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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. Beagle, the company that made the original toys, is defunct. Unless Toynami managed to get ahold of the molds, no chance of a re-release.
  2. I usually see new listings in the morning, which I assume means that they are putting them up during their normal daytime business hours.
  3. If it's a reissue, why would they need to do CADs? I would assume they would just fire up the molds again. Unless he just did it to tease.
  4. Is the MP Grimlock actually available in decent numbers at the stores? Quite honestly, after the ridiculousness I had to go through to get a MP Prime, I'm done playing the game of calling up 5 different TRU stores or checking the TRU website every day hoping they'll put it up for sale before taking it down after 20 minutes. I'd rather try my luck scoring a reasonable deal on the aftermarket than wasting all that time again. No toy is worth that amount of frustration.
  5. I think I saw Benson offering a Robotech MPC Scott Bernard Cyclone in his for trade thread. It says he wants Yamato V2s, and since you have like 4 of everything you must have something he wants. :-)
  6. Got my super parts today today. After waiting three weeks for the YF-29 via SAL shipping and not knowing when it was going to show up, I went for EMS this time around. Haven't had time to put them on and mess with them, but I was able to open up the package and do a visual inspection. Everything looks good so far, no indications of any defects. After the YF-19 wing debacles, I no longer take it for granted that these things will arrive at my doorstep in one piece.
  7. I think they are going with something similar in this show too. There's a bit in the trailer where the STAR Lab guys are talking about the costume and saying it's made of some special high tech material that can withstand high speeds. I thought the suit looked clunky when I first saw photos of it, and still think it looks clunky. But honestly, that extended trailer looks promising so I'm willing to forgive a less-than-stellar costume if the show delivers in every other way.
  8. This x1000. I love my collectibles, and take steps to take care for them, but at the end of the day nothing lasts forever. Whenever I buy toys, comics, books, or other collectibles, I do so with the understanding that I will enjoy them for a time, but it's entirely possible that one day they will go up in smoke or crumble into a pile of dust. And if I'm not ok with that then maybe I shouldn't buy them.
  9. Glad to hear that you got some justice for your trouble. As a collector, and as expensive as these things are, I was upset for you.
  10. Is this refund for your broken YF-19?
  11. Good luck finding one Hazray... I remember trying to track one down last year and had a heck of a time finding one. Finally managed to score one off Mandarake for a decent price. You'd think it'd be easier to find considering it's a main hero valk.
  12. Actually, the actress at the end talking about Maria Hill was Waverly's mom from Joy Luck Club, not Ming Na's.
  13. Black Widow was born in 1984. The KGB broke up in 1991. So she was seven years old. I don't see a problem here. It's Black Widow. You think she perfected all those deadly spy skillz as an adult?
  14. I found one for you. It even has free shipping! http://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Climber-Mospeada-VR-052T-Scale/dp/B001U3Y2M8/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1398264928&sr=8-12&keywords=robotech+cyclone
  15. Dark of the Moon actually gave me a headache -- a real, physical response. I had to go lay down after seeing that movie. I was also not a fan of how they portrayed Prime in that movie -- he came off as a violent soldier-type, rather than the benevolent and protective leader he was originally portrayed as. I mean, what's next, they're gonna start making Superman a killer? Oh wait...
  16. You know what makes it even more ridiculous -- Mandarake charged more for that Matchbox VF-1S than they did for some Yamato/Arcadia transforming VFs.
  17. *EDIT* Never mind, it's already been posted! This would be more appropriate for the "auctions of great absurdity" thread...
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