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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Nice! Planning to post some pics tonight
  2. Got to put one together last night. These stands are amazing. Looks like my base pivot is loose so using the 3D printed one for now, but the clear looks so much better. These stands are dangerous. The valks I have look so good on them that I just want to get more valks to test them out with
  3. Picked mine up earlier, didn't have any trouble with customs for once. No time to try them out until later tonight unfortunately, but I'm excited.
  4. The -19's hip scabbards were always the most badass to me. But the 0D's cape ain't too shabby either
  5. So Yamacadia's evolution is greater in your eyes, but over a longer time frame. Potentially it all balances it out. One can at least argue either way
  6. Well when you phrase it like this I don't see how anyone could disagree. But that's mostly due to the fact that the v1 VF-25s were complete rubbish (especially considering when they were released and where Yamato was at the time), whereas the v1 VF-1s were pretty good for their time. So going from Rubbish to Impressive is a greater evolution that going from Pretty Good to Impressive, sure.
  7. Hikaru 1A Recovery by KasukeSadiki, on Flickr Fresh out the repair shop. This was my first Yamato valk ever, but the shoulders broke a while back. Just got a chance to fix them with some shapeways replacement parts. (Shoutouts to Veef!) Ostrich Bros by KasukeSadiki, on Flickr And my newest valk purchase. Still haven't finished stickering him but now I can finally transform him all the way to battroid (He also needed new shoulders) so figured I'd show him off (and some of my others)
  8. My only two big regrets have been rectified. Didn't get (well couldn't afford) a v2 Max 1J or Super O when they were first released. But recently was able to get both thanks to MW
  9. Except with the YF-21 I'm pretty suer that was highlighted as a new innovation. So porbably wouldn't apply to the Vf-1 up to the -19
  10. I just love the design The 0D battroid mode is niiiice though. Looks like a badass superhero with dat cape. A stealth repaint would be sick
  11. OD Battroid mode is reminding me more and more of the 19ACTIVE. Especially with those colours. I think it's the head along with the fact that it's a delta wing
  12. Figure I'll post pics of my second choices (which aren't on the list )since everyone else is doing it. 19ACTIVE: Variable Glaug: Along with the VF-9, so much goodness from Macross M3 if Arcadia saw fit to get the licence.
  13. Lol the second "N" made me think of a scenario when the valk runs out of ammo so it ejects the missile pod and just starts beating on the enemy mecha with it
  14. First of all, massive, and I mean MASSIVE kudos for including the VF-9 on this pole, as I thought for sure it wouldn't be there. That being said, my second choice would be a VF-19ACTIVE or Variable Glaug, both of which are missing
  15. Yea Frontier era Kawamori has gotten VERY lazy when it comes to wings in battroid
  16. Ugh, so badass. Funny about the colour though. It looks even bluer. Personally I've ceased to care, they can leave it that colour all they want.
  17. Oh man, that is awesome. The YF-19 really is gorgeous. Being on the ground doesn't do it justice
  18. I love reading your posts. You're so eloquent
  19. Looks like it's gone again. How do I always miss these?
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