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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I wasn’t bored the first two episodes or really any episodes of the Mandalorian. I also liked the main character, which is something important to me for a show. So far two out of three Andor episodes were dull and there really haven’t been any like able characters. I actually don’t like Andor as a character at all so far. I do however see potential for the show to be good. It has a really great look and there could be some things coming up that have me curious. I just hope it doesn’t end up a let down like the Obi show
  2. Yeah, but the products are mostly different depending on the company. Hasegawa does non transforming vf-25 while Bandai has a transforming one . Wave has a non transforming 1/100 vf-1 kit while Bandai has a transforming hmr toy. It’s sort of like an odd agreement that a certain type of product can be produced by a certain company. It’s very similar though more complicated to the old days with arii, nichimo and imai.
  3. Nope, just little ones to go with the others. Gotta have runaway Amuro to go with the Ramba Ral action figure.
  4. When it was announced, I kinda figured it more than likely would partsform. I personally really just care how it looks more than the transformation gimmick. If it does look good, I’ll probably just get three kits to display in each mode. Even with gundam kits I really don’t care much for transformation. On a model I feel it’s too fragile or just finicky. Or the big issue is that they make the sacrifice of one mode looking good and another is meh at best. The newer Valkyries are definitely more suited for good looking transformations, but still seem a bit finicky
  5. An hmr repaint probably wouldn’t happen any time soon. I wouldn’t count it out, but definitely not anytime soon. There’s always a chance that Bandai might do a new kit if the YF-19 one does well, but I’d think they would do some of the other plus stuff first. Either way I’d love to see this old kit finished up. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it completed
  6. I don’t exactly know how time works in this show, but Halbrand seems to have somehow learned to craft exquisite swords in a couple days. Maybe one of the numenorian black smiths made her armor, since they did have a connection with elves back in the day.
  7. That kinda is how it worked. Imai and aari had certain items one company could do in 1/72 scale or 1/100. Nichimo did most of the smaller scale stuff. Supposedly it was due to the licensing agreements one company got versus others the other got. Even more recently Bandai had to deal with other companies that got agreements over Star Wars, both in kits and for a bit over the issue of selling 1/12 character kits versus hasbro and their black series figures. on this particular case Bandai may have been the ones that picked the scale, since their item is transformable or at least partsformable, they could’ve possibly gone the 1/72 route. They did do 1/72 transforming kits of subjects that hasegawa did of non transforming ones like the VF-1 as far as real world models, I don’t know that companies like Grumman or Boeing know or care that much about giving exclusive rights to produce something like a model kit in a specific scale to specific model kit companies
  8. Just back from LA. Saw Rammstein last night at the memorial coliseum and that was the most impressive live show I’ve seen in my life. If I never get to see another concert, at least I’ve seen one of the greatest. Seriously wondering how they haven’t accidentally cooked one of the members alive.
  9. At 1/100, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna have part swapping. I can’t say for sure yet, but it shouldn’t be too long before we get answers
  10. Definitely dull. This batch of science fiction and fantasy shows have been super dull. I kinda think that instead of splitting the stories the way they did just slows all of them down. I wish they’d focus on the stuff with the elf at the tower and the forge and get back to the dull Galadriel and harfoot stuff later
  11. I’m in disagreement over most of this. The flashback stuff feels like fluff. And it’s such a slow show that I really don’t think it’s very smart either. Just good at wasting time. They easily could’ve got to the point of the third episode stuff at least by the second one. I get the feeling that the writers just didn’t have much of a story, so they just do as much fluff as possible to keep up an episode count. The main character seems like he could’ve avoided almost everything by just not being such a scetchy person. His group is supposed to be good at laying low, but somehow tell everyone that could report them their secrets. It’s definitely better than the obi show and maybe tied with the boba show, but Mando is still the best they got on d+ and that could easily go downhill as well if treated wrong in the next season. I do hope this show picks up story wise and maybe gets to a point where it feels intelligent, but judging by three full episodes, I can’t say it will get there
  12. If they stick with plus, that’s what I’d expect. But I’m hoping it’s not just reworked vf-19’s
  13. The not hobbits are back and unfortunately are the only amount of anything happening. Galadriel is still the master of talking through her cringy teeth. Overall a pretty dull with promises of a lot of things to happen
  14. Was watching a few episodes of Sprung on prime for free on that freevie thing they have with commercials. It’s actually pretty funny. The whole life after jail show seems to be a thing now. The main character went to jail for most of his life selling weed, which is something they make fun of now since it’s practically legal these days. He never was a bad guy, but he has no other source of income after getting out during the beginning of the pandemic and ends up staying with his cell mate and his cell mates mother and a female convict he’d sort of had a relationship while locked up. He’d basically learned a lot of tricks from other prisoners and they apply those tricks to rob people. Only he’s got a rule that they have to be stealing only from bad people and he tends to try to find ways to make himself feel better by helping out the community in need in simple ways by the end of each episode. Over all, I really like the show so far. I only got up to the fifth episode. It’s got a mix of humor and heart all in one chaotic show.
  15. This She Hulk thing is kinda losing me. Every episode is more dull than the last. I think the next one is already the final episode and I’m kinda glad. If it is, I’m hoping they’ve been holding back the good stuff for the end.
  16. Yeah, it’s gonna be weird having him take over as the new Black Panther. Never really thought of him as an action Star, but maybe he bulked up to play this iconic role.
  17. The first two episodes are pretty dull. What’s with all these new shows and super dull starts. The third episode was better. I still don’t like the character Andor and kinda like him less now. This show does look far better than the obi show. It definitely looks higher budget.
  18. I really don’t like it. I could see it for bargain toys, but not for collectibles. These probably aren’t gonna be just for kids, since most kids have never seen the show. It’s a release to satisfy old fans specifically that remember a more niche cartoon that rarely has been shown since the eighties. I’d love to have an in box set as well as open, but with boring boxes it kinda takes away from the idea of a cool display figure
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