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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. A $15 refund is insulting. I think this definitely deserves a nomination for blacklisting. AmiAmi needs to know how much future business they are losing from this forum. Some of us probably spend more money on valks than some retail stores!
  2. Actually, I think it's still worthwhile for them to publicly complain. After all, there could be *Japanese* customers who also received broken product. Even though the foreign buyers can't legally be serviced by Arcadia, they can at least raise awareness and perhaps network with the domestic purchasers who can lobby Arcadia to fix things. And maybe one of them might be willing to hook a brother up. And by the way, I'm not suggesting Arcadia break their license -- but I would think rather than just offering a terse "Sorry, if you're foreign we can't help you" kind of response, they could at the very least acknowledge that there was a problem instead of basically ignoring it.
  3. I didn't check MW for most of today, and then came back tonight and saw all these posts about broken wings. Man, that really sucks!! That's really inexcusable to receive a broken product considering the amount of money people paid. I saw Arcadia's responses, and honestly their responses are lame. If you live outside of Japan they won't do anything for you? I mean I understand that they are restricted as to what they could do as far as providing more product because of the legal issues involved with Macross outside of Japan -- but just from a purely ethical standpoint, they aren't going to do anything at all, not even mail you a box of candy and a sorry note? That's really unacceptable. It shouldn't matter that the customer is outside of Japan, they should at least make some attempt to make it right. Considering this is a manufacturing or QC issue, I'd say the blame falls more on Arcadia's shoulders than AmiAmi, and thus they should at least bear some burden to try to make things right.
  4. Just a suggestion, but whenever a link is posted, would it be possible to edit the original post to index them all? That way we wouldn't have search through the entire thread, since I foresee there being a lot of responses.
  5. Good for him. Glad to hear when kids actually go outside, run around, and play instead of sitting indoors glued to an iPad all day.
  6. The paint stripping issue has been discussed to death on another thread in this forum. My summarized take is: There are some batches that strip paint and some that do not. Some people have had issues, some have not. Buyer beware. The paint stripping is really only an issue for valks that have painted die-cast, as opposed to ones with plastic molded in the color (e.g., Yamato VF-1) on the obvious spots where you would place the rods. The Flightpose stands are the most cost-effective and readily available options out there, not to mention the most flexible. You can display valks in all three modes using the FP stands -- not sure that's the case with any other stand except for the Arcadia stand. So I think it's worth it to at least buy one and check it out to see if you have any problems with it.
  7. Yeah, I missed the single issues when Jeff Lemire started, so I'll probably pick up the trades. I think the first trade just came out in fact. I'm currently reading Snyder's Batman, Pak's Action Comics, and Superman/Wonder Woman. I've been getting Batman since issue #1, and jumped on Action when Pak took over. Really enjoying Pak's take on Superman, I think of all the New 52 writers to have written Supes, Pak is getting it right. And Charles Soule, who is writing Superman/Wonder Woman has been impressive -- he's writing something like 8 different ongoing monthly titles, and of the two I'm reading (Superman/WW and She-Hulk over at Marvel) have been pretty entertaining.
  8. My wife and I are big fans of the show, and she isn't even a comic book TV/film fan. I'm a comic book fan and collector, but I was never really into Green Arrow as a kid -- mostly because he just seemed like a goofy mash-up of Robin Hood and Batman. But this version has definitely made me more interested in the character. I recently picked up and read a copy of The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell (whose work on Green Arrow was supposed to have influenced the creators of Arrow) and thought it was great. I've heard good things about Jeff Lemire's current run in the New 52, so I might check those out as well. The only criticism of the show I would have is that there's a lot of pretty obvious parallels to Batman in general, and to the Nolan Batman movies in particular. And not just the gritty and realistic feel of the show, but right down to plot elements and characters. But that said, even in being unoriginal it's still executed so well that I can forgive this. Although I think it does speak to the shadow that Batman casts over DC that whether or not one of the Bat-verse characters appears attracts such speculation from fans. Even back during Smallville's run, one of the biggest topics of fan speculation was whether we'd see a young Bruce Wayne on the show.
  9. The fact that they attempted to do a poseable pilot figure is impressive, and if they pull it off well that will be even more impressive. But given the size of the figures, I'm wondering if it's going to end up being more problematic than it's worth. More moving parts just means more points of failure.
  10. I'm pretty sure that the use (or overuse, depending on how you look at it) of pop songs as background music was intentional. It's pretty clear that the producers intended the series to be, among other things, an avenue for lucrative music merchandising. Not sure if that was the case back when SDFM and DYRL were conceived, or if it was, that music was intended to be exploited for merchandising to the degree that it was for Frontier.
  11. Two words: MORE TOYS I hope for an all-new production rather than a reboot/remake of SDFM. But that said, I wouldn't mind a reboot/remake either, provided that they did it similar to how they adapted The Walking Dead from comics to TV -- specifically, keeping a lot of the significant plot points, but changing up characters, relationships, and taking different paths to arrive at the same points. I loved that approach, because the TV show felt familiar to readers of the comic, and yet was different enough that there were plenty of surprises to keep you in suspense.
  12. Actually, the 30th anniversary 1J going up in value would all but guarantee I would never buy it. The only way I could see myself buying it is if it were insanely cheap, like $50 shipped. And even then, the only reason I could see myself buying it is to either fiddle with customizing it, take it apart and use for spares, or to have one Yamarcadia valk that I just bang around and not feel bad about. OR if I had a big house where I could devote one entire room to Macross and be a completist, I could see the point in getting one. But I have limited space, so why would I buy and then take up precious display space for something so hideous, no matter how cheap it was, when I'd rather spend the money to buy and display something else that looks much nicer? That said, I don't begrudge anyone who would want one. Whatever floats your boat. I look at the 30th 1J as someone's ugly wife -- I might not think she's hot, but someone out there definitely does, and that's all that matters right?
  13. LOL, I'm right there with you. Although it never occurred to me that it might make a decent custom after the paint was removed. If the price were a bit cheaper, it would actually be an ok alternative to the no-paint assembly kits.
  14. Thanks for the help Derex. Yeah, I don't think I'll be switching to a different cabinet anytime soon, was just thinking of things to fill a couple of the empty spaces with.
  15. It's about 15.25 inches wide, 13.5 inches deep, and 15 inches height.
  16. Does anyone know how big a mated Toynami Alpha and Beta are? Will it fit into a single Detolf compartment with both in fighter mode? With the Alpha in battroid mode?
  17. Guys, I had a secondhand valk that David used to own that was well-played with, so I can confirm that he does in fact occasionally take toys out of their boxes and handle them.
  18. I was thinking, it might be a fun idea to have a Macross Display "Best of" or "Hall of Fame". Based on photos posted in this thread, we could nominate folks, and then open a poll to see who would have the top 5 (or 10 or 12 or whatever arbitrary number) votes. We could make a sticky thread for the Toy forum that showed off the collections we have voted as being best of the best.
  19. I've read conflicting reports on air contact w.r.t. to yellowing -- some saying that keeping the toy in sealed in its box prevents yellowing due to lack of contact with the outside air, others saying the opposite, that leaving it sealed in its box without any circulation will cause it to yellow.
  20. Seriously Plastik, I think your display is one of my favorites that I've seen on this forum. I love how it's not cluttered and you can get a good view of each piece, and the figures are (mostly) thematically arranged.
  21. For Macross merchandise, it's not impossible to find a decent deal on eBay (especially if it's a domestic seller, auction-style listing with a low starting bid). However, a lot of the "buy it now" or "best offer" listings are overpriced IMO. You can get much better deals on the sales threads here, or buying from places like Mandarake or Yahoo Japan -- even after accounting for international shipping and proxy fees. To give you an idea, I bought a secondhand (but MISB) Bandai VF-25F last year for about 18,200 yen, which included EMS shipping. That's roughly $180 USD. eBay regularly lists these for $250 to $300, and sometimes even higher.
  22. This looks great. It also sorta looks like what would happen if Apple designed a VF-1.
  23. We're more likely to see 1/60 DX Chogokin VF-1 line from Bandai than a reissue of the Hi-Metals...
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