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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about dbz kits, but I took a look at them on display at anime expo, and before seeing them up close they didn't impress me. But when I saw them there with just some dull coat I was amazed, maybe because I had no interest at first. These were the new small scale simple build hg style kits and while I don't think they will steal away sh figuarts fans they look pretty good and have an interesting way of building the face with out the need for paint. I think they only did light panel lining before top coat. The cost if I'm not mistaken was under $20, so for those that don't want to pay as much for the action figures these could be a neat option.
  2. So I went back to the Volks booth yesterday and the same guy I talked to the the day before said they sold out an hour before I got there. He said one guy bought them all. Man I was let down, but the guy at the booth was cool enough to give me a card and a discount to negate the shipping. He also said their shop was down here in Torrance and said to stop by so I may end up getting the bigger Testa Rosa since I won't have to carry that gigantic box around the expo. Maybe I will just break down and buy one of each of their Votoms kits, Zerberus vr maxima comes out next month.
  3. I probably should have tried to make it to that panel, but anyway this sounds a little like when adult swim decided we need more Big O and we did, but maybe not the way we got it. The synopsis also sounds a bit like Gurren Laggan(probably screwed up the spelling, but hopefully you get what I tried to say). It was a favorite of the time when the original came out so I hope it's good.
  4. Just got my Kylo Ren kit. All the parts are black with a few silver colored bits for the face and sabers. The light saber effect is also clear red. It has a lot of rubbery parts for the cloak and hood. Looks like a very simple build.
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Over the weekend we went through the show room at anime expo and I didn't see anyone selling hmr toys. We saw a lot of kits including the new bandai delta kits some Yamato and Arcadia toys a few robotech items and various older kits, but no hmr. They probably would have been overpriced, but I kinda wanted to see someone selling them anyway.
  6. On the shuttle back to the hotel we saw the dunkin donuts, but I guess it was to dark to see the hand. Our hotel was the last on the pick up list and already passed that in the mornings on the way there.
  7. I'd rather wait for a box set, but I'd do hope this series does well so we can get all Macross material with subs.
  8. I was really looking forward to this, but th response to the first episode sounds bad. Hopefully this gets better.
  9. The presentation was a bit rushed at the end, but his origin of Macross stories were great and surprisingly full of humor.
  10. I just got a look at the volks booth at anime expo. I saw the testa rosa, and I gotta say that that is a huge box. They have it built and on display and it's a big bastard. I don't think I can fit it in the car with the family luggage. I also got to see the 1/35 Berzerga super execution. It doesn't look like it has a pilot figure, but it does have a full opening cockpit and it looks great. Tomorrow that's the one I'm picking up before leaving.
  11. Turns out the vampire hunter d series panel was for an American comic that they hope will be popular enough to start an animated 1 hour series. As much as I love D I don't think it will take off.
  12. Stuck in line for vampire hunter d series panel. Gave up on Kawamori signing, but will try for the panel later
  13. Is that for the autograph session separate from the panel discussion?
  14. Have they confirmed destroids? I love the hmr figures and I also love kits, but I think the tomytech vf1 won't be as poseable as the figures due to joint style. That doesn't bug me too much though and I think the destroids will pose better for tomytech due to the lack of parts forming and having less obstructions to the movement. Personally I am really liking what I'm seeing from both lines so far and will collect both. They're different enough for me to find high points for both so far and if non Valkyrie mecha are coming to this line I will be a happy bastard🤗
  15. Just got into LA gonna try to catch a shuttle to the expo and see if the showroom is still open by the time I get there then I do t know what to do, probably wing it today.
  16. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Well for anyone who missed out last nigh this thread is a good place to check back on. People here are very helpful and often post a link if a site opens up a preorder.
  17. By that time they will be teasing the trailer for the new one.
  18. The ankle armor confuses me on that one. Up until I think the mid nineties the ankle armor was attached to the lower leg, then almost every Gundam since has had it connected to the foot. It feels a little odd, but I'm still getting on or two. I haven't read or seen origin yet and was wondering about that machine gun. It's the same as the Gouf test type and much bigger than the 08th ms Team version. Did Zeon make it first? Is there a story to this anywhere?
  19. I was listening to the Heidi and Frank show yesterday morning and they had the Schmoes on talking about the fact that they couldn't do a review until opening day because it wasn't screened for critics, which is usually a sign that the studio knows they dropped a turd. They really didn't like that movie, then they went on about how no one knows what BFG stands for. Lots of jokes about the F and even an old Doom referance.
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