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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. I think it means that the item is available for purchase in their bricks-and-mortar store as well as online. Basically it serves to warn you that there's a small possibility that someone could have bought it from the store before their system has had a chance to update the online listings. I think that's why they have a two-step ordering process where they have to confirm that the item is in stock before they ask you to pay.
  2. Anyone besides me that just likes the look of the VF-25 without all the extra add-on parts? I think out of all the add-on sets, the only one I could see myself getting are the standard super parts. There's just way too much going on with the armor parts set and tornado parts. It reminds of those 90's Japanese arcade shooters like R-Type or Raiden with all the power-ups.
  3. Toynami's management, at least when it comes to Robotech, is an utter trainwreck. Robotech is a 30 year old property and its primary fans and purchasers of merchandise are rapidly-approaching-middle aged men. The type of products they release need to reflect that. Instead, they push out a crap-ton of cutesy, cheap, disposable kiddie toys. That might work if Robotech were still on the general public's radar and kids today still watched it. But nobody knows what it is except for the hardcore fanbase that is largely over 30. It's like they don't even know who their customers are.
  4. Sorry, I just realized I didn't read your original question properly before responding. I thought it was a generic question and didn't realize it was directed specifically at the cannon fodders.
  5. It's not a bad price. I purchased a Max 1J for about 7000 yen a while back. The Max 1J was a web exclusive, so theoretically it should fetch a higher price.
  6. Arcadia DYRL valks are bright white, about the same as the Yamato TV valks. Yamato DYRL valks are off-white.
  7. I have been saying for a while now that I don't really expect too much more could be improved on the V2 VF-1, but one little touch that I think would make a nice difference is covering the screw holes. Great job on that.
  8. I meant that a smaller toy should be less expensive than a larger one, sheesh! Bunch of smart alecks in here.
  9. This. I'd like to see a release of a TV SDF-1 as much as the next guy, but even if this was a TV SDF-1, 7500 yen for 11 cm is a pass for me. I know most collectors think $$$ = size, at least to a degree, and so a smaller toy should cost less than a more expensive one. I wonder if the design and manufacturing costs for a smaller scale toy don't scale in the way in the way we think it should. I could see it being as expensive, or even more expensive, to design and manufacture a small toy with a good level of detail since its probably more difficult to pack features into a smaller space. Making a small scale toy that can transform probably also presents its own set of challenges, translating to more cost. That might explain why toys like the Bandai Hi-Metal were not that much cheaper than a Yamato V2 1/60, even though it was much smaller.
  10. The lowest I saw was HLJs black Friday sale... I think it was somewhere around 27,000 yen if I recall. But that was for a limited time.
  11. QFT. I would add that displaying certain pairings/groupings also adds to your purchases. You can't just display a Max or Milia 1J without the other, so you need to pick up both (or sell the one you have like I did). I just completed TV Vermilion squad, because Hikaru and Max just looked so weird by themselves without Kakizaki. If I could ever find one at a reasonable price, I'd like to pick up a VF-1D to display with my TV VF-1S to recreate the scene from the first few episodes of SDFM.
  12. Amusing usage of Hot Toys: http://skvoe.tumblr.com/
  13. The Yamato valks are great, but I find that that the Hi-Metal battroid mode is just a bit better. Better articulation in the hips and feet let you get some more extreme poses. And the head is properly positioned relative to the chest -- no priest collar like in the Yamato.
  14. There are also some quasi-pragmatic reasons to buy additional valks. If you buy a nice display cabinet or book case to display your toys, but find you don't have large enough of a collection, you leave big empty spaces that look unattractive. Also, I'm big on symmetry, so sometimes I'll get a toy so it can fill a spot that I think will help balance the look of the display. I don't have a very big collection compared to some on this board, but I've managed to get almost all of the "must have" items for me. At this point I'm mainly picking up stuff that I think will fill out some holes in my display, and/or stuff that I can pick up at a bargain.
  15. Does anyone know who produced the box art for the old Takatoku toys? I know that they are based on line art that has been used across a variety of different licensed products, but the distinctive shading and coloring of the VF-1 art that appeared on the Takatoku boxes was always my favorite rendering.
  16. I liked the VF-25 design because it felt like a respectful homage to the VF-1, while introducing just enough new design elements to make it interesting. The YF-29 was definitely more of an acquired taste. I think the Alto and Focker paint schemes really just didn't do it for me -- felt too much like a hot rod and not enough like a fighter plane. I think the more understated Isamu colors are much more flattering for the design, and that's ultimately what tipped the scales into make it a purchase.
  17. What was weird about that scene was that they started out in 1As, but at the end when Max's pilot pops out of the battroid's head, you can clearly see that he's in a 1J.
  18. I finally took the plunge and pre-ordered one of these. If you could have heard my internal monologue over the past year, it would have sounded something like this: "Meh, I don't even like the YF-19 design anyway. Thought it looked like a flying turkey when I saw it in the anime." "I'm not fond of the YF-19 design, but that battroid mode looks pretty sweet." "You know, the YF-19 design is actually not bad... the fighter mode even looks kinda sleek." "I kinda like the YF-19 design, but the Arcadia release is pretty pricey... eh, I'll just order my YF-29 and get my Isamu fix." "Oh wow, look at those prototype pictures." "Hmm... my YF-29 looks kinda lonely in the Detolf... needs something else." "Screw it, where the pre-order link?!?"
  19. Mandarake is legit, IMO. Everything I've purchased from them has been either MISB or MIB. They appear to have collectors in mind and thus grade conservatively. For example, I've ordered several valks from them where the box was described as "damaged". Upon arrival, I discovered a few light scratches and maybe a dinged corner. If there is any actual damage to the toy itself, the listing will usually mention it. For all intents and purposes, whenever I order from them I basically assume that I'm going to get a like-new item, and I've never not have that be the case. The only thing that I find odd about them is that there can be great variability in pricing. Most cases you get pretty good deals, but every now and then they post something with a crazy price. Anytime I've e-mailed them, I've gotten a response within 24 hours. Not bad when you factor in the time difference.
  20. This. When you check out at Mandarake, they give you the option of cancelling your order if the item is not available. So they account for the fact that someone else could have bought the item of interest at the store. It seems that their inventory system does not automatically update the website when an in-person transaction takes place.
  21. My first and only experience using NY was pre-ordering my YF-29. It went without any problems. My order shipped on 12/26, which was pretty much right after the release, and I got it last week. The only minor nitpick is that it took 4 weeks to get to me, but that was not their fault as I had chosen SAL for shipping which can take a while. Mandarake also has quite a few YF-29s and VF-25Fs available for decent prices... might want to check there. I purchased my VF-25F last year from them for 15,000 MISB. They primarily deal in secondhand goods, but they often have MISB items, and even their unsealed items are usually MIB.
  22. Was that the one listed for 8000 yen? Not in the market for a Roy 1S, but thought that was a great deal.
  23. FYI: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33093&p=1098241
  24. For what it's worth -- I received my YF-29 Isamu in the mail today. It took almost 4 weeks total to get to here. One thing to note is that the Japanese tracking page stopped showing any updates once it left Japan. The USPS tracking page didn't show anything until today, and by that time it had already been delivered. The only update before that was the status showing it had left Japan. So basically, the tracking is pretty worthless... it's just enough to tell you that it's en route.
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