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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. How long has your one been holding the Valk Horizontally? Its not showing signs of bending?
  2. I really want to know how the control centre was built!
  3. 250mm deep inside the hangar. 350mm is needed behind the hangar rear wall for the linear actuator... although as I type this I realize I can actually run the arm on a rail on the ceiling of the hangar and not though the rear wall! that shrinks the size alot!
  4. Thanks for the tute on tinting too
  5. It only has to move 250mm to clear the hangar doors with wings fully open from my measurements last night. So with the box in the ceiling I need another 350mm max clearance to the roof tiles for the Actuator to slide in and out. Same if I use a guide rail with a rack & pinion set to move it.
  6. Two Arms arrived today...!!! So... how to make the arms extend out of the hangars once the doors have opened. One idea is to make an extension off the back of the arm to run along a spinning threaded rod. Another is to have guide rails and a belt drive on the back of the arm shaft. Linear Actuators...
  7. I'll bring them into work tomorrow for scanning
  8. mine runs 10 PC fans Pretty quiet and good air flow. 3 PC fans wont move a lot of air at all. Its not enough. The volume of air being extracted has to be equal to or greater than the volume of air coming out of the airbrush otherwise it will still swirl out of the box and into the room.
  9. How do you mean? Gun powder would work too. Couple of grains on the surface and flash them with a flame. Instant heat scorch and particulates.
  10. yeah we never do that... no one wants to see your girl take a hit. Ours are more our personal icons/logos and nicknames. APCs carry Grunts and they where green berets here so an APC got tagged at "Canned Vegies" and another as "Canned Cabbage", the Resup guys tagged the tanker as "The Water Boyz" and had a blue/black version of the Blood Angels logo Many years in the NZ Army...
  11. I use Vallejo primer and that can rub off easy!
  12. Agreed. I used to paint Warhammer figures competitively , especially Harlequins, and even when I won its not fun. Hell even my Show cars and bikes I hate being judged on, I do it for me, not accolades or derision from others. You'll just be asking for trouble if you do. If the decal was small why not battle damage the area to obliterate the decal? Just need a hot knife, hot wire or a steady hand and a soldiering iron to hit it with a Beam score or cratered armour. Alittle metallic colour, rust colour, blued metal or composites and some soot staining and your done. Even day to day patrolling would cause paint transfer and scrapping and then there is mud, dust, dirt... Also military gear gets alot of none standard markings from being parked up too close to other units unattended. We all carry stencils and paint in our vehicles to tag other unit and ESPECIALLY other countries kit with our unit logos! The worst I've ever seen was 3 ASLAVs parked in East Timor that got a line of red dogs paw prints from the ass end, up over the turret and down off the front like a dog had walked all over them. The Paw Just happened to be the Engineer Regts Logo and there was an on going feud between the Tankies and the Gingerbears. Every vehicle unfortunate enough to be transported on the Assault ship HMAS Tobruk "The Rat Ship" deployed into country with a rat painted on it somewhere.
  13. They also dropped a Kitchen sink from a Skyraider during the Korean war.
  14. Couldnt resist and bought one of these for one of the VF-1Ds on my carrier scene...
  15. I like the wreaked VF in the hanger and the Gerwalk thats ripped up the runway!
  16. There is an easier way. Scan it in high res then feed the scan though a vector trace program. I can scan a set for you. There are a couple of online trace services that offer the first couple for free and the quality is outstanding. Just the Tomahawk or the Defender and Phalanx as well? Mods are we happy with me doing this given its an in production kit? This is not considered like recasting?
  17. Its easier to mask off the parts for some of the more fiddly panel lines and stripes. The gunpods are usually a different colour from the rest of the plane as well
  18. Stealth didnt seem to be a big thing in this universe either.
  19. Ok so I watched up to EP10 and first up, I noticed Hayates Seig when it wears super parts gets some sort of HUGE back mounted lump of a ... something... missiles? Speakers? it was visible in the episode where he kills the young Knight in the asteriods. Second... where the hell does the Yellow 31 of Chuck fish boys hide the radome when its not being used or is it an attachment like a super pack? Wondering how these will be shown in model form.
  20. Less smoke from the barrel, propellant burns fairly clean, and make it a lazy curl... Most of the smoke off a hot weapon is gun oil burning off. A heat haze off the barrel jacket perhaps but definitely less smoke. The powder in a cartridge is call "Smokeless" Powder.
  21. NZEOD

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As are used by Alpha and Beta Squad and they also have Alpha 01 through 05 and Beta 01 though 05 aircraft numbers.
  22. Thanks! Production line is up to add these to mine!
  23. watching the show I noticed they dont wear harnesses at all... does the EX gear lock them in?
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