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Everything posted by Kaldar5

  1. So, will the re-release next month be improved quality? I see alot of people here are not big fans of the Bandai models. I'm a new modeler, would one of these this be a nightmare for me? Or should I be waiting around awhile for the Hasegawa 1/72's to start my hobby? I would like a VF-25 alto with a armor or tornado pack, or a VF-29; but since I am just starting I am not stuck on 1/72, 1/60 would be ok too. Any suggestions?
  2. Kaldar5

    Macross figures

    What websites do you folks usually order from for preordering figures?
  3. Kaldar5

    Macross figures

    Thanks for that, any suggestions on what sites to check? What ones are good and reliable on getting new figures in at good prices?
  4. I'll agree with this Freudian slip. Nakajima - Much 愛 for her. Started watching Kotoura-san just because she sang the OP song. Amazing voice. She's also voicing a main character in "Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo" but the character's voice is somewhat deadpan intentionally, possibly just to not sound like Ranka, so not good use of her.
  5. Kaldar5

    Macross figures

    Holy crap. Somebody please fill me in on where to preorder that Ranka/Minmay crossover figure!
  6. I just have to hope they release video of it this time. It's insane to cater to 10,000 and ignore the millions of other fans out there that would want to see it.
  7. .... Not sure if trolling .... Yes. Next question. Come on: "Exclude all the horrendously bad parts, is it still bad?" Yes, because it ruins the seriousness of the movie, and you can't "exclude" them. "Exsedol's dub seems quite close to the original" He talks like a friggin robot in the first place. So the bad line delivery is spot on? Way to lower the goalpost. If this is the highlight of the reasons why the dub is "not so bad".... And why would they dub over Zentran? "Overall idea of the plot" How about we just watch something that actually IS the plot as the creators intended without so called "artistic license" And WTF is a bionoid?
  8. Turn based chibi leads me to think that it may be one of the Super Robot Taisen series. There are too many games to mention, on every single system... but they are all basically low quality chibi graphics on the map screen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_robot_taisen Because Japanese trademark is somewhat less insane than the US, they get license to put practically every mecha that exists in the game. Of course Macross is a major one. This probably isn't the one you are thinking of, but like I said there are more than I care to even count. The series has been going on for 20 years with tons of games for every system. It's the Madden of Japan. Roy Fokker killing some space aliens from Gunbuster: Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 for the PS2
  9. Macross Frontier Concert live @ Budokan 2010 with Megumi Nakajima, May'n, Yoko Kanno Correct me if I am wrong, but this is one of Megumi's first performances, correct? It's adorable that she looks a bit nervous near the beginning before they start, probably asked May'n to hold her hand so she didn't freak out. Of course, both their voices are incredible for different reasons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC_d5zzm7Lg&feature=youtu.be&t=4m3s If you want to hear the VA of Capt Jeffery Wilder being a goof doing the into, start earlier. After that, watch the second vid that pops up. Nyan Nyan medley is sung so in sync live it makes me think fold quartz is real. http://youtu.be/YC_d5zzm7Lg?t=4m3s
  10. Thanks for the Youtube vids ABXTab! So wish I could pick up some Ranka figures for that price... The LoGH ship display was quite impressive too.
  11. It's a show that has been made over 30 years. There are continuity errors. Proceed to get over it. Doctor Who communities would laugh if they saw these arguments. The whitewashing and elaborate justifications are fun to talk about, cute and make us feel good, but it's quite obvious that is exactly what they are. Even when it's from the mouth of 'god' S.K.
  12. Kaldar5

    Macross 30

    The flight hud does. Other than that, no. I am just hoping that it's absolutely 100% voiced. Much easier to try and figure out Japanese when you don't have to read it... slowly.
  13. It doesn't seem that odd that a farming or other dedicated civilian services ship wouldn't have facilities for large cap ship docking. It's not like they would actually service them, be the core of a fleet, or go off on their own. If it's an industrial factory ship, dry dock, or military, yeah, they better have major docking facilities. They might have to do repair, refit, or have facilities to even build cap ships. It wouldn't really make sense that the Three Star couldn't dock with and provide services to as large of a variety of ships as physically possible unless there is another larger facility available. As far as the Mark Twain, I could imagine that one making rounds between neighboring fleets when possible if it was privately owned. If Las Vegas could pick up and visit other major cities, it totally would to cash in on new crowds once in awhile. That was during Macross 7 Trash. An entire mini colony-scale ship for a cemetary.... I just don't know about that. I can forvige Frontier somewhat since they have huge amounts of room, but the Mac 7 fleet? Come on, suck it up. Have a nice ceremony... then space em, burn em, or bio-plant liquify em. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I am talking about.
  14. Kaldar5

    Macross 30

    Looks like Grace has her own hidden motives, as always. And it's bad enough that Sharon already mind controled Max, Miria, all the secondary characters of Frontier, and even captain J. Wilder of the Quarter.... Does that mean we are going to have to fight the Macross Quarter at some point? Sweet!
  15. I would think so. It looked as though you could fit all of City 7's colony ship inside the just the dome of Frontier's Island 1 and still have room. City 7 seemed to be only standard living space and generic simple offices/store fronts with few truly specialized large buildings. Probably technology limited maximum colony ship construction size. Formation inside the fleet could also be a concern for escorts. If a "social support" ship was near the center of the fleet, I doubt it would need escort. The escort ships would be at the fleet formation perimeter. Ownership might also be a concern. If the Mark Twain VII entertainment was privately owned, I doubt it would get as much direct attention as what appeared to be a military research science ship like the Einstein. Docking the Quarter? I think that would be as easy as docking any of the large escort or light secondary carriers. Just a size concern. It would be likely it could dock at any of the Frontier secondary island facilities if they specialized in ship production. One thing I have been wondering is; does Frontier Island one slowly build extra Island ships over the years? Seems to be a good idea for expansion capability while underway for decades. And a standardized design for the Islands makes sense. Sounds like the OP is running some Macross RPG, and needs some background info and/or pondering that might not actually exist.
  16. They would lose after paying Shoji Kawamori for the design, then letting Harmony Gold take whatever cut they want to take off the top of what is left. Hate to be a downer, but not gonna happen in the US.
  17. Is there *any* footage at all of the 2009 available?
  18. Kaldar5

    Macross figures

    That's the moment in the Universal Bunny concert/vid where she kept switching between black and white bunny, good and innocent.... so we get the face.She's got half the clothes of each outfit. (for a total of one quarter clothed?)
  19. Yep, I saw some earlier ones in other old threads.
  20. That is a great looking Sheryl! Luckily, I like Ranka more, so my wallet is safe for now.... whew.
  21. Anybody check out "Strike Suit Zero" yet? Heh they even have a missile type designated as "MTAM-Circus"
  22. Kaldar5

    Macross figures

    What scale, name, and manufacturer are the destroids? Are they still available? I'm not pro enough to ID them from the obscured box yet.... but I am sure some here are, heh.
  23. Someone with a pacifist philosophy is automatically a broker of weakness and helplessness? And the whole homophobic thing is getting old. You don't like Basara? Fine. You hate Basara? Fine. Did he hit on dudes? No? Then he's not gay. If Basara was gay, I don't care. Mac 7 still isn't a good show other than the Mikimoto stills IMHO. Pacifism + Male =/= Gay. Character sucks or is annoying =/= Gay. Likes dudes + Male = Gay. No, flaming guy from NYC gay pride parade does not look like Basara. But the trolling attempt is noted. Yep, the production quality and pacing offends me. No, I don't. He does not look like that, And it's a picture, I don't know how he acts.
  24. I recommend almost everything of Galaxy Networks! They absolutely rock... but not their DYRL. The video wavers on their capture for that one. But yeah if you are just ripping the subs, Galaxy Network. Just please do give credit if you are going to make it available to other people. Personally I go with "[b-G_&_BakaWolf]_Macross_-_Do_You_Remember_Love.DVD(XviD_MP3)_[F629285F].avi" for DYRL when I want to have friends watch it with subs; subs are good, the white lettering on light brown works great against the overall slightly dark background tones of DYRL, tasteful and conservative use of alternate fonts for singing and Zentran, they put Zentran subs at the very top of the screen so they don't conflict with or sit above the original Japanese subs at the bottom, and the video is rock steady.
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