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Everything posted by easnoddy

  1. I think I'm through 49. The bridge light assembly is a PITA to put into the gray housing unit. I had to end up gluing fiber-optics INTO the cylindrical housings that go into the unit. And the lights are HELLA BRIGHT! 2nd pic to see light bleed (fix during build if you can).
  2. Bandai really sacrificed fighter for battroid (and mainly the legs at that). The Bandai is more akin to the Yamato 1/72 version. Overall I think the Yamato 1/60 looks better across all modes.
  3. Started picking up some of the Universe figs (Wing and Deathscythe). Only interested in a few series (Wing, 08th MS Team, 0080, 0083 mainly...possibly 0079). No interest in Unicorn. I think they hit the spot for $20. ABS, decent accessories, good size, solid build. I wish they were consistent in coloring the yellow within the series... the wing has gold accents and the deathscythe has yellow, but it's weapons are a nice silver. 3rd wave will have Sandrock, Strike (I think) and the Ez-8. I think they're really going for the right part of the US market, nostalgia for the Toonami-era shows particularly. I was considering getting the HCM Pro or Robot Spirits versions of the figures got a long time but these figures are cheaper, simpler and larger and in-store convenient. Not a fan of polystyrene either, so no gunpla for me. They're a total win for me (and the first gundams I've bought in nearly a decade).
  4. My only gripe about the movie is that it felt like it was already kinda done in Pitch Black and it was also done in The Silence.
  5. I liked season 2 a lot...until episode 8. Then IMO it turned to crap. Spoilers.... The mom creates a mutiny (for a good reason), it sorta works and they take the space ship into an atmosphere but it kinda fails also and then is allowed to walk off the bridge and get in a GM Ball to do something or.other (saving her kids or something? I got so annoyed I kinda stopped paying attention to exactly what was happening). Eps 9 and 10 were bad also, because they had to deal with what happened in 8. They save one alien which pisses off a bunch of other aliens? Then we suddenly get a villain? IMO It was JJ/Rian Star Wars level crap writing at that point. I'm hoping all the other Jupiters were destroyed by the alien ships and this show is done.
  6. Disappointing to be sure
  7. His law of surprise was intentionally vague. If they had found a coin previously but didn't know it...that might be what he gets... but they suddenly found out shes pregnant and he says "frakk". Cause destiny.
  8. Of the battle fortresses after DYRL, the only one I like is the Elysion. Not a fan of Battle 7 or the Quarter personally. I don't like the non-integrated main canon.
  9. Just noticed the DYRL cockpit doesn't have a HUD.
  10. You know, Bandai did a good job with the DX VF-1J Hikaru stand, why they decided to go with the regular DX stand for the rest of the releases boggles the mind. Its such an ugly stand for such a handsome product.
  11. Drill out the peg and get a revoltech replacement joint it looks like?
  12. easnoddy

    Bye Yamcadia?

    I'm going to list my Arcadia VF-1S Hikaru Strike soon. The DX outshines it too much. WIll keep the HMR and the DX for now.
  13. Sounds like we need some shapeways replacements.
  14. Oh, that sucks. I've been using Tamiya Extra thin cement. It's worked very well thus far. I will probably work to put paper between panels to help reduce light bleed this weekend.
  15. Agreed it shouldn't cost so much. But SO MUCH is wasted on packaging/materials for each piece. I'd say the Yamato is definitely a $1K+ kit even if it was in a single box. Just so much diecast and very limited release. I'm over 1/3 completed now and she certainly is a beauty. Still need to have a couple hours to fix a couple small things.
  16. Interesting, so Chief Hopper was kidnapped by the Soviets in 1985, taken to Russia where after being exposed to some inter-dimensional energy he gains super powers and becomes Red Guardian. Then we see Eleven work her way into the MCU.
  17. If they say so. Regarding the pilot size...heres a comparison of the 1/48 DX Max pilot vs an HMR Dougram pilot. I think the HMR Dougrams are around 1/60 scale. Does anyone have a Yamato 1/48 pilot to compare to the DX?
  18. Disagreed about the ET being in any way better than the HMR. One exception...its bigger. Its truly a terrible toy. The Bandai DX Macross7 toys (1995) are much better toys than the ET VF-2.
  19. Interesting that Bandai did this with the HMR and the DX. I guess the TV VF-1 is a different size than the DYRL VF-1.
  20. No info from NY for me yet. Bad form considering they marked up their own product. As long as they refund my preorder money, I'm good. Did they refund people for the VF-31A fiasco? If not I'll be in contact with AMEX.
  21. With NY, always choose to pay in yen. In USD they wanted $497. After my 3.5% discount I paid $432. The yen vs dollar savings was like $50 USD.
  22. Yeah, I was surprised by the NY payment request also. I guess ive always paid up front for their preorders.
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