get creative and finally roll out some southern cross items at some point.
  15. I doubt that the Gnerl would end up hmr. It would be cool, but so far all the offerings ar articulated mecha
  16. I miss the Troma movies. I guess that’s why Psycho Goreman was one of my favorite recent movies
  17. Yeah, I got a couple a while back when ISAGS had one of their joy toy sales. They’re a bit harder to find these days though, but they’re probably going to do a variant at some point. Or you may luck out somewhere
  18. Questioning technology in these super long chaotic anime shows will just hurt your head. It’s like the world of Dragon ball has the most high tech inventions In little capsules, but only one city in that world is more than a run down farming town. Or there’s the occasional tech in Naruto, but every one relies on the Naruto run to get any where, or that they have stylish clothing, but all wear the same open toed combat boots. I just think we’re not supposed to question it and just go with the flow or ignore the shows altogether
  19. I haven’t tried it yet, but like you I’ll probably at least think it’s better than the horrible anime, and maybe I might actually like it. I have a buddy at work that hates the anime even more and said he’s gonna give this a watch, so I’m curious about his reaction to it
  20. I’d agree with that, but they tend to break those rules in Star Wars often. The pilots had black armor so they’d camouflage in space to prevent rescue. And there’s the later Shore Troopers with tan, and even the later scouts have white bikes instead of brown as kind of a back and forth with the rules for the empire’s armor. As far a the fascist symbolism, the world in southern cross seems a bit of a military rule kinda world. Even the police have armor and military weapons. The back story never did get fleshed out enough, but there does seem to be a lot of that just because we’re human, doesn’t make us all good guys kinda thing from all anime at the time. They just seem very lax on training. It’s almost as if they needed a military to progress technology. Kinda like the government said they needed to advance technology to avoid just being a bunch of farming colonists forever. Possibly an idea taken from Votoms, but in a rushed less entertaining way.
  21. I don’t think the center is supposed to be clear, but it’s interesting that they gave the option. The hasegawa has a grey piece and if I’m not mistaken the alternate color has it white in the show after looking around, the white may have been box art, I couldn’t find too many images on a quick search.
  22. To me the reason doesn’t matter. I love the armor and it’s the best part of the show. The mecha is ok to me, but the armor designs are what caught my imagination as a kid and still look cool to me now.
  23. Ther sure is a surprising amount of merch for the live action One Piece
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