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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. Personally I think it is good that way. Why hold onto a master of a kit that you don't plan on releasing anymore. Many masters change hands.
  2. Look what's available at the SSM store. http://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/2920/172-es-11d-cats-eye-reconnaissance-spaceplane.cfm From the owner of SSM. Yes. Neptune Models bought the master from Mr. Moscato. It'll be in the Store as soon as the decals are complete
  3. Not lied to mecha stands for mechanical in anime, not for robot as it does in the west. So spaceships, power armour, etc are all mecha.
  4. I am very happy that I still got 2 copies of each of the Wave 1/72 Destroids, they do come with pilots. Sorry, won't be partaking here. Money is tight for resin kits.
  5. I agree the 3 pillars will be there but they can change the ratio if them laying more emphasis in one or two pillars. Personally they can have less music, valks and more character story.
  6. Non Macross toy: Legioss fighter, Orguss fighter(4 modes).
  7. Currently at home to get some new clothes, kits and other stuff, will be out next weekend again as I need to pay utilities, etc but not close to my apartment. Luckily I can wear my own clothes in the hospital, we do our own clothes washing. Here are some odd pics I took. 1/48 X-Wing & 1/72 Dougram (2nd build). 1/72 Layzner Buldy & 1/35 Rapidly Dog Standard 2010 1/500 Yamato & Mecha College Yamato 2199
  8. After consultation with my doctor we decided to extend my Hospital stay till at least end of June. This means all the pending deals are off and I offer my sincere apologies to all parties concerned. Will still be building the odd model while I am here.
  9. Those remind me of some of the universal carriers by kotobukiya, non scale aka 1/100-1/144.
  10. SAL takes 2 weeks to 2 months per the english Japan post site, stuck/held in customs adds to that. Only Japan post has control, not the shop you bought it.
  11. Hi all. Found 4 1/24 IronMan figures on HLJ, they are unpainted but with a small diorama base. One figure is a bit more then 1000yen.
  12. GU-11. Thanks and yes I do miss my bench as building/painting here is very limited. Zinjo. No I don't think I will do those custom builds/paints.
  13. Can't sleep, so sneaking in a quick mail before nurse makes her rounds. Nearly finished my Egg-Plane Hughes 300 model. Pics once I am back home.
  14. Unicorn is great, still prefer MS-08th though. "Thunderbolt, another one year war" is a great manga with many kits already released, would make a good anime too, IMO.
  15. Gerwalk can't walk, iirc, but it can hover and glide while leaving the arms free to hold a weapon. This makes it faster and more mobile than Battroid mode, IMO. Battroid being best for Hand to Hand combat. I still think Battroid was mostly done due to the super robot legacy.
  16. Decided to do something different once I am back home. Still choosing and ordering various bits and bobs. Main items are in the PW but still want a few smaller ones. Here is a hint: http://www.hlj.co.jp/product/SPDTMF24017 If it gets finished in time it will be my sons Bday present.
  17. Hey all. So far no side-effects from new meds but it looks I got a spot of the Flu? Grrr. Meaning 3 pills at lunch, 1 at supper and 5 before sleeping, might sound like a lot still few when compared with people I know. One lady I know takes 29/day with 15 before sleeping. 8D. On Sunday I am out of the hospital again with possible early discharge next weekend but most likely end of month. Sunday trip is 1.5hrs to my City-Hall, 4hrs meeting and another 1.5hrs to return. Once I am out I will finalise the pending deal aynd ship requested parts to the other parties. Again apologies for the delay. Now back to the models, was asked to leave 2 behind as samples for future rehab classes. Can't take pics as no Camera allowed.
  18. Happy about 2 upcoming kits: 1/48 Patlabor Ingram, new series. Same as the 1/1 version shown in Kichijoji 1/20 Votoms Scopedog Roundmover.
  19. Not sure about the actual differences as it was only announced today and the show is not open to the public yet. But as was said most likely a kit quality between HG and MG to 1/100 kits more affordable. With MG 3.0 I doubt that the would go with more detail and a higher parts count.
  20. Was just a word of caution as it happened on a few Platz kits, also often talked about over on the SSM forum by casters.
  21. Very nice. I have found that many resin or similar landing gears tend to deform(takes some time) with the weight of the plane unless reinforced with an internal metal rod. The 1/72 Yukikaze resin kits suffer from that among other kits.
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