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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. If you’re going with mobile armor, the the zakurello should be mentioned, but I don’t remember if it had a recent kit in a few decades
  2. As far as quirky, a lot of the marine suits from the original series are a bit odd. I love the hygog and there’s also the gogg or the acguy and zock are pretty weird. there’s also the weird ones from crossbone that turn into hands, but those are a bit tough to get these days since they were exclusives.
  3. There does seem to be a shortage currently. Not just at hlj, but all around. There have been restocks going on, but those haven’t been the big restocks of a few years back
  4. Supposedly they were just gonna kill him off anyway from what the rumors are saying of those at the screenings.
  5. I just don’t know about doing a musical though. I wouldn’t mind a musical scene, but a whole movie is pushing it
  6. Just got done watching and finally we get a good addition to the franchise. The original is still the best, but this is a really good movie and probably my second favorite in the muddy franchise. I do like predators and predator 2 though, but this one is definitely in a different class than those.
  7. I’ve been hearing that, but I’m already burned out on the concept. It really didn’t take much since I never really liked the multiverse thing in cart and comics and not really caring for it too much in movies. A quick what if story is ok, but I dislike entire movie plots being based around it
  8. That’s promising news. Take it easy and good luck. Maybe play a lotto ticket or two and luck may actually go your way in a big way
  9. I finished it the other week. It’s definitely a cute show and probably good for the kids as well as the old time Mr Bean fans. I was cracking up so much at the doggy door scene
  10. Nice work, I like how it looks with the backpack detached
  11. I don’t think anyone knew the issues with Ezra at the time he was hired. It seems he’s had problems for quite a while, but things didn’t come forward til recently. And there are some that have had major problems in the past, but overcame them like RDJ. Honestly there’s so many actors and comedians that get hired to do movies and the majority do drugs ranging from the semi legal to the overly prescribed to the hardcore stuff. Amber Turd had people backing her to get aquaman like her ex hubby. These projects happen and sometimes you just don’t know where the big drama is coming from until there’s big drama. Marvel/Disney tends to be super strict with actors behaviors to try and wrangle them in and keep them somewhat in line, whereas the WB offered a bit more freedom, but I don’t know if that would’ve changed the outcome of the Ezra flash mess
  12. You could try a store that hasn’t listed yet and sending an email asking if they plan to and when. I don’t know if many of the Canadian places have listed them, but on things like that you have to make sure they ship out of country.
  13. I’d like a good Superman movie. He’s only been in crappy ones lately and his solo thing was a let down. If he gets a reboot, I’d be happy if it actually gives him a good film for once. As far as Batman, the last film was good and I don’t know about just ditching him. I guess we’ll find out something soon as to the future of dc films
  14. Hopefully that was put out by someone who knows that it’s still happening after the wb shake up
  15. Yeah, the rumors even on the less extreme side have said supergirl is already past tense. The Flash is sounding more up in the air. I guess the big boss doesn’t want replacement heroes, but the biggest name superheroes to be the focus like Superman, Batman and Wonderwoman instead of sidelining them. Not sure if that means a reboot or if that means to put the focus back to the bigger justice league heroes. I’m really curious where The Batman or the Joker end up fitting in. Like could a reboot start with the Batman or will it just be dumped as a one off movie now.
  16. I’m not really concerned about the 18+ items. I’m just curious since a lot of the right stuff and partnered companies had the licenses to some nice retro stud as well as almost every gundam show and may be getting some of the Macross stuff. I’d love to have those on a streaming site rather than have to buy the shows. I’m not totally against hard copies, but I’d love the streaming option
  17. Hopefully that means that more of their stuff ends up streaming
  18. I kinda think that Bandai didn’t realize that fans would have the money for this. It’s pretty expensive and shipping makes it even more expensive. I almost wouldn’t be too surprised if they end up increasing the production a bit for the high demand. But I wouldn’t count on it
  19. It would be hilarious to see her and Tom having a romantic scene in the new film. He looks like he aged 15 years as she added on 40.
  20. I feel bad for Michael Keaton. He finally gets filmed as Batman again and we may never get to see it. The batgirl thing is definitely canceled and the flash thing is sounding like it’s gonna end up the same. too bad they can’t just get Tim Burton and do a real sequel to his two movies, but I kinda doubt that zaslav wants to try an experiment like that.
  21. I personally have a feeling that they’re just trimming the fat here and those massive layoffs are probably just parts of wb that are producing nothing anyone was really watching similar to the Netflix trim that happened a few months back. The rumors however are going pretty extreme though and it would be wild to lose HBO max altogether, but I guess anything is possible these days. Parts of the extreme side of the rumor mill says they’ll make money back by selling their shows and movies to one of the other big names like Netflix to make a profit. And yeah definitely surprised this isn’t a thing for Paramount, with such a lack of subscriptions and overall popularity. I still know people that didn’t even know the service existed
  22. As much as I liked B5 , I have a bad feeling that’s probably one of the ones on the chopping block.
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