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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I think you're forgetting that ALL of the Destroids did poorly. They tried many different ways to get people interested in them at all with the weathering and olive drab versions because they had to recoup the investment in making the molds in the first place. If they had focused on just making the two initial ones, those Destroids would probably have costed more. At this point just invest in a 3d printer and rally the troops to make your own Destroids. It can be done.
  2. You're assuming Yamato had the resources to design and tool up all four Destroids and that buyers would plunk down $400 to get all four of them at once. I don't blame them for trying to stretch out the two Destroids they did make since at least those had a small modicum of success (however brief) and hey people here are always "wanting" more color scheme to customize right?
  3. This is exactly what happened. Talk is cheap and all those who promised to support the Destroids abandoned them and waited for deep discounts. Remember that all those Takatoku and Matchbox Destroids were also poor sellers and clogged bargain bins for years too.
  4. A lot of people in Italy, France, and the Middle East did buy the Grendizer and were incredibly angry at how it was a very poor quality product.
  5. i hope they do Cliffy J. even though they'd have to make a whole new figure for that Porsche.
  6. Is that like Kawamori's F-15 redesign from Patlabor 2 or something else?
  7. They should keep making G2 versions of all the upcoming MP figures. Just give them mean faces and Liefeld swords.
  8. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2014/lambor_g2_ver_generation_2_sideswipe Here's my review of MP G2 Sideswipe! Yaniger-licious!
  9. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/new-igear-pp04-cliffjumper-teaser/23190/ just a small CAD render
  10. http://www.sector70.com/blog.aspx?m=60145 there was that iGear Cliffjumper that never went into production that did a decent job of realistic car mode with the G1 style robot.
  11. I was wondering if there was a link to the VF-25 gun pod fix I saw on the forum. A friend of mine had the little door hinge snap.
  12. Akusho (or Acshio) is actually the same kind of living module as all the little ships that trail behind the Macross Frontier main Island 1. Apparently it was added to Macross 7 under some questionable circumstances and is not really taken care of by the city council. There's a bit of a play on words there because in Japanese "akusho" can mean either a bad place to be or a malignant tumor.
  13. "Super robot" is basically a meaningless term anyways. Even trying to invoke the likes of Mazinger neglects that even in a show like Fang of the Sun Dougram, the titular machine is basically invincible because it's a main character's robot. This extends to just about every show from the 80's and beyond. Even the functional looking Scopedog is regularly seen wading through hordes of hapless grunts so long as a hero is inside it.
  14. I think any main character Valkyrie past the VF-1 is basically a super robot. They're just good at looking like real airplanes as way to convince us otherwise.
  15. The YF-25 still has a longer canopy and a full backseat rather than the smaller passenger seat. Looks like the new scan shows the same differences in the DX Chogokin.
  16. The whole nose has some significant remolding to accommodate the bigger cockpit. They changed it on the Bandai kits.
  17. With all the video game repaints they've been doing, I can imagine we'll see Leon's YF-25 from Macross 30 at some point.
  18. I don't think it's really bizarre that a series based around music would want to recoup their investment on a poorly received entry but re-purposing some of its assets. All that music was available (and less than a couple years old) and fully licensed for use by Big West, plus there was enough of it and enough variety to it that it worked as filler. Plus I think it's just a bit of in joke where all the people singing Macross II tunes are losing out to Fire Bomber.
  19. http://www.macrossworld.com/5921/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-11-the-hyogo-hammer-part-2/ I'd recommend listening to this part of the Macross Speaker Podcast so you can hear what Kawamori himself thinks instead of people's theories.
  20. http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00IEY03YM Take me to the moon, Hibiki! I'm sure I'll learn a lot!
  21. Well then we don't need to do new things because the exist figures already do that stuff fine :v I've only ever messed around with a friend's Hi Metal VF-1 so I don't see how it's tons more articulated than the Yamato design. Especially when I use the back hinge trick.
  22. Or just having a bit of an upper body joint that angles the back plate a bit. You can do that on the existing VF-1 and VF-0 without dislodging the leg bar. The Bandai VF-1 kit also had the extra nosecone joint and also the chest plate could hinge around a bit too. That model had a lot of neat ideas but alas ┐(‘~`) ┌
  23. They mount in such a way that it takes advantage of the built in gap between the inner edge of the wing and the main body. A lot of the artwork tends to have the wings line up flush with the top of the back plate so it was always sort of implied.
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