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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. Hahaha! Marketing gold! File the IP papers, Saburo!
  2. that's exactly it! Saburo goggles! XD Bandai/Arcadia should defo hire you!
  3. Hahaha! How hard could it be, eh? XD hmm... we'd be heavily leveraged for a while with TONS OF VALKS, and then we'd continuously work our way to being filthy rich with MEGATONS OF VALKS XD
  4. Hahaha!!! I'll be puffing right beside you bro!
  5. Thanks for the pics and links, guys! =) 2015's shaping up to be even better than 2014!
  6. YEHEHEHESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! XD Already included 2 each n my budget, guessing usd325 each.
  7. Bwahahahaha! Good point! That would give penetrating rounds a whole new meaning! XD
  8. Good deed for the week! This is why this community rawks!
  9. Congrats! That is indeed an awesome pickup! Spread the luck around hahaha!
  10. I'm only 5 episodes into it but I see what you mean! The pol tension is built up quite nicely, imo, as opposed to say, Gundam 00. Something like "I don't know what my husband is saying"? XD The rivalries in anime are interesting in that they're never really out to annihilate each other (they even end up as friends/comrades). Is that typical in Japan/ other Asian countries? Hehehe I liked it better when they called each other "orenji" and bat though
  11. lol! didn't one of the transformers movies have a giant robot nutshot? ballsy move! XD also, the pic above suggests that only the right nut gets 100 points (because it's a little lower???). left nut = 0 points???
  12. no doubt, man! i also like how you lined up the sword with the wallpaper sun and lens flare! kakkoii!
  13. i like the way you think! hope the yf-29b comes first, though! =) i don't wanna hafta wait til xmas for it
  14. easy pass for me, thanks for the info!
  15. has anyone else seen rideback?? really digging this! transforming motorcycles (with a mode officially called "spread legs form")!!!
  16. best finishing move: American History X (put your mouth on the curb!!!) someone please insert a clip =)
  17. Wait what?!? Hmm... Ok, I can kinda see it... So dr. Kintobor/robotnik is actually dr. Elephant?!?
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