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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Adafruit Trinket 5V - LED controller board... thats it its a stand alone board about the size on a marker pen cap, just plug it into a USB to power it and program it. Mine run off a 240V to 5V USB wall socket. https://www.adafruit.com/product/2000
  2. no no no... leave them on... it looks good!
  3. once you get up to speed with the coding... making those main guns fade up to a blinding strobe effect as they "fire" one at a time in a volley fire way will look AMAZING! Especially when you add in a slight colour change... maybe charging up through a faded purple to a blinding white on firing to a cooling faded red glow after!
  4. I've built 2 so far forgetting to fix the legs until it was too late! Luckily one of them is in the Hallway museum display so will never been viewed from side on! Unfortunately the other is a 1D on the carrier deck display and its SO F-ing obvious! Cant fix that one without ripping the engine lighting wires out.
  5. Ok, give me a week or two to tidy up the renos and I'll sit down and do a tread on engine lighting then go from there
  6. Hah... I seriously doubt they would be offended, more like quite proud of what these ladies have been doing that no guy has beaten yet. If you ever do try it, I can help with the programming sketches. They are written in notepad so they can be posted in a PM and you just cut and paste them then upload to the Trinket and you're ready to go.
  7. super simple to wire... one 5v power, one ground, on data in... if more than are needed you just run a line from the first SMD's Data out to the next smd's data in. Literally seconds to solder. And the programming is super easy too with premade code (called sketches) ready to download. They are made by a chick for chicks to sew into clothing and costumes so a guy HAS to be able to do this just for prides sake. checkout Adafruit.com for ideas and tutorials and sketches.
  8. Yeah we sat in ours getting frustrated all looking at the floor waiting for rounds to start punching though it and wanting to kick the navy guy off the Door GPMG! Not a nice feeling. How did you chip the floor like that?
  9. 10 neos cost me about $6NZD and each one is small enough to fit into the lens fitting on the 1/72 Wave Phalanx triple spotlight and still have room to run the enameled wires hidden down the shaft into the body. Thats how small the enameled wires are too.
  10. That one shown in the line art is physically impossible to achieve. Notice how much longer the rear flat of the tail section is once its shown folded in that last frame? The artists have taken some liberties to show it folded I think.
  11. Sand blaster.... Decals for all three Wave Destroids will be scanned in 3 hrs (lunch break) and I'll post a link to a photobucket where I'll put them.
  12. between racing, work and kitchen renos I got a tiny bit more done on the horde of models including the street scene, and sprayed up a quick test of the camo patterns for them. Seems to work.
  13. Solution for the cable clutter problem is to use Enameled Wire. Its hair thin and carries enough current to run your LEDs. For SMDs try Neopixels, you get blinding light thats fadeable, they only need 3 wires to run them even in a daisy chain of 80 and you can still program and control them individually while daisy chained using a Trinket board.
  14. God I havent been in a SeaKing since 2000! Shark 07 "Suai Sally" The Timor Express of 817 Sqn International Rescue. Looking at the interior of that model brings back memories, like why the hell does it only have a door and weapon station on one side?? Does the Navy only ever flying to contact sideways? Love how you've scuffed up the deck.
  15. this ripoff/knockoff version has provisions for 65mm rods to be fitted. Not full length but better than nothing.
  16. on which axis?
  17. Not enroute... inhand! Thats what I was wondering, if they were the same ones
  18. and keep the blutac away from your cockpit screen decals... I use it to mask off intakes and cockpits once they are done to paint the outside and have pulled up a screen decal before... no going back from that one!
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