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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. http://www.sketchup.com/
  2. hmmm... Twinkie launcher? Make the plane an ES-11ADV A drone controller for a couple of Ghosts as close protection would be cool.
  3. Haha I just googled who that was and OHHHHHHHH now I recognize that guy... he seems to adorn a lot of my IPSC practice targets along with a few others.
  4. Arent those the Countermeasures packs on either side of the arrestor hook? They get reloaded as a complete unit like a cassette. Hence the rectangular housings.
  5. But the Wave one will be WAY more detailed and be easily modded for Arduino control with sounds, lighting and servos.
  6. On a mission for find antagonists for my Street Fight dioramas and have the Glaugs and Regults now. What I need next is actual Macronised Zentraedi and Meltrandi... then I found these two 3d printed figures... Most of you may have guessed what these two figures are, or who they are but I think they would make brilliant more realistic modernised Zent soldiers than what the Amine shows. they come in 28mm, 54mm and 210mm scale... but I'm hoping with some money thrown Latvias way (thats where they are made) that they may print off some 118 - 138mm ones for me to cover an 8.5m to 9m tall 1/72 Meltran and a 9.5m to 10m tall 1/72 Zentran.
  7. WOW!!! That Strike Lightning!!
  8. yeah... having an irate Tech standing on the boom arguing with a Destroid pilot standing on the shoulder of his machine would be cool!
  9. Why are you asking about car parts here? Think you joined the wrong forum today
  10. Macross Master File Antagonists - SV series, Civilian Merc/Pirate variants, Zentraedi and Meltrandi Pods and Flyers We can dream I guess
  11. Well now THERES an offer of help that you cant ignore! So, you're talking about taking that 3D design he comes up with and passing it through a CNC to mill out an Ali Injection Mold to get a sprue like a Hasegawa kit? Now THAT would be next level Jason!
  12. Cool8or... i REALLY need your help too... please PM me.
  13. I reckon all 5 by mid next year. In between will be the other Knights and maybe at the end the VF-31A and VF-171
  14. I want to do a Gunslinger as well with the two VF-1 Gunpods... can never have too much Dakka
  15. http://www.imageanime.com/vfsimihcu1p.html VF-31F Pre-Order No red canopy open though... Is that Bumblebee's Combat head?
  16. Loving the search lights and drive lights on the Destroids! Its the little things that make things great. Going to spin the radar on the Defender?
  17. NZEOD

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Its the net... Just ignore the morons and fools and know that in the real world, you'd still laugh in their faces and walk away.
  18. Use the 1/48 Airforce pilots from the ground crew set, just add the Macross helmet to his or her hand (hollowed out) and a greenstuff harness and shoulder pads and your done. Or have him sitting on the side of the refueler chatting with the ground crew chief
  19. We need that 2 seater minus the dish as a Wild Weasel/Growler variant
  20. Glass fibre or Poly fibre? Go poly and mount the fibre and the turret LED all under the turret in a cradle and have it turn with the turret...
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