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Kinzoku VF

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Everything posted by Kinzoku VF

  1. Anyone got it from NY or was it just a "fake" preorder? They cancelled my order too....
  2. They had a "Free EMS " shipping on everything (aside preorders) a few days ago. Seems it's causing some delays. They must've had a great day, as the site kept crashing every two minutes....Didn't stop me from going on a spree though, was near impossible to resist
  3. Congratz! I was also in France. Ordered mine on the 10th October 2017. Received it 14th June 2018 and I thought it was a long wait! .I think I got 'lucky' considering my preorder date. Glad people are still receiving theirs even 15 months later. Not sure it's worth more than a year of stress, but great piece nonetheless. My favorite Delta so far. That Kairos saga drove me (and many others) insanely p'd off.
  4. Funny thing, was looking at my old Elint Yammy, it has more than enough tampo prints to begin with. So justifying charging 25k for it is taking the p**s. Great for all the desperate peeps out there who missed out on the Yamato the first time around, but personally, as much as I love the Elint, I'll stick with my 'old' one. Good news, the Ostrich won't be far, after taking a fall whilst doing a photo shoot a few years back, I snapped off a 'few' pieces...(.like the entire back section ) Don't think this out of the blue announcement has anything to do with the upcoming SV-51. More likely the fact that Bandai has just released a great 1/48. Arcadia need to move their butts with their 10 years old 1/60 V2 molds re-releases, at the rate they're going, we would've already gotten 2 or more DX 1/48s from Bandai vs 1 old 1/60 Arcadia re-release... Sure, they are a small company, but slightly greedy and as much as I support them, they need to up their game. These 'premium' finished pieces should've come as standard to begin with without any price hikes. Ever wondered if they were the ones who sold the V2 molds to that bootleg manufacturer....Unlikely, but it did cross my mind. They're finally starting to realise that they won't indefinitely be able to milk the good old V2s forever.... Anyway great news for all the Eb Elint 'seekers', your prayers have been answered. Hope they release a good amount to f'k up the 2nd hand scalpers market for a good while.....Rambling, my bad....
  5. Really looking forward to the 31-E. Anything part of the Elintseeker family tree has a special place in my collection....Love that colour scheme too, similar, (yet on picture it looks darker) than the YF-25 Prophecy (have a soft spot for this one...).
  6. True, regarding the TWE period. I think I had mentioned it ages ago when we were discussing the Kairos fiasco, I had said the same thing .I'm getting old for sure....Somehow for my part, it seemed that for a VF, the preorder window had stayed opened much longer than 'usual' probably mentioned it at the time and again now.
  7. No reasons whatsoever for it to be TWE, it's part of the main squadron. Right? RIGHT.!!! As far as the Kairos saga....we'll probably never know what happened. I eventually received it months late from NY. Personally, I still think the preorder window stayed opened far too long for this piece. I mean you have a lot of TWE (and normal) releases selling out in minutes. Yet that one was open for what seemed an eternity. Did it mean that no one was in a rush to get it and a month down the line all of a sudden thousands of orders were placed putting the manufacturers in overdrive, thus the delay...?? As most local (Japanese) orders were honored on time, Bandai did not feel the need to provide any official apologies on their site and admit they were running late for late orders they knew were mostly for export. That Bs regarding stores not being able to get their hands on TWE is an urban legend. Of course Bandai know they are selling TWE to retailers, most importantly non-Japanese retailers (who aren't supposed to get nor export those products in the first place...).
  8. Crappy snapshot of the latest arrival (with a few of my 1/60 VFs that aren't in display cases in the background).I only have a few Detolfs allocated to Macross stuff . Everything else is for my Popy & Co collection (they've always had priority due to their age/value). Not to mention Fighter mode takes way too much space so some end up on improvised shelves like those ones sitting on top of my Shmups collection....
  9. I also got an additional ¥800 on top of the initial ¥5000 EMS (I preordered on the 7/27/2018 and it was ¥5000 EMS ). New total: ¥5800 *Sigh* Another thing I wanted to get from NY a few months back had a ¥10000 EMS shipping cost (when most other retailers were asking for ¥6000 for the same product..). I contacted them regarding the matter, even calculated the weight etc using the JP Post, but they kept insisting it was ¥10000. Needless to say I did not go for it. As for the DX, when you see that NY retail price has already shot up to ¥27000 I guess I can swallow a sneaky extra ¥800. But as a matter of principle, they better not make a habit of it.
  10. It looks like a supa clean break too. Probably due to the deep panel line on that particular spot? Still odd as it's well secured in the styro tray with head space for the antenna to boot. Hope it's not going to be a trend.... Personally, I'd give it a shot and contact them regarding the issue, nothing to loose, if they say 'no replacement' they might offer a voucher/discount or something....
  11. Quick snapshot of the 2 Bandai DX. The color difference is difficult to pick up, but the Advance is darker. Also notice how the shoulders die-cast-swing-parts thingy color on the Advance don't match the rest of the fighter as well as they do on the M+....
  12. Which 19? If you're talking about the Advance, the differences are 'discreet' . Main one being the '2-part cockpit', the back feet-part, 'Un-Spacey' logos rather than the 'SMS'. Color on the leg canards are the right way around on the M+ version. Tampo prints are more or less the same, (with a few extras here and there on the Macross Plus version, most noticeable ones being the 'UN Spacey' on the side of the legs and wings, 'Sin Sei Industry' replacing the 'SMS' and the Macross logo rather than the Frontier one ). Then you have the missiles and additional accessories such as the arm cannon, and fold booster drive thingy that didn't come with the Advance. The overall colour scheme is slightly lighter compared to the Advance .As for the Arcadia, well, it's just different, looks a bit bland in terms of tampo prints, but it mostly comes with all the same missiles/armor as the Bandai.(no fold booster nor supa cool arm cannon thingy though). I'd say the DX Macross Plus is the more complete package especially if you like M+. If in doubt....sell a kidney and just get all 3....or 4 if you want the 1st 1/60 Yammy.....(I still like mine somehow...probably nostalgia, I don't know...).
  13. Just received mine. On PO the shipping was your average ¥5000 DX EMS price. I also used some discount points so paid nearly nothing on shipping (didn't get it from CDJ though). It's heavier than your average DX, box is bigger too (height). But no way near enough to warrant the extra cost they're asking you to pay.... Anyway, happy to see there are more differences than expected between the Advance and the M+ Ver. Not sure I was going to keep it otherwise.
  14. Still not sure I needed yet another YF-19. When I preordered it on the day, the PO windows stayed opened less than 2 minutes....And when I got to the last step..it crashed. Yet somehow, I wasn't furious, which made me think I did not really want/need it in the first place....As I'm perfectly happy with the Advance, Arcadia and my old Yammy...( I keep everything....heck I still have the old die-cast Yammies) But, then...I checked my mail and the PO had gone through..... I'll see, maybe display it in Battroid for a change. (And its price might triple in 6 months.....) Now they need to start thinking about a YF-21.....somehow doubtful it as it'll mean an entirely new mold from Bandai and with the upcoming 1/48, the rest of the Deltas, the rest of the HMR (hopefully they won't give up like they did the first time around with the old Hi-Metal, we want the rest of what was announced!!). Anyway, a YF-21 might be asking too much.....Rambling
  15. Kinzoku VF

    Hi-Metal R

    Apologies for the crappy pic, I seriously need to rearrange my displays as they're in a mess. Anyway, quick snapshot of some of my HMR with the latest Super Ostrich release . Hopefully the VF-1D will be announced soon (and then finish up all the pieces from that original lineup from years back.....)
  16. Supa Quick pic of the one I received this morning . Materials are top notch, paint apps spot on etc etc. Only gripe, the 4 tiny pegs that hold the 2 parts of the forearm amor together. They are really small. I haven't snapped anything, but just be careful when separating them. Overall, really impressed by the quality and sculpt. Loking forward to the 1/60 Ver..
  17. Maybe if it had an 'Anniversario' printed on the fuselage I'd think about it. But at least there was an idea behind the Arcadia 30th crazy color scheme. It was meant to be a "VF-Itasha", (you know, like those Japanese cars covered with anime babes, logos etc). Hence it came with all, the Macross series stickers for you to customise the thing. This 35th Ver on the other hand, (even with stickers) would still look awful. They could've had a competition, with fans coming up with their own schemes and have a vote. Pretty sure we would've ended up with something better (even if it had to include the obligatory 35th logo) Main reason I picked up the 30th version was its price. New for $62.91 shortly after release (yes, like many, I keep prices on Excel sheets to track the stuff in my collection). Don't think it sold particularly well, although over the years it's price has picked up slightly. Sadly, the only thing I truly used was the plexiglass stand that came with it. . Who knows though, if I get lucky again and find one cheap, I'd probably get it as a companion piece for the 30th Ver, my 25th Anniversary 1/48 VF-1S and 35th HMR...I swear I don't like those Anniversary versions, but somehow they keep finding their way into my collection...
  18. Before wanting an entire squadron, I'd like to know if it'll be any good. For now it may seem 'cheap' but when the ¥15000 (or more) impossible to order TWE super parts start being announced it'll soon become clear that they are not selling it at a loss. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but seems that Bandai went from conception/planning to distribution very quickly. Sure, they had that gorgeous 1/35 prototype shown years ago, but that upcoming 1/48 doesn't share any of the detailed aesthetics of that 1/35 teaser. Even though that 1/35 seemed like it already shared lot with the HMR, (just like that 1/48.) it had some really cool details. Stuff that would've been completely feasible to do on a 1/48. Yet they went for a 'safe' design option rather than something truly different. I mean aside from the articulated fingers, little chest/shoulder flaps, limited swivelling waist ( limited as the T-Bar design won't allow for crazy rotation, the wings would get in the way anyway....) and the upper legs extension thingy ( taken from that 1/72 kit.) That's about it in terms of new 'gimmicks'. Would've killed for removable armor plates revealing the internal frame/chassis and whatnot.....and some of the stuff the old 1/48 had....Sure it's gimmicky, but would've been made for a truly unique toy. I get it, that's not what they're going with this. They want to play the safer "DX HMR" card .'improvement'. And maybe a V2 down the line. I think I'll be long gone when the 'ultimate' VF ever sees the day. Pretty sure they could make one today, but then with nothing to improve upon, it's a not financially sound . Better keep milking it until who knows when rather than give us the ' perfect VF-1'.... Maybe that's where third party could come in....(unlikely due to the extortionate lisensing fees...and the crazy prices that they'd have to charge, but hey that hasn't stopped 3rd party manufacturers before ) In all, not saying it'll be rubbish or anything, but not sure it'll be the second coming of the VF-1. Also odd that a lot people who only swore by 1/60, some even having sold off their 1/48s collection in favour a supposedly more balanced 1/60 collection seem to have forgotten why they sold them off in the first place. I still remember the "they're too big, they don't fit with anything else, not enough room, I want the cash" etc etc. Funny how things can change in 10 days.....I took out my 1/48 VF-1J just for a 'fiddle about' session. Sure, Battroid hasn't aged that well, (it's still far better than plenty other VF-1s around though.......) but the Fighter mode and Gerwalk are both truly excellent. Maybe I'm biased, as after I got all Yamato V1's, I went straight onto 1/48. Bought one and fell in love. Sure I do love my 1/60 too DX and V2, too but the 1/48 have always been special to me. Rambling aside (I ramble way too much and don't even think anyone reads what I type....), I want this Bandai 1/48 to be good, even great. But don't want to get my hopes up too much either. Better expect low and be pleasantly surprised than the opposite.....Like that Evolution Toy VF-2SS.... Although it looks o.k in Battroid, the most important mode (for me at least) Fighter mode, sucked... I feel that most of this DX VF-1J hype is due to the fact we haven't seen a new 1/60 nor a 1/48 in a while. Once it dies down, the toy released, etc, it's inevitable the knit picking will start in earnest....I thought I'll start early...
  19. I still own my Clown Arcadia ver....(my appreciation of it grew over the years). I did a 1/60 5 Grand version (back when Yamato used to do the best thing eve: .'blank VF-1s')...Wish Arcadia would release those again. I still have a few unbuilt ones left, but keeping them until I decide on a scheme that kicks ass. Here's an old pic my 5G attempt from years back.
  20. Thing is after all those years people still go for it even with the jacked up price (myself included ) so why wouldn't they do it? They crashed my ¥15k order right at the payment stage. Reluctantly turned to Nin-Nin, by the time I got to the end of ordering...same BS, it was sold out too. As for CD Japan tend to cancel more than other retailers and I always get taxed every-time I order from them. So eventually went back to jacked up NY. (all that took minutes..talk about multitasking...). It better be the version that come with a stand though. I even put it in the message slot so they don't get any funny ideas sending me a one without a stand or something As far as Amazon JP are concerned, years ago I tried to order a Konami Gurren Lagann head figure thing shortly after release. It seemed to have worked, then they got back to me saying I wasn't a resident and they wouldn't ship abroad....A while later, I tried again for something else, I think it was sold by Bic Camera on AmazonJP, didn't work either. Ever since, never ordered anything on Amazon. Not to mention their average prices for those kind of pieces aren't that competitive (unless you get them on day 1 of course)
  21. Only downer in all that. We won't get it until January....Meaning, I still need to find more X-Mas presies (for myself, to myself as always)
  22. Pb is you get taxed every freaking time. At least I do. It adds up in the end...stopped using them.
  23. It was the exact same BS with the YF-19, it got stuck at the payment part..then crashed....but at least my order went through that time. Bet the NY Po will stay open for days now......Anyway end of this F5 party. At least I got one
  24. NY BS as always....for ¥15000 to ¥22000 yeah ....whatever. The 15k one was in my basket, at the last payment part...and Magically ...'no more stock'.....so ¥7000 extra....what a load of bull....
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