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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. One more vote for the rubber feet
  2. Man that is badass. I kinda regret not getting one now. Missiles on the arms, wonder why Kawomori never designed a valk with hardpoints on the arms before. Also wonder if we'll ever see some different options for the missile pod. Beam cannon, RVF Radar etc.
  3. Nice. I recently got a Super O but I'd pick up another copy. Love that sculpt so much
  4. Completely understandable and definitely the right call. Just slightly disappointing. But we've been waiting for a good stand this long, we can wait a bit longer haha
  5. Stand looks amazing Yeti. Add me to the chorus of those complaining about no international shipping
  6. Yesss the 1J is definitely the best VF-1 head sculpt. So menacing. It kinda has that movie Iron Man vibe. Plus Max is my favourite SDFM character. I got lucky and caught this one in the For Sale section. Not too fussy about getting a Milia, I think I would prefer a Mass Production 1J Haha to be honest I have messed up once or twice. It never is terribly noticeable though, and it goes a long way to making these models feel like "yours" if that makes sense. I think you should at least try stickering, just get a nice small pair of scissors and trim the edges. If you mess up you just remove the sticker, no big. It's tedious but definitely worth it.
  7. Hobby Search still has them in stock. Sooo, are you perchance planning to offer custom, made to order sets? I'm not so good with the painting and such.
  8. My current fave. I never really fall in love with my valks until after I've panelled lined and stickered them
  9. Actually the plot of Macross the Ride involves Valkyrie races/competitions and VFs from all eras compete. One guy was flying a modified VF-1++ with VF-22 engines or something, then he upgraded to a VF-0 with VF-25 engines lol. So that's the appeal, the ability to have almost any VF take part without having to worry about military effectiveness and service life. They don't need to animate the video game to add the YF-30 to the plot, just set it anytime after the -30 was created and have one show up for some reason. Not sure if the ride has the love triangle or the music subplots but those can be easily added. Toy sales would be guaranteed because after seeing it animated I'm sure a -19ACTIVE (and -19EF) would sell like hotcakes. Like I said, doubt they will do it now but somewhere down the line an adaptation is possible. As for this series, hope they go with female main pilot (which The Ride has) and/or male singer. Shake things up a bit.
  10. Hope they didn't go the VF-19 route of giving the thigh joint limited motion. I want it to be able to go all the way down like on the VF-1
  11. I still think a Macross: The Ride series (or OVA) could be really successful. It has the potential to have the same appeal as Gundam Build Fighters: Dream matches with custom versions of all your favourite mecha. If they tweak it to add some more actual inter-valkyrie combat for the competition, maybe a nice conspiracy plot that would involve the military/sms vs the racers or whatever different factions, then it could be really epic. I say this not knowing much about the actual plot of the novels however. But really, the chance to see the the VF-9 animated finally, along with -19ACTIVE and the return of the VF-1, -4 and -11? Would be a dream come true. They could even tweak the story to give the YF-30 some shine, or maybe have it be a sequel to the story from the novels. Doubt it will happen for this series but I hope we at least get an OVA someday.
  12. That's the 9th image from Mr. K with something censored in the background! Arcadia 1/60 VF-9 Cutlass CONFIRMED!!!!!!!
  13. Unlikely: VF-9 VF-19ACTIVE More likely: YF-19 Supernova Schemes No Time Soon: Macross F License And a huge second to all those who mentioned 1/60 ground crew and other accessories
  14. Man that fighter mode is so beautiful but the other modes are so not. Maybe without the missile pod...
  15. Took me a long while to figure it out too. It's the visor from the YF that's on the Kai. ...or was I not supposed to reveal it?
  16. OMG you put it on a mic stand haha, that's awesome. I might take some shots like that myself when I get mine
  17. Macross the Ride is what I'd love to see
  18. Yea this is how I feel too. Not that I'll stop collecting mind you, but if I could no longer collect I would be glad to end it with the YF-19 Haha scratch the above. Still holding out for a VF-9
  19. Oh wow that wings out battroid pose looks nice! Reminds me of Dragonar somehow. Might have to display it like that every once in a while
  20. Yea. Every shot I've seen of this new YF-19 has the wings not swept forward far enough. Hopefully it's just a fluke
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