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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. sweet pickups, spanner! what, no nsfw pics of m&M yet? hehehe
  2. i just joined! it looks like a great site. friendly members too.
  3. i'd say anything under 250 for both would be a fair price for a used/displayed set. sealed, they could still fetch up to 390 on manda/jungle i passed on the prophecy but Saburo makes a great case for it with Michael's supers. then again, Saburo makes valk pics look hotter than porn! XD
  4. lol! kakizaki was great at providing comic relief! i can't imagine the series without a character like him. but yeah, prices are really jumping up! yup, this is also what i found online. i suppose it would've been lower without the JPN taxes?
  5. T_T that looks painful, man... i would feel as messed up as the valk looks, especially at that price point. nice post-mortem with a ray of hope at the end! =) CY to the rescue! =)
  6. Vf-x, until I bring home a lovis Roy vf-1s XD
  7. I get your earlier post now! Wow! Congrats on the new additions (especially the lovis roy!)!
  8. Lol thanks for the cautionary tale, David! Good thing I'm not into amiibos! XD picked up devil may cry definitive edition while waiting for ff type 0. Shoulda bought a replacement controller too hahaha
  9. Meijin Kawaguchi? Thanks for the link David! Picked up devil may cry definitive edition earlier so will juggle my time with that hehehe
  10. You guys are really inspiring! I took a week off work to relax a bit. I think I'll try panel lining some of my kits (all plain so far, no decals, panel lines, or paint).
  11. It's surprising even to myself that my least favourite valk isn't the Arcadia 'nascar' vf-1j anniversary edition (maybe less so when I slap the upcoming gbp armor parts on it). Qc issues are the worst, and the vf-171 cf beat the garish anniversario edition because of it in my book
  12. That's how it's done hahaha! Btw, how do I join BOING? XD
  13. Here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41509&page=39 Here's the store: http://www.yetistand.com/
  14. Awesome pics, guys! Funny, too! XD
  15. And lucky! Hahaha! I dunno I guess they're related to macrossfan00 ahehe
  16. Congrats, Gak! That's nothing short of amazing! I didn't fare quite as well. One of the "MISB" items I bought was so scratched up, it may as well have been "muddied, inked, and sand blasted". Seller seemed like a nice enough guy. Gave me a 50 buck refund. Harumph. 2 more items were similarly not as described but I've just recently informed the sellers
  17. <still waiting> Thanks for the pics, guys! They're really tiding me over. Head sculpt is really aggressive and mean looking!
  18. Hmm got a 2nd unit from cdj. Will just wait for NY to open again tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for updates and links (and for sharing in the madness!)! Goodnight! XD
  19. Wow NY POs closed in the blink of an eye! Hope it reopens again soon!
  20. Yup I wanted to get both units I planned to get from them but figured I'd have at least one for insurance
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