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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. Yup, 17100 jpy on hlj. Still want another one to keep misb!
  2. How are you guys doing? Got an order in with hlj. Closed now
  3. Where is it??? Lol harrumph
  4. Hahaha! Warm up your refresh buttons! XD
  5. That's a great deal, man! Good karma! =) ScreamMan did a fantastic job with the Roy custom! Any wip pics or tutorial, by any chance? Not that I have the skills to pull something like that off yet, just curious... XD
  6. Thanks for the info, man! Hope I get lucky this time around!
  7. Mine are also still being prepped at NY. Harrumph
  8. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! <waits>
  9. Bwahaha! Lucky Me is still one of my guilty pleasures! XD Cool plasti-dip hack! A VF-0S in Hikaru's colours would be awesome (what canon?!?)!!! Hahaha! That would be a great niche product! Gundam and 7-11 have a lot of similar releases. Better than their audio CDs...
  10. My guess is that your bladder would give out first! XD I like your optimism, man!
  11. Thanks for the sneak peek at what I'm getting! C'mon NY! XD
  12. Sweet pick ups! =) Congrats! Red plasti-dip? If you ever get tired of Japanese ramen, try the Lucky Me brand 'pancit canton chili-mansi flavor'! It's salty-sour-spicy awesomeness! I always have 2 packs with 2 soft-boiled eggs! =)
  13. Any game that ends with Kakizaki alive is a win! XD YEAH! Gotta love that underdog bakero! XD
  14. hmm... the 25S may be a bit too close to Roy's colors, but a "Roy custom" would certainly be welcomed, imo. I'd love a cavaliers paint scheme or urban digital camo (like the government exo armors in the 2nd movie)!
  15. i'm with you on this one, b! this is shaping up to be an awesome but expensive year! hahaha!
  16. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    i'm confusticated... Old Man and The Old Man are two different users, right?
  17. congrats, saburo! right, david, the shades of green are quite close and match up nicely! wish i were in Seattle too!!! XD
  18. Pomaikai! Post wip pics if you can please! =) Sweet pick ups! 2-country shopping spree! You da man today brah! Dude, we would never have guessed...
  19. Agree with in-scale pixie and vaj. I'd like ranka's red vf-(?) from the 2nd movie too though
  20. I'm gonna hit that two times!!! XD
  21. Hahaha! I wonder if a pachinko parlour would be a hit in Vancouver... Hmm...
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