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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Too right. They're going for $100+ on YJA, and don't even exist anymore on Ebay.
  2. Oh wow. This is Bandai, right? (Nvm, clicked the video.) That's super sick, seeing the next Perfect Grade NOT being Gundam. The first Perfect Grade was Eva 01, and now the Millennium Falcon... Shame about the scale, though. I mean, I know the Falcon is a beast even at this scale, but a 1/48 would truly have been Perfect Grade.
  3. So I dunno when they restocked them, but HLJ has a bunch either back in stock or backordered. A search for "tomy macross": http://hlj.com/search/go?w=tomy macross No VF-31A, though, but that's unsurprising.
  4. All Macross figures on sale (HMR Monster): http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=HLJ20ANNIVERSARY&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&qid=R1K69UHI3JFXOG&set=1&SeriesID2=934
  5. kajnrig

    Hi-Metal R

    Heyyyyy, lookie what I found here. In case you guys are interested. HI-METAL R HWR-00-MKII Destroid Monster Sale Price: ¥21,250 You Save: ¥3,750 (15%) Bonus Store Credit: ¥1,063 http://hlj.com/product/BANN05211/Act --- EDIT: The Macross figure sale in general: http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=HLJ20ANNIVERSARY&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&qid=R1K69UHI3JFXOG&set=1&SeriesID2=934
  6. Dang. Beat me to the punch. There's also the regular Silvie Gena Custom: http://hlj.com/product/EVT57191 Sale Price: ¥14,880 You Save: ¥9,920 (40%) Bonus Store Credit: ¥3,100
  7. Second this. I just bought two items that had been in my HLJ backorder for a while - a 1/100 HG Gundam X kit, and a 1/72 Tornado Messiah - and it's been as good an experience buying now as it was when I first used it. What advantages does Buyee have over FJ? I read earlier that Buyee is the official YJA proxy company, but using FJ has been pretty painless, all things considered.
  8. Ooh, good tip. Some other useful search terms: エースコンバット Ace Combat 震電II / 震電2 Shinden II/Shinden 2 リッジバックス隊 Ridgeback(s) Squadron ケイ・ナガセ カラー Kei Nagase color
  9. Blu-ray release on 7/25. Available in BD, 3D BD, DVD, 4K http://thedigitalbits.com/columns/my-two-cents/053017-1400 I can't wait to see how cringey those featurettes are. "Your body, your ***SHELL***, is synthetic. But your brain, your soul, your ***GHOST***, is human."
  10. Well frakk me. Still won't bother seeing it, but I'm glad they finally seem to be getting their crap together... enough for a one-time success, anyway.
  11. Are these knock-off companies just straight-up copying Bandai/Arcadia items, or are they doing something that separates them from the pack? I don't know of any "third-party" Macross kit makers, but some of the Gundam ones have gotten pretty creative in order to blur the lines between their products and official ones. Some do a fairly simple job scribing and/or scratchbuilding new details onto existing Bandai molds, while others convert resin/non-articulated kits to injection plastic/articulated ones. Others do original work altogether, and simply lack the IP; they're relegated to not labeling their kits "Gundam." I haven't seen anything interesting enough to jump on it - the lack of quality control also plays a role. I'm still more interested in the (itself of dubious legality) resin kit/conversion market, but third-party IP kits are definitely stepping up their game. But as far as Macross goes, I'd be interested if KOs go beyond just plain ol' copying Bandai/Yamcadia and introduce some creativity. A Cheyenne II kit/toy, anyone? VF-171? Eh? Even just a new Super/Strike Pack with different details, or a new add-on pack altogether.
  12. Bah humbug. We all spend too much money on this franchise anyway, what's another 1-6 months' worth of earnings?
  13. That Guardian review seems to be the only wholly negative review so far (at least based on just the headline; I'm not gonna bother with reviews or indeed the movie). Hope all of you enjoy it, though, and get to wash out the sour taste of the last few DCEU films.
  14. Although actually, it would be pretty neat to have a singular collection of the entire Macross franchise remastered for Bluray (or if I'm really optimistic, 4K HDR). Or at least, say, up through Macross Zero. The Frontier and Delta tv+movie sets aren't too hard to find, I'd imagine.
  15. Wing Zero is popular (EDIT: in Japan), just not the rest of the Boy Band.
  16. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hi all, just popping in to ask if a -31A has been teased at all? Thanks.
  17. I don't. Well, I don't think it will do better critically, anyway, at least not significantly. Sales-wise, all of DCEU have made money, so that's kind of a given.
  18. Since the post editor likes to fight me at every turn, here's a double post for:
  19. I have this very kit in my backlog somewhere. I obviously can't speak too much about it, but when I looked at the sprues, I was sufficiently impressed with the molding and parts separation and the like. Typical good Hasegawa quality, and the design itself is really nice as well, with a unique stacked twin-engine design. The top-down silhouette is especially appealing, almost like a more elegant Su-47. There's a "standard" release with JSDF markings and a "Kei Nagase" version with orange trim, as well, the latter of which I hope to get my hands on for not insane prices someday. (I was something like two days late of nabbing the last ones off HLJ.) You can build the engine nozzles in regular or STOVL configurations, the wing tips are movable, and it comes with a nice complement of underwing weapons and a clear display stand (a real plus compared to other Hasegawa kits). The decals are really nice, as usual. EDIT: Some more pictures: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10270796
  20. So no one here apparently cares much for this movie. I just got back from seeing it today with the kids. I hadn't planned on watching it at all; they wanted to see it. I haven't seen the last one, and I forget most of what happens in 2 and 3, so basically it's like a return to yo-ho-ho after 10 years. And it wasn't TOO bad, but that still means it was bad. The number of story threads and competing factions gets unnecessarily convoluted, but the music is as enjoyable as ever. Most damning is that it felt four hours long but is only a little over two. The kids and I agreed
  21. It's weird. When I saw the movie, I was fine with it. Mildly disappointed, maybe, but then monster movies aren't necessarily my thing anyway, so eh. It's only in discussing the movie that I've generated feelings of more than mild distaste.
  22. It's the ADF-01 Falken, from the Ace Combat video games. It looks funky because it uses a coffin cockpit system. All those lights are cameras that project a 360-degree view of the surroundings onto screens inside the cockpit. The funkier part is its ability to mount a tactical laser. Speaking of aerodynamics... https://www.google.com/search?q=adf01+falken+laser&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO_Y-1uY7UAhWEj1QKHZYRC4AQsAQIMA&biw=1920&bih=901#imgrc=0ItDJBrGz5BH-M: It has a more conventional-looking prototype in the ADFX-01 Morgan:
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