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Everything posted by Renato

  1. As I remember, "Robotech Academy" was the working title for the N64 (or rather, "Ultra64"!) "Crystal Dreams" game.
  2. Technically, it was "officially" released nationwide on July 21st. It's just that some in Osaka and Nagoya got to see it early on the 7th due to a special preview campaign or something. Anyway, that's sort of cool because my wife's birthday is on the 7th and mine is the 22nd. Anyway, here is a radio broadcast from the time of the movie, "Macross Minna-de-culture!" Starring Shammy, Vanessa and Kim. www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3279404
  3. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! Boinger, I appreciate all your suggestions. That's definitely a lot of material to cover, but it can be done. I especially would like to talk about "Macross: Final Outpost: Earth" since there is actually some info out there in Japanese and also Gwyn has been bugging me to do a "proper" retrospective on Ishiguro's life and works for the longest time. Plenty of intersting things to talk about.
  4. Macross30 is definitely more than just worth chicking out, I can't imagine any Macross fan not loving it. It is really, really well made. Totally worth buying a console for. A bunch of us recorded an informative podcast about it which should be going up at some point....
  5. Well, if anyone has any more questions we're happy to try and ♪ light the light... ♪
  6. Giant multicoloured robots shooting pew-pew lasers? Cheesy? Never!! Oh, and Spanner76 -- No, you do not need to check it out. Trust me. It is awful. Macross30, on the other hand -- you don't know what you're missing. If you're into Macross, it is da bomb. So get a cheapo PS3 now that the PS4 is out and put that sheet in yo.
  7. I believe it's from the opening animation to the PS3 game, "Another Century's Episode R". I could check to make sure, but please don't make me since that animation is literally the best thing about that piece of garbage. Although flying an Orguss is fun for a bit.
  8. Picked up these lovebirds the other day.
  9. What's the point of Hikaru without Arihiro Hase?
  10. Interesting. I had known about some variations before but now that I'm looking at the images I imagine that underneath the Bandai sticker it says either Takatoku or Matsushiro.
  11. Well, I don't know for certain, but if you look at that picture with the bracing arm lowered, notice how far apart the legs are splayed, that may be the only way that arm reaches the ground. I have my doubts that the toy can actually have such a wide stance and still maintain balance, though.
  12. Seems like the third party craze has spread from Transformers to Macross. Let's wait and see if BW and/or Harmony Gold are as lenient as Hasbro/TakaraTomy.
  13. NO TOCAR. Congratulations! Is that the ESP one, though? Something about it looks a little different. So, you were at the 2005 one, too? I was there as well! I was living in Kansai at the time. But I think that the guitar he used there is different to the one in the 2007 Electric Fire concert, because it was supposed to be a headless one where the tuning was done at the bottom, after removing the grey cover. And the head was stuck on with tape, which broke off during Totsugeki Love Heart on the DVD. The 2007 one, unless I'm misremembering, is totally different. It actually has a head and the tuning is done at the top, like the new ESP one.
  14. Could be a licensing thing. Maybe only Bandai has the go-ahead from BW to do metallic Fire Valks. Mr. K does also mention that tolerances would change if they switched to all metallic, and that it would affect fragility.
  15. My point is that sometimes in anime they use simplified colours to represent what the "real" colours should be. Is Minmay supposed to have blue hair, or black? To add even more controversy, Kawamori in fact told them to do the whole valk metallic red, but Mr. K declined, because then it would be too similar to "another company's product", clearly referring to the VF Hi-Metal line by Bandai (or maybe their 15th anniversary chrome 1/100 kit?).
  16. I was actually under the impression that they were always gold. Don't they look gold in the CG model in the opening? A lot of the artwork shows them as gold-like, too (the Bandai 1/144 and 1/100 kits' box art come to mind). Much like how some things in cartoons painted white are actually supposed to be silver in "reality".
  17. Regarding the ankes -- in the blog post that Reivaj linked to, Mr K explains that he is trying to get the factory to improve the tolerances. It is just not feasible to do a whole ankle re-design. He also mentions that the canopy will also have a yellow tint of sorts. I find this weird because never once has the Fire Valk been depicted that way that I can recall. Another issue is just how accurately the Chinese factory will be able to recreate the Fire Bomber characters' faces in mass production remains to be seen. If the results are not satisfactory, they may have to forgo the painting of the facial features. For reference, my helmet-less Isamu pilot from the Arcadia YF-19 has a big splodge on the side of his face where the paint for the hair overran. We shall see.
  18. It's not just Doraemon. I can spot Kiteretsu and Perman are also in there, so it's more of a Fujiko F. Fujio combiner. I can't wait for the Osamu Tezuka combiner, that thing would be awesome!!
  19. Yeah, it's the plant planet one. In general, 演出 means "performance", but as a credit it basically means director for a particular episode, while the actual "Director" (監督) credit is given to the person in charge of production overall, so Watanabe is the "General/overall Director" (総監督) and Shingo Natsume is "Director" of the show. Basically, every episode has a different "director" (演出 guy).
  20. Can anyone please tweet Mr. K and tell him that if they're going with gold instead of yellow, then it makes sense to make the mouth silver, instead of white? I think that's reasonable, no?
  21. I disagree, I think the issue is in design. Die-cast ball joints will always, always become loose. It's just a matter of time. So this needs to be redesigned. I'd rather they not use them at all. The old YF-19 and VF-11s and VF1s had ratcheted joints and I do not remember a single person asking for die-cast ball joints. Sure, poses have the *potential* to look better, but that's only when the joints are stiff enough to hold them.
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