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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. The YF-30 has the highest stats and level cap in Macross 30. it's the best ever
  2. It's Leon Sakaki's callsign.
  3. Well it's not really a matter of "care" since it's more a part of the branding these days. As the one female fan the Speaker Podcast interviewed (the one who said Ranka is TOO GIRLISH), she thought the mecha were there for world building. She clearly liked Macross but didn't care about the robots. I'm not really bothered with the robots being window dressing for as what others have said, is just a good story. And if we want to talk numbers, I know the cosplayers archive ( http://www.cosp.jp/ ) lists about 66,000 photos of Frontier cosplayers spread across roughly 12,000 members. That to me means there's a lot of people out there supporting Macross just through the characters. And I'm not saying they don't like the mecha but I feel that there's probably not that many people buying DX Chogokins or the other toys. A lot of times people can just like the robots without wanting to own one or admire it deeply. Again, Macross was born in a mecha saturated market but manged to survive through other means. ps most of the cosplayers dress up as Sheryl because she's not too girlish.
  4. I think the idea is that the gun pod had both paint rounds and live rounds loaded into it so when he ran out of one, it would switch to the other. When he thought he was out of ammo there might have just been a gap of empty slots in the belt feed. Granted the plan is still really convoluted and stupid which is probably why they reworked the accident in the movie edition.
  5. yo dawg, i linked the whole CollectionDX Macross play list so feel free to take one good video down for each toy. I covered at least one of each type.
  6. They wanted something that would easily distinguish the new toy from the old one. A single arm thingie isn't going to sell people with a single image the way all the missiles do.
  7. Well someone saying I sound like the late Harold Ramis is the nicest thing I've heard today.
  8. The next Macross series is going to be about an alien invasion by beings of extraterrestrial origin who are the adversary of the human race that possess an almost impenetrable anti-air defense thus necessitating the need to develop highly maneuverable Destroids that stick near the ground. yay Destroids!
  9. Yes it has been confirmed that Kawamori will not be involved as Big West has trapped him at the bottom of a very deep well. The only thing that can save him is the power of Aquarion's Mugen Punch.
  10. it's gonna be just like AKB0048 and it's gonna be amazing
  11. hey wasn't Yang under 18? Guess Plus doesn't count lol
  12. Hey don't forget I wrote up about how Fukuyama-san was there too! He got pineapples and everything.
  13. If you watch the video you may laugh even more at the terrible Battletech renditions of the VF-1 ;3
  14. JAM Project (Yoshiki Fukuyama is a member) was recently at Anime Boston! They played a short concert featuring their solo works in addition to one all about JAM Project songs. Here's my report of the event! http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/anime_boston_2014_report
  15. naw it's a Macross M3 era design ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
  16. Then I have done my duty for Star Fleet. Always daring and couraaaaaaaaageous~
  17. Macross may not have been as naughty, but lemme tell ya about a show that came out a few years later like L-Gaim which is full of sex jokes. The show Srungle which came out the year Macross ended features a character whose name is just SEXY that the animators like to draw naked as much as possible. And these are both giant robot shows that ran over 50 episodes.
  18. The Transformers live action films aren't really indicative of people liking robots so much as it is people liking Michael Bay's spectacle driven movies with bigger and louder explosions each time. It's why their success didn't pass over to Pacific Rim which did only fraction of the business the Transformers movies did despite also featuring giant robots. People didn't go to see Armageddon because it's about NASA, nor did it really spawn a slew of successful space based action films.
  19. Bandai has opened up to the western market. It's just that it's all products the west already likes such as Dragonball Z, Super Sentai, and Sailor Moon. For example their Saint Cloth Myth line is incredibly lucrative thanks to the popularity of Saint Seiya all over the world (except America).
  20. My panel get rescheduled to 4:30 PM on Saturday in the same room.
  21. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/flight_valkyries_guide_mecha_macross_anime_boston_2014 I'm doing it again this year at Anime Boston! It's being held Saturday the 22nd in room 202 at 10:00 AM. I revamped it from last year so expect some new content!
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